12 research outputs found

    Particle interactions mediated by dynamical networks: assessment of macroscopic descriptions

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    We provide a numerical study of the macroscopic model of [3] derived from an agent-based model for a system of particles interacting through a dynamical network of links. Assuming that the network remodelling process is very fast, the macroscopic model takes the form of a single aggregation diffusion equation for the density of particles. The theoretical study of the macroscopic model gives precise criteria for the phase transitions of the steady states, and in the 1-dimensional case, we show numerically that the stationary solutions of the microscopic model undergo the same phase transitions and bifurcation types as the macroscopic model. In the 2-dimensional case, we show that the numerical simulations of the macroscopic model are in excellent agreement with the predicted theoretical values. This study provides a partial validation of the formal derivation of the macroscopic model from a microscopic formulation and shows that the former is a consistent approximation of an underlying particle dynamics, making it a powerful tool for the modelling of dynamical networks at a large scale

    Zoology of a non-local cross-diffusion model for two species

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    We study a non-local two species cross-interaction model with cross-diffusion. We propose a positivity preserving finite volume scheme based on the numerical method introduced in Ref. [15] and explore this new model numerically in terms of its long-time behaviours. Using the so gained insights, we compute analytical stationary states and travelling pulse solutions for a particular model in the case of attractive-attractive/attractive-repulsive cross-interactions. We show that, as the strength of the cross-diffusivity decreases, there is a transition from adjacent solutions to completely segregated densities, and we compute the threshold analytically for attractive-repulsive cross-interactions. Other bifurcating stationary states with various coexistence components of the support are analysed in the attractive-attractive case. We find a strong agreement between the numerically and the analytically computed steady states in these particular cases, whose main qualitative features are also present for more general potentials

    Coupled McKean-Vlasov diffusions: wellposedness, propagation of chaos and invariant measures

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    In this paper, we study a two-species model in the form of a coupled system of nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDEs) that arises from a variety of applications such as aggregation of biological cells and pedestrian movements. The evolution of each process is influenced by four different forces, namely an external force, a self-interacting force, a cross-interacting force and a stochastic noise where the two interactions depend on the laws of the two processes. We also consider a many-particle system and a (nonlinear) partial differential equation (PDE) system that associate to the model. We prove the wellposedness of the SDEs, the propagation of chaos of the particle system, and the existence and (non)-uniqueness of invariant measures of the PDE system.Comment: 35 pages. Comments are welcom

    Continuum dynamics of the intention field under weakly cohesive social interaction

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    We investigate the long-time dynamics of an opinion formation model inspired by a work by Borghesi, Bouchaud and Jensen. First, we derive a Fokker–Planck-type equation under the assumption that interactions between individuals produce little consensus of opinion (grazing collision approximation). Second, we study conditions under which the Fokker–Planck equation has non-trivial equilibria and derive the macroscopic limit (corresponding to the long-time dynamics and spatially localized interactions) for the evolution of the mean opinion. Finally, we compare two different types of interaction rates: the original one given in the work of Borghesi, Bouchaud and Jensen (symmetric binary interactions) and one inspired from works by Motsch and Tadmor (non-symmetric binary interactions). We show that the first case leads to a conservative model for the density of the mean opinion whereas the second case leads to a non-conservative equation. We also show that the speed at which consensus is reached asymptotically for these two rates has fairly different density dependence

    Aggregation-diffusion equations: dynamics, asymptotics, and singular limits

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    Given a large ensemble of interacting particles, driven by nonlocal interactions and localized repulsion, the mean-field limit leads to a class of nonlocal, nonlinear partial differential equations known as aggregation-diffusion equations. Over the past fifteen years, aggregation-diffusion equations have become widespread in biological applications and have also attracted significant mathematical interest, due to their competing forces at different length scales. These competing forces lead to rich dynamics, including symmetrization, stabilization, and metastability, as well as sharp dichotomies separating well-posedness from finite time blowup. In the present work, we review known analytical results for aggregation-diffusion equations and consider singular limits of these equations, including the slow diffusion limit, which leads to the constrained aggregation equation, as well as localized aggregation and vanishing diffusion limits, which lead to metastability behavior. We also review the range of numerical methods available for simulating solutions, with special attention devoted to recent advances in deterministic particle methods. We close by applying such a method -- the blob method for diffusion -- to showcase key properties of the dynamics of aggregation-diffusion equations and related singular limits