13,226 research outputs found

    PDDL2.1: An extension of PDDL for expressing temporal planning domains

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    In recent years research in the planning community has moved increasingly towards application of planners to realistic problems involving both time and many types of resources. For example, interest in planning demonstrated by the space research community has inspired work in observation scheduling, planetary rover ex ploration and spacecraft control domains. Other temporal and resource-intensive domains including logistics planning, plant control and manufacturing have also helped to focus the community on the modelling and reasoning issues that must be confronted to make planning technology meet the challenges of application. The International Planning Competitions have acted as an important motivating force behind the progress that has been made in planning since 1998. The third competition (held in 2002) set the planning community the challenge of handling time and numeric resources. This necessitated the development of a modelling language capable of expressing temporal and numeric properties of planning domains. In this paper we describe the language, PDDL2.1, that was used in the competition. We describe the syntax of the language, its formal semantics and the validation of concurrent plans. We observe that PDDL2.1 has considerable modelling power --- exceeding the capabilities of current planning technology --- and presents a number of important challenges to the research community

    Real-time and Probabilistic Temporal Logics: An Overview

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    Over the last two decades, there has been an extensive study on logical formalisms for specifying and verifying real-time systems. Temporal logics have been an important research subject within this direction. Although numerous logics have been introduced for the formal specification of real-time and complex systems, an up to date comprehensive analysis of these logics does not exist in the literature. In this paper we analyse real-time and probabilistic temporal logics which have been widely used in this field. We extrapolate the notions of decidability, axiomatizability, expressiveness, model checking, etc. for each logic analysed. We also provide a comparison of features of the temporal logics discussed

    Model Checking Classes of Metric LTL Properties of Object-Oriented Real-Time Maude Specifications

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    This paper presents a transformational approach for model checking two important classes of metric temporal logic (MTL) properties, namely, bounded response and minimum separation, for nonhierarchical object-oriented Real-Time Maude specifications. We prove the correctness of our model checking algorithms, which terminate under reasonable non-Zeno-ness assumptions when the reachable state space is finite. These new model checking features have been integrated into Real-Time Maude, and are used to analyze a network of medical devices and a 4-way traffic intersection system.Comment: In Proceedings RTRTS 2010, arXiv:1009.398

    Algorithms for Game Metrics

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    Simulation and bisimulation metrics for stochastic systems provide a quantitative generalization of the classical simulation and bisimulation relations. These metrics capture the similarity of states with respect to quantitative specifications written in the quantitative {\mu}-calculus and related probabilistic logics. We first show that the metrics provide a bound for the difference in long-run average and discounted average behavior across states, indicating that the metrics can be used both in system verification, and in performance evaluation. For turn-based games and MDPs, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for the computation of the one-step metric distance between states. The algorithm is based on linear programming; it improves on the previous known exponential-time algorithm based on a reduction to the theory of reals. We then present PSPACE algorithms for both the decision problem and the problem of approximating the metric distance between two states, matching the best known algorithms for Markov chains. For the bisimulation kernel of the metric our algorithm works in time O(n^4) for both turn-based games and MDPs; improving the previously best known O(n^9\cdot log(n)) time algorithm for MDPs. For a concurrent game G, we show that computing the exact distance between states is at least as hard as computing the value of concurrent reachability games and the square-root-sum problem in computational geometry. We show that checking whether the metric distance is bounded by a rational r, can be done via a reduction to the theory of real closed fields, involving a formula with three quantifier alternations, yielding O(|G|^O(|G|^5)) time complexity, improving the previously known reduction, which yielded O(|G|^O(|G|^7)) time complexity. These algorithms can be iterated to approximate the metrics using binary search.Comment: 27 pages. Full version of the paper accepted at FSTTCS 200

    Fluent temporal logic for discrete-time event-based models

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    Fluent model checking is an automated technique for verifying that an event-based operational model satisfies some state-based declarative properties. The link between the event-based and state-based formalisms is defined through fluents which are state predicates whose value are determined by the occurrences of initiating and terminating events that make the fluents values become true or false, respectively. The existing fluent temporal logic is convenient for reasoning about untimed event-based models but difficult to use for timed models. The paper extends fluent temporal logic with temporal operators for modelling timed properties of discrete-time event-based models. It presents two approaches that differ on whether the properties model the system state after the occurrence of each event or at a fixed time rate. Model checking of timed properties is made possible by translating them into the existing untimed framework. Copyright 2005 ACM

    Expressing the Behavior of Three Very Different Concurrent Systems by Using Natural Extensions of Separation Logic

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    Separation Logic is a non-classical logic used to verify pointer-intensive code. In this paper, however, we show that Separation Logic, along with its natural extensions, can also be used as a specification language for concurrent-system design. To do so, we express the behavior of three very different concurrent systems: a Subway, a Stopwatch, and a 2x2 Switch. The Subway is originally implemented in LUSTRE, the Stopwatch in Esterel, and the 2x2 Switch in Bluespec