4 research outputs found

    Metabolic pathway alignment between species using a comprehensive and flexible similarity measure

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    Comparative analysis of metabolic networks in multiple species yields important information on their evolution, and has great practical value in metabolic engineering, human disease analysis, drug design etc. In this work, we aim to systematically search for conserved pathways in two species, quantify their similarities, and focus on the variations between themElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Sarcopenia como enfermedad endocrinológica

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    Se presenta una revisión de los aspectos endocrinológicos de la Sarcopenia, estado patológico que afecta mayormente a las personas de la tercera edad y que se caracteriza por la pérdida degenerativa de la masa muscular y la fuerza muscular asociada con el envejecimiento y que es un componente principal del síndrome de fragilidad del anciano. En base al principio de que en los organismos multicelulares y multórganos células se comunican unas con otras -lo que se conoce como señales celulares- y es el proceso biológico que regula las actividades celulares básicas y coordina su función, controlando y regulando todas las actividades celulares incluyendo su división, proliferación, diferenciación y apoptosis, básicamente dependiendo de la regulación de la síntesis de proteínas y el metabolismo energético individual de cada célula en los tejidos específicos, por tanto la Sarcopenia tiene que estar necesariamente asociada a déficit de la nutrición o a trastornos neuro-endocrinos o a la asociación de ambos fenómenos que aparecen con la edad cronológica.  Los factores endocrinológicos constituyen el objetivo fundamental de la investigación médica en Sarcopenia,  sentido se destaca la Insulina que por sus características constituye la mayor esperanza de intervención efectiva igualmente la Testosterona, la Hormona del Crecimiento, y la Hormonas Tiroideas constituyen también esperanzas para la solución de este estado patológico del envejecimiento. La Vit. D  aparece con una categoría importante por su efecto universal en el organismo humano y su estrecha relación con la biología del musculo. Se concluye que los trastornos endocrinos pudieran el componente etiopatogénico fundamental de la Sarcopenia asociado o no con la desnutrición

    Topology of molecular interaction networks

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    Abstract Molecular interactions are often represented as network models which have become the common language of many areas of biology. Graphs serve as convenient mathematical representations of network models and have themselves become objects of study. Their topology has been intensively researched over the last decade after evidence was found that they share underlying design principles with many other types of networks. Initial studies suggested that molecular interaction network topology is related to biological function and evolution. However, further whole-network analyses did not lead to a unified view on what this relation may look like, with conclusions highly dependent on the type of molecular interactions considered and the metrics used to study them. It is unclear whether global network topology drives function, as suggested by some researchers, or whether it is simply a byproduct of evolution or even an artefact of representing complex molecular interaction networks as graphs. Nevertheless, network biology has progressed significantly over the last years. We review the literature, focusing on two major developments. First, realizing that molecular interaction networks can be naturally decomposed into subsystems (such as modules and pathways), topology is increasingly studied locally rather than globally. Second, there is a move from a descriptive approach to a predictive one: rather than correlating biological network 1 topology to generic properties such as robustness, it is used to predict specific functions or phenotypes. Taken together, this change in focus from globally descriptive to locally predictive points to new avenues of research. In particular, multi-scale approaches are developments promising to drive the study of molecular interaction networks further

    Metabolic Network Based Gene Essentiality Analysis

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