5 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable absorptive and polarization conversion metasurface consistent for wide angles of incidence

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    In this paper, a single-layer reconfigurable reflective metasurface is presented. The proposed metasurface operates at 5.4 GHz and can achieve either absorption or cross-polarization conversion corresponding at two different diode biasing states. The reflective metasurface acts as an absorber for an incident wave when the diodes are forward-biased. Similarly, it changes the polarization state of the reflected wave for a linearly polarized incident wave when the diodes are reverse-biased. The proposed structure maintains the aforementioned performance characteristics for oblique incidence, up to 60° compared to the perpendicular incidence. The proposed metasurface can achieve linear to linear polarization conversion with polarization conversion ratio (PCR) > 95% and absorption, with absorption ratio (AR) > 80% in the same frequency band just by reconfiguring the state of the PIN diodes

    T-coercivity for the asymptotic analysis of scalar problems with sign-changing coefficients in thin periodic domains

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    International audienceWe study a scalar problem in thin periodic composite media formed by two materials, a classical one and a metamaterial (also known as negative material). By applying T-coercivity methods and homogenization techniques specific to the thin periodic domains under consideration, for two geometric settings, we derive the homogenized limit problems, which both exhibit dimension-reduction effects

    Recent Advances in Linear and Nonlinear Optics

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    Sight is the dominant sense of mankind to apprehend the world at the earth scale and beyond the frontiers of the infinite, from the nanometer to the incommensurable. Primarily based on sunlight and natural and artificial light sources, optics has been the major companion of spectroscopy since scientific observation began. The invention of the laser in the early sixties has boosted optical spectroscopy through the intrinsic or specific symmetry electronic properties of materials at the multiscale (birefringence, nonlinear and photonic crystals), revealed by the ability to monitor light polarization inside or on the surface of designed objects. This Special Issue of Symmetry features articles and reviews that are of tremendous interest to scientists who study linear and nonlinear optics, all oriented around the common axis of symmetry. Contributions transverse the entire breadth of this field, including those concerning polarization and anisotropy within colloids of chromophores and metal/semiconducting nanoparticles probed by UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopies; microscopic structures of liquid–liquid, liquid–gas, and liquid–solid interfaces; surface- and symmetry-specific optical techniques and simulations, including second-harmonic and sum-frequency generations, and surface-enhanced and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopies; orientation and chirality of bio-molecular interfaces; symmetry breaking in photochemistry; symmetric multipolar molecules; reversible electronic energy transfer within supramolecular systems; plasmonics; and light polarization effects in materials

    Metamaterials - Devices and Applications

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    Metamaterials have become one of the most important emerging technologies in the scientific community due to its unusual electromagnetic properties. Consequently, during the last years, a huge deal of efforts has been concentrated in order to design functional components and devices based on metamaterials for many potential applications. The main objective of this book is to present in-depth analysis of the theory, properties, and realizations of novel devices that could be integrated within modern and future communication systems. The book contains 11 chapters written by acknowledged experts, researchers, academics, and microwave engineers, providing comprehensive information and covering a wide range of topics on several aspects of microwaves and optics, including polarization conversion, asymmetric transmission, transmission lines, filters, plasmonic lenses, tunable metamaterials, light manipulation, absorbers, and antennas, among others. This book is suitable for scholars from large scientific domain and therefore given to engineers, scientists, graduates, and other interested professionals as a reference on these artificial materials of tomorrow