41 research outputs found

    Numerical Modeling of Magnetic Field Deformation as Related to Susceptibility Measured with an MR System

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    The possibility is studied of numerical modeling of magnetic field deformations in the environment of measured diamagnetic and paramagnetic samples for the purposes of studying magnetic resonance (MR) image deformations owing to the susceptibility of heterogeneous materials (objects). The verification was realized using a simple sample configuration (circular plate), and the numerically modeled cross-sections were compared with the experimentally obtained values of the magnetic field measured by the MR gradient echo technology. The results show that it is possible – via a technical calculation – to determine a magnetic field deformation in the environment of complex-shaped or non-homogeneous structures in the MR experiments

    Control of a magnetic microrobot navigating in microfluidic arterial bifurcations through pulsatile and viscous flow

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    International audienceNavigating in bodily fluids to perform targeted diagnosis and therapy has recently raised the problem of robust control of magnetic microrobots under real endovascular conditions. Various control approaches have been proposed in the literature but few of them have been experimentally validated. In this paper, we point out the problem of navigation controllability of magnetic microrobots in high viscous fluids and under pulsatile flow for endovascular applications. We consider the experimental navigation along a desired trajectory, in a simplified millimeter-sized arterial bifurcation, operating in fluids at the low-Reynolds-number regime where viscous drag significantly dominates over inertia. Different viscosity environments are tested (ranging from 100\% water-to-100\% glycerol) under a systolic pulsatile flow compatible with heart beating. The control performances in terms tracking, robustness and stability are then experimentally demonstrated

    Magnetic nanoparticle density mapping from the magnetically induced displacement data: a simulation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Magnetic nanoparticles are gaining great roles in biomedical applications as targeted drug delivery agents or targeted imaging contrast agents. In the magnetic nanoparticle applications, quantification of the nanoparticle density deposited in a specified region is of great importance for evaluating the delivery of the drugs or the contrast agents to the targeted tissues. We introduce a method for estimating the nanoparticle density from the displacement of tissues caused by the external magnetic field.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We can exert magnetic force to the magnetic nanoparticles residing in a living subject by applying magnetic gradient field to them. The nanoparticles under the external magnetic field then exert force to the nearby tissues causing displacement of the tissues. The displacement field induced by the nanoparticles under the external magnetic field is governed by the Navier's equation. We use an approximation method to get the inverse solution of the Navier's equation which represents the magnetic nanoparticle density map when the magnetic nanoparticles are mechanically coupled with the surrounding tissues. To produce the external magnetic field inside a living subject, we propose a coil configuration, the Helmholtz and Maxwell coil pair, that is capable of generating uniform magnetic gradient field. We have estimated the coil currents that can induce measurable displacement in soft tissues through finite element method (FEM) analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the displacement data obtained from FEM analysis of a soft-tissue-mimicking phantom, we have calculated nanoparticle density maps. We obtained the magnetic nanoparticle density maps by approximating the Navier's equation to the Laplacian of the displacement field. The calculated density maps match well to the original density maps, but with some halo artifacts around the high density area. To induce measurable displacement in the living tissues with the proposed coil configuration, we need to apply the coil currents as big as 10<sup>4</sup>A.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We can obtain magnetic nanoparticle maps from the magnetically induced displacement data by approximating the Navier's equation under the assumption of uniform-gradient of the external magnetic field. However, developing a coil driving system with the capacity of up to 10<sup>4</sup>A should be a great technical challenge.</p

    Optimal trajectory for a microrobot navigating in blood vessels

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    Nonlinear modeling and robust controller-observer for a magnetic microrobot in a fluidic environment using MRI gradients

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    International audienceThis paper reports the use of a MRI device to pull a magnetic microrobot inside a vessel and control its trajectory. The bead subjected to magnetic and hydrodynamic forces is first modeled as a nonlinear control system. Then, a backstepping approach is discussed in order to synthesize a feedback law ensuring the stability along the controlled trajectory. We show that this control law, combined with a high gain observer, provides good tracking performances and robustness to measurement noise as well as to some matched uncertainties

    Dynamic behavior investigation for trajectory control of a microrobot in blood vessels

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    Combining Pulsed and DC Gradients in a Clinical MRI-Based Microrobotic Platform to Guide Therapeutic Magnetic Agents in the Vascular Network

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    Magnetic Resonance Navigation (MRN) relies on the use of an upgraded clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner to navigate therapeutic, imaging, or diagnostic magnetic micro-agents in the vascular network. Although the high homogeneous field in the tunnel of the MRI scanner increases the magnetization of the navigable agents towards full saturation, the magnetic gradients superposed on such a high homogeneous field, generated by the Imaging Gradient Coils (IGC) typically used for MR-image slice selection, allow the induction of pulling forces to steer such agents in the targeted branches at the vessel's bifurcations. However, increasing the magnitude of such gradients leads to a significant decrease of the duty cycle, leading to a substantial reduction of the effective steering force being applied. To increase such a duty cycle, a Steering Gradient Coils (SGC) assembly capable of higher magnitudes while maintaining a 100% duty cycle can be installed at the cost of a much slower slew rate. Here, the use and the potential effectiveness of IGC and/or SGC for guiding such agents are briefly investigated on the basis of known specifications and experimental data

    MRI Upgrades at Radiology Associates

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    Problem Statement: The MRI machines at Radiology Associates are limiting the company’s ability to expand and compete within the local market. After discussing with technicians and managers at Radiology Associates, we decided to focus on hardware and software upgrades for the MRI machines. With 2 of the 3 locations purchasing new machines in the near future, our focus was on upgrades at the Santa Maria facility. The two machines at this location needed hardware and/or software upgrades to remain on par competitively both within the company and with local scanning options. Flexible coils are beneficial in terms of size, weight, and both patient/technician experience. They are significantly lighter and smaller than their traditional, out-of-box counterparts.The flexible nature also allows for increased patient comfort and, potentially, image quality. Rejection rates may decrease as well. Several economic models were created to give decision makers of Radiology Associates options: rent, purchase, rent + purchase, etc. Based on this, we recommend renting the set of flexible coils for 1 year, then purchasing. This option provides the highest rate of returns taking into account learning curve and adjustment periods. The software upgrades that are proposed include cardiac imaging and blood sensitive imaging of the brain. Cardiac imaging would be a new exam type since this type of imaging is not currently offered. Both machines in Santa Maria are capable of cardiac imaging with the proposed upgrades. The blood sensitive imaging is available for the Hitachi Oasis and would help diagnose PTSD, brain hemorrhaging and strokes

    Achieving commutation control of an MRI-powered robot actuator

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    Actuators that are powered, imaged, and controlled by magnetic resonance (MR) scanners could inexpensively provide wireless control of MR-guided robots. Similar to traditional electric motors, the MR scanner acts as the stator and generates propulsive torques on an actuator rotor containing one or more ferrous particles. Generating maximum motor torque while avoiding instabilities and slippage requires closed-loop control of the electromagnetic field gradients, i.e., commutation. Accurately estimating the position and velocity of the rotor is essential for high-speed control, which is a challenge due to the low refresh rate and high latency associated with MR signal acquisition. This paper proposes and demonstrates a method for closed-loop commutation based on interleaving pulse sequences for rotor imaging and rotor propulsion. This approach is shown to increase motor torque and velocity, eliminate rotor slip, and enable regulation of rotor angle. Experiments with a closed-loop MR imaging actuator produced a maximum force of 9.4 N

    Optimized shapes of magnetic arrays for drug targeting applications

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    Arrays of permanent magnet elements have been utilized as light-weight, inexpensive sources for applying external magnetic fields in magnetic drug targeting applications, but they are extremely limited in the range of depths over which they can apply useful magnetic forces. In this paper, designs for optimized magnet arrays are presented, which were generated using an optimization routine to maximize the magnetic force available from an arbitrary arrangement of magnetized elements, depending on a set of design parameters including the depth of targeting (up to 50mm from the magnet) and direction of force required. A method for assembling arrays in practice is considered, quantifying the difficulty of assembly and suggesting a means for easing this difficulty without a significant compromise to the applied field or force. Finite element simulations of in vitro magnetic retention experiments were run to demonstrate the capability of a subset of arrays to retain magnetic microparticles against flow. The results suggest that, depending on the choice of array, a useful proportion of particles (more than 10%) could be retained at flow velocities up to 100 mm/s or to depths as far as 50mm from the magnet. Finally, the optimization routine was used to generate a design for a Halbach array optimized to deliver magnetic force to a depth of 50mm inside the brain