14 research outputs found

    Laboratory Automation: Precision Insertion with Adaptive Fingers utilizing Contact through Sliding with Tactile-based Pose Estimation

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    Micro well-plates are commonly used apparatus in chemical and biological experiments that are a few centimeters in thickness with wells in them. The task we aim to solve is to place (insert) them onto a well-plate holder with grooves a few millimeters in height. Our insertion task has the following facets: 1) There is uncertainty in the detection of the position and pose of the well-plate and well-plate holder, 2) the accuracy required is in the order of millimeter to sub-millimeter, 3) the well-plate holder is not fastened, and moves with external force, 4) the groove is shallow, and 5) the width of the groove is small. Addressing these challenges, we developed a) an adaptive finger gripper with accurate detection of finger position (for (1)), b) grasped object pose estimation using tactile sensors (for (1)), c) a method to insert the well-plate into the target holder by sliding the well-plate while maintaining contact with the edge of the holder (for (2-4)), and d) estimating the orientation of the edge and aligning the well-plate so that the holder does not move when maintaining contact with the edge (for (5)). We show a significantly high success rate on the insertion task of the well-plate, even though under added noise. An accompanying video is available at the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxyJ3XIxqXPnHcpfw-PYs5T5oYQxoc6i/view?usp=sharingComment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Towards Generalized Robot Assembly through Compliance-Enabled Contact Formations

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    Contact can be conceptualized as a set of constraints imposed on two bodies that are interacting with one another in some way. The nature of a contact, whether a point, line, or surface, dictates how these bodies are able to move with respect to one another given a force, and a set of contacts can provide either partial or full constraint on a body's motion. Decades of work have explored how to explicitly estimate the location of a contact and its dynamics, e.g., frictional properties, but investigated methods have been computationally expensive and there often exists significant uncertainty in the final calculation. This has affected further advancements in contact-rich tasks that are seemingly simple to humans, such as generalized peg-in-hole insertions. In this work, instead of explicitly estimating the individual contact dynamics between an object and its hole, we approach this problem by investigating compliance-enabled contact formations. More formally, contact formations are defined according to the constraints imposed on an object's available degrees-of-freedom. Rather than estimating individual contact positions, we abstract out this calculation to an implicit representation, allowing the robot to either acquire, maintain, or release constraints on the object during the insertion process, by monitoring forces enacted on the end effector through time. Using a compliant robot, our method is desirable in that we are able to complete industry-relevant insertion tasks of tolerances <0.25mm without prior knowledge of the exact hole location or its orientation. We showcase our method on more generalized insertion tasks, such as commercially available non-cylindrical objects and open world plug tasks

    PolyFit: A Peg-in-hole Assembly Framework for Unseen Polygon Shapes via Sim-to-real Adaptation

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    The study addresses the foundational and challenging task of peg-in-hole assembly in robotics, where misalignments caused by sensor inaccuracies and mechanical errors often result in insertion failures or jamming. This research introduces PolyFit, representing a paradigm shift by transitioning from a reinforcement learning approach to a supervised learning methodology. PolyFit is a Force/Torque (F/T)-based supervised learning framework designed for 5-DoF peg-in-hole assembly. It utilizes F/T data for accurate extrinsic pose estimation and adjusts the peg pose to rectify misalignments. Extensive training in a simulated environment involves a dataset encompassing a diverse range of peg-hole shapes, extrinsic poses, and their corresponding contact F/T readings. To enhance extrinsic pose estimation, a multi-point contact strategy is integrated into the model input, recognizing that identical F/T readings can indicate different poses. The study proposes a sim-to-real adaptation method for real-world application, using a sim-real paired dataset to enable effective generalization to complex and unseen polygon shapes. PolyFit achieves impressive peg-in-hole success rates of 97.3% and 96.3% for seen and unseen shapes in simulations, respectively. Real-world evaluations further demonstrate substantial success rates of 86.7% and 85.0%, highlighting the robustness and adaptability of the proposed method.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Bridging the Sim-to-Real Gap with Dynamic Compliance Tuning for Industrial Insertion

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    Contact-rich manipulation tasks often exhibit a large sim-to-real gap. For instance, industrial assembly tasks frequently involve tight insertions where the clearance is less than 0.10.1 mm and can even be negative when dealing with a deformable receptacle. This narrow clearance leads to complex contact dynamics that are difficult to model accurately in simulation, making it challenging to transfer simulation-learned policies to real-world robots. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for robustly learning manipulation skills for real-world tasks using only the simulated data. Our framework consists of two main components: the ``Force Planner'' and the ``Gain Tuner''. The Force Planner is responsible for planning both the robot motion and desired contact forces, while the Gain Tuner dynamically adjusts the compliance control gains to accurately track the desired contact forces during task execution. The key insight of this work is that by adaptively adjusting the robot's compliance control gains during task execution, we can modulate contact forces in the new environment, thereby generating trajectories similar to those trained in simulation and narrows the sim-to-real gap. Experimental results show that our method, trained in simulation on a generic square peg-and-hole task, can generalize to a variety of real-world insertion tasks involving narrow or even negative clearances, all without requiring any fine-tuning

    Safely Learning Visuo-Tactile Feedback Policies in Real For Industrial Insertion

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    Industrial insertion tasks are often performed repetitively with parts that are subject to tight tolerances and prone to breakage. In this paper, we present a safe method to learn a visuo-tactile insertion policy that is robust against grasp pose variations while minimizing human inputs and collision between the robot and the environment. We achieve this by dividing the insertion task into two phases. In the first align phase, we learn a tactile-based grasp pose estimation model to align the insertion part with the receptacle. In the second insert phase, we learn a vision-based policy to guide the part into the receptacle. Using force-torque sensing, we also develop a safe self-supervised data collection pipeline that limits collision between the part and the surrounding environment. Physical experiments on the USB insertion task from the NIST Assembly Taskboard suggest that our approach can achieve 45/45 insertion successes on 45 different initial grasp poses, improving on two baselines: (1) a behavior cloning agent trained on 50 human insertion demonstrations (1/45) and (2) an online RL policy (TD3) trained in real (0/45)

    Robotic Assembly Control Reconfiguration Based on Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Objects with Different Geometric Features

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    Robotic force-based compliance control is a preferred approach to achieve high-precision assembly tasks. When the geometric features of assembly objects are asymmetric or irregular, reinforcement learning (RL) agents are gradually incorporated into the compliance controller to adapt to complex force-pose mapping which is hard to model analytically. Since force-pose mapping is strongly dependent on geometric features, a compliance controller is only optimal for current geometric features. To reduce the learning cost of assembly objects with different geometric features, this paper is devoted to answering how to reconfigure existing controllers for new assembly objects with different geometric features. In this paper, model-based parameters are first reconfigured based on the proposed Equivalent Theory of Compliance Law (ETCL). Then the RL agent is transferred based on the proposed Weighted Dimensional Policy Distillation (WDPD) method. The experiment results demonstrate that the control reconfiguration method costs less time and achieves better control performance, which confirms the validity of proposed methods