70,491 research outputs found

    Metrics to Support Open Source Software Adoption Decisions

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    Toward Data-Driven Discovery of Software Vulnerabilities

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    Over the years, Software Engineering, as a discipline, has recognized the potential for engineers to make mistakes and has incorporated processes to prevent such mistakes from becoming exploitable vulnerabilities. These processes span the spectrum from using unit/integration/fuzz testing, static/dynamic/hybrid analysis, and (automatic) patching to discover instances of vulnerabilities to leveraging data mining and machine learning to collect metrics that characterize attributes indicative of vulnerabilities. Among these processes, metrics have the potential to uncover systemic problems in the product, process, or people that could lead to vulnerabilities being introduced, rather than identifying specific instances of vulnerabilities. The insights from metrics can be used to support developers and managers in making decisions to improve the product, process, and/or people with the goal of engineering secure software. Despite empirical evidence of metrics\u27 association with historical software vulnerabilities, their adoption in the software development industry has been limited. The level of granularity at which the metrics are defined, the high false positive rate from models that use the metrics as explanatory variables, and, more importantly, the difficulty in deriving actionable intelligence from the metrics are often cited as factors that inhibit metrics\u27 adoption in practice. Our research vision is to assist software engineers in building secure software by providing a technique that generates scientific, interpretable, and actionable feedback on security as the software evolves. In this dissertation, we present our approach toward achieving this vision through (1) systematization of vulnerability discovery metrics literature, (2) unsupervised generation of metrics-informed security feedback, and (3) continuous developer-in-the-loop improvement of the feedback. We systematically reviewed the literature to enumerate metrics that have been proposed and/or evaluated to be indicative of vulnerabilities in software and to identify the validation criteria used to assess the decision-informing ability of these metrics. In addition to enumerating the metrics, we implemented a subset of these metrics as containerized microservices. We collected the metric values from six large open-source projects and assessed metrics\u27 generalizability across projects, application domains, and programming languages. We then used an unsupervised approach from literature to compute threshold values for each metric and assessed the thresholds\u27 ability to classify risk from historical vulnerabilities. We used the metrics\u27 values, thresholds, and interpretation to provide developers natural language feedback on security as they contributed changes and used a survey to assess their perception of the feedback. We initiated an open dialogue to gain an insight into their expectations from such feedback. In response to developer comments, we assessed the effectiveness of an existing vulnerability discovery approach—static analysis—and that of vulnerability discovery metrics in identifying risk from vulnerability contributing commits

    Towards guidelines for building a business case and gathering evidence of software reference architectures in industry

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    Background: Software reference architectures are becoming widely adopted by organizations that need to support the design and maintenance of software applications of a shared domain. For organizations that plan to adopt this architecture-centric approach, it becomes fundamental to know the return on investment and to understand how software reference architectures are designed, maintained, and used. Unfortunately, there is little evidence-based support to help organizations with these challenges. Methods: We have conducted action research in an industry-academia collaboration between the GESSI research group and everis, a multinational IT consulting firm based in Spain. Results: The results from such collaboration are being packaged in order to create guidelines that could be used in similar contexts as the one of everis. The main result of this paper is the construction of empirically-grounded guidelines that support organizations to decide on the adoption of software reference architectures and to gather evidence to improve RA-related practices. Conclusions: The created guidelines could be used by other organizations outside of our industry-academia collaboration. With this goal in mind, we describe the guidelines in detail for their use.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Making of Cloud Applications An Empirical Study on Software Development for the Cloud

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    Cloud computing is gaining more and more traction as a deployment and provisioning model for software. While a large body of research already covers how to optimally operate a cloud system, we still lack insights into how professional software engineers actually use clouds, and how the cloud impacts development practices. This paper reports on the first systematic study on how software developers build applications in the cloud. We conducted a mixed-method study, consisting of qualitative interviews of 25 professional developers and a quantitative survey with 294 responses. Our results show that adopting the cloud has a profound impact throughout the software development process, as well as on how developers utilize tools and data in their daily work. Among other things, we found that (1) developers need better means to anticipate runtime problems and rigorously define metrics for improved fault localization and (2) the cloud offers an abundance of operational data, however, developers still often rely on their experience and intuition rather than utilizing metrics. From our findings, we extracted a set of guidelines for cloud development and identified challenges for researchers and tool vendors

    Towards a reference framework for open source software adoption

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    Nowadays, the use of Open Source Software (OSS) components has become a driver for the primary and secondary information technology (IT) sector, among other factors, by the openness and innovation benefits that can give to the organizations, regardless of its business model and activities' nature. Nevertheless, IT companies and organizations still face numerous difficulties and challenges when making the strategic move to OSS. OSS is aligned with new challenges, which mainly derive from the way OSS is produced and the culture and values of OSS communities. In fact, OSS adoption impacts far beyond technology, because it requires a change in the organizational culture and reshaping IT decision-makers mindset. Therefore, this research work proposes a framework to support OSS adopters (i.e., software-related organizations that develop software and/or offer services relate to software) to analyze and evaluate the impact of adopting OSS as part of their software products and/or services offered to their customers/users, mainly in terms of their software related activities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Product line architecture recovery with outlier filtering in software families: the Apo-Games case study

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    Software product line (SPL) approach has been widely adopted to achieve systematic reuse in families of software products. Despite its benefits, developing an SPL from scratch requires high up-front investment. Because of that, organizations commonly create product variants with opportunistic reuse approaches (e.g., copy-and-paste or clone-and-own). However, maintenance and evolution of a large number of product variants is a challenging task. In this context, a family of products developed opportunistically is a good starting point to adopt SPLs, known as extractive approach for SPL adoption. One of the initial phases of the extractive approach is the recovery and definition of a product line architecture (PLA) based on existing software variants, to support variant derivation and also to allow the customization according to customers’ needs. The problem of defining a PLA from existing system variants is that some variants can become highly unrelated to their predecessors, known as outlier variants. The inclusion of outlier variants in the PLA recovery leads to additional effort and noise in the common structure and complicates architectural decisions. In this work, we present an automatic approach to identify and filter outlier variants during the recovery and definition of PLAs. Our approach identifies the minimum subset of cross-product architectural information for an effective PLA recovery. To evaluate our approach, we focus on real-world variants of the Apo-Games family. We recover a PLA taking as input 34 Apo-Game variants developed by using opportunistic reuse. The results provided evidence that our automatic approach is able to identify and filter outlier variants, allowing to eliminate exclusive packages and classes without removing the whole variant. We consider that the recovered PLA can help domain experts to take informed decisions to support SPL adoption.This research was partially funded by INES 2.0; CNPq grants 465614/2014-0 and 408356/2018-9; and FAPESB grants JCB0060/2016 and BOL2443/201

    An Exploratory Study of Patient Falls

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    Debate continues between the contribution of education level and clinical expertise in the nursing practice environment. Research suggests a link between Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurses and positive patient outcomes such as lower mortality, decreased falls, and fewer medication errors. Purpose: To examine if there a negative correlation between patient falls and the level of nurse education at an urban hospital located in Midwest Illinois during the years 2010-2014? Methods: A retrospective crosssectional cohort analysis was conducted using data from the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) from the years 2010-2014. Sample: Inpatients aged ≥ 18 years who experienced a unintentional sudden descent, with or without injury that resulted in the patient striking the floor or object and occurred on inpatient nursing units. Results: The regression model was constructed with annual patient falls as the dependent variable and formal education and a log transformed variable for percentage of certified nurses as the independent variables. The model overall is a good fit, F (2,22) = 9.014, p = .001, adj. R2 = .40. Conclusion: Annual patient falls will decrease by increasing the number of nurses with baccalaureate degrees and/or certifications from a professional nursing board-governing body

    <i>Trace++</i>: A Traceability Approach for Agile Software Engineering

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    Agile methodologies have been introduced as an alternative to traditional software engineering methodologies. However, despite the advantages of using agile methodologies, the transition between traditional and agile methodologies is not an easy task. There are several problems associated with the use of agile methodologies. Examples of these problems are related to (i) lack of metrics to measure the amount of rework that occurs per sprint, (ii) interruption of a project after several iterations, (iii) changes in the requirements, (iv) lack of documentation, and (v) lack of management control. In this paper we present Trace++, a traceability technique that extends traditional traceability relationships with extra information in order to support the transition between traditional and agile software development. The use of Trace++ has been evaluated in two real projects of different software development companies to measure the benefits of using Trace++ to support agile software development

    Pull and Push: Strengthening Demand for Innovation in Education

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    Examines policy, information, and cultural barriers that minimize the "demand pull" for educational innovation. Calls for encouraging early adopters, bolstering smart adoption, providing better information, and rewarding productivity improvements
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