16 research outputs found

    Metric and latticial medians

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    This paper presents the -linked- notions of metric and latticial medians and it explains what is the median procedure for the consensus problems, in particular in the case of the aggregation of linear orders. First we consider the medians of a v-tuple of arbitrary or particular binary relations.. Then we study in depth the difficult (in fact NP-difficult) problem of finding the median orders of a profile of linear orders. More generally, we consider the medians of v-tuples of elements of a semilattice and we describe the median semilattices, i.e. the semilattices were medians are easily computable.Ce texte présente les notions -reliées- de médianes métriques et latticielles et explique le rôle de la procédure médiane dans les problèmes de consensus, notamment dans le cas de l'agrégation d'ordres totaux.. Après avoir étudié les médianes d'un v-uple de relations binaires arbitraires ou particulières, on étudie en détail le problème -difficile (NP-difficile)- d'obtention des ordres médians d'un profil d'ordres totaux. Plus généralement on considère les médianes de v-uples d'éléments d'un demi-treillis (ou d'un treillis) et l'on décrit les demi-treillis à médianes,i.e. ceux où l'obtention des médianes est aisée

    Lattices of choice functions and consensus problems

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    . In this paper we consider the three classes of choice functionssatisfying the three significant axioms called heredity (H), concordance (C) and outcast (O). We show that the set of choice functions satisfying any one of these axioms is a lattice, and we study the properties of these lattices. The lattice of choice functions satisfying (H) is distributive, whereas the lattice of choice functions verifying (C) is atomistic and lower bounded, and so has many properties. On the contrary, the lattice of choice functions satisfying(O) is not even ranked. Then using results of the axiomatic and metric latticial theories of consensus as well as the properties of our three lattices of choice functions, we get results to aggregate profiles of such choice functions into one (or several) collective choice function(s).Aggregation, choice function, concordance, consensus, distance, distributive, heredity, lattice, outcast

    Consensus theories: an oriented survey

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    This article surveys seven directions of consensus theories: Arrowian results, federation consensus rules, metric consensus rules, tournament solutions, restricted domains, abstract consensus theories, algorithmic and complexity issues. This survey is oriented in the sense that it is mainly – but not exclusively – concentrated on the most significant results obtained, sometimes with other searchers, by a team of French searchers who are or were full or associate members of the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS).Consensus theories ; Arrowian results ; aggregation rules ; metric consensus rules ; median ; tournament solutions ; restricted domains ; lower valuations ; median semilattice ; complexity

    Lattices of choice functions and consensus problems

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    . In this paper we consider the three classes of choice functionssatisfying the three significant axioms called heredity (H), concordance (C) and outcast (O). We show that the set of choice functions satisfying any one of these axioms is a lattice, and we study the properties of these lattices. The lattice of choice functions satisfying (H) is distributive, whereas the lattice of choice functions verifying (C) is atomistic and lower bounded, and so has many properties. On the contrary, the lattice of choice functions satisfying(O) is not even ranked. Then using results of the axiomatic and metric latticial theories of consensus as well as the properties of our three lattices of choice functions, we get results to aggregate profiles of such choice functions into one (or several) collective choice function(s).Dans ce texte nous étudions les trois classes de fonctions de choix vérifiant les trois importantes propriétés d'hérédité (H), concordance (C) et «outcast» (O). Nous montrons que chacune de ces classes est un treillis dont nous étudions les propriétés. Le treillis des fonctions de choix vérifiant (H) est distributif, tandis que celui des fonctions de choix vérifiant (C) est atomistique et borné inférieurement ce qui lui confére de nombreuses autre propriétés. Par contre, le treillis des fonctions de choix vérifiant (O) n'est pas même rangé. Utilisant ensuite des résultats des théories axiomatiques et métriques du consensus ainsi que les propriétés de nos trois treillis, nous obtenons des résultats sur l'agrégation de fonctions de choix individuelles appartenant à ces classes en une (ou plusieurs) fonctions de choix collective(s

    Consensus theories: an oriented survey

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/cesdp2010.htmlDocuments de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2010.57 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis article surveys seven directions of consensus theories: Arrowian results, federation consensus rules, metric consensus rules, tournament solutions, restricted domains, abstract consensus theories, algorithmic and complexity issues. This survey is oriented in the sense that it is mainly – but not exclusively – concentrated on the most significant results obtained, sometimes with other searchers, by a team of French searchers who are or were full or associate members of the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS).Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble de sept directions de recherche en théorie du consensus : résultats arrowiens, règles d'agrégation définies au moyen de fédérations, règles définies au moyen de distances, solutions de tournoi, domaines restreints, théories abstraites du consensus, questions de complexité et d'algorithmique. Ce panorama est orienté dans la mesure où il présente principalement – mais non exclusivement – les travaux les plus significatifs obtenus – quelquefois avec d'autres chercheurs – par une équipe de chercheurs français qui sont – ou ont été – membres pléniers ou associés du Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociale (CAMS)

    Publications de Jean-Pierre Barthélemy

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    Guilbaud's 1952 theorem on the logical problem of aggregation

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    In a paper published in 1952, shortly after publication of Arrow's celebrated impossibility result, the French mathematicien Georges-Théodule Guilbaud has obtained a dictatorship result for the logical problem of aggregation, thus anticipating the literature on abstract aggregation theory and judgment aggregation. We reconstruct the proof of Guilbaud's theorem, which is also of technical interest, because it can be seen as the first use of ultrafilters in social choice theory.Aggregation ; judgment aggregation ; logical connectives ; simple game ; ultrafilter

    Overview of the Relational Analysis approach in Data-Mining and Multi-criteria Decision Making

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    International audienceIn this chapter we introduce a general framework called the Relational Analysis approach and its related contributions and applications in the fields of data analysis, data mining and multi-criteria decision making. This approach was initiated by J.F. Marcotorchino and P. Michaud at the end of the 70's and has generated many research activities. However, the aspects of this framework that we would like to focus on are of a theoretical kind. Indeed, we are aimed at recalling the background and the basics of this framework, the unifying results and the modeling contributions that it has allowed to achieve. Besides, the main tasks that we are interested in are the ranking aggregation problem, the clustering problem and the block seriation problem. Those problems are combinatorial ones and the computational considerations of such tasks in the context of the RA methodology will not be covered. However, among the list of references that we give thoughout this chapter, there are numerous articles that the interested reader could consult to this end