48 research outputs found

    Interactive Message-Locked Encryption and Secure Deduplication

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    This paper considers the problem of secure storage of outsourced data in a way that permits deduplication. We are for the first time able to provide privacy for messages that are both correlated and dependent on the public system parameters. The new ingredient that makes this possible is interaction. We extend the message-locked encryption (MLE) primitive of prior work to interactive message-locked encryption (iMLE) where upload and download are protocols. Our scheme, providing security for messages that are not only correlated but allowed to depend on the public system parameters, is in the standard model. We explain that interaction is not an extra assumption in practice because full, existing deduplication systems are already interactive

    Reliable method for Authorized Deduplication by Using Hybrid Cloud Environment

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    Information deduplication is one of vital data compression procedures for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating information and has been broadly utilized as a part of cloud storage to diminish the measure of storage room and spare transmission capacity .To ensure secrecy of delicate information while supporting deduplication, united encryption system has been proposed to scramble the information before out sourcing. For better assurance of information security , primary endeavor is to formally address the issue of approved information deduplication .Unique in relation to conventional deduplication frameworks ,the proposed security display bolsters differential benefits of clients in copy check other than information itself. A few new deduplication developments are displayed supporting approved copy check in a hybrid cloud environments. Security investigation shows that this plan is secure as far as definitions determined in proposed security demonstrate. As a proof of idea, the usage of a model of the proposed approved copy check conspire and additionally the lead testbed tests utilizing the model causes negligible overhead contrasted with ordinary operations

    Elimination of deduplication and reduce communication overhead in cloud

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    We extend an attribute-based storage system with safe deduplication in a hybrid cloud setting, where a private cloud is accountable for duplicate detection and a public cloud manages the storage. Related with the prior data deduplication systems, our system has two compensations. It can be used to private portion data with users by agreeing access policies slightly distribution of decryption keys. It realizes the typical view of semantic security for data privacy while existing systems only accomplish it by critical and punier security notion. In adding, we set into view an organization to alter a cipher text over one starter policy into cipher texts of the equal plaintext but beneath other starter guidelines deprived of revealing the basic plaintext

    A new deduplication and reduce communication overhead in cloud

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    We exhibited a novel way to deal with understand a property based capacity framework supporting secure deduplication. Our capacity framework is worked under a mixture cloud engineering, where a private cloud controls the calculation and an open cloud deals with the capacity. The private cloud is given a trapdoor key related with the comparing ciphertext, with which it can exchange the ciphertext more than one access strategy into ciphertexts of the equivalent plaintext under some other access approaches without monitoring the fundamental plaintext. Subsequent to accepting a capacity ask for, the private cloud first checks the legitimacy of the transferred thing through the appended evidence. On the off chance that the confirmation is legitimate, the private cloud runs a label coordinating calculation to see whether similar information hidden the ciphertext has been put away. Provided that this is true, at whatever point it is vital, it recovers the ciphertext into a ciphertext of the equivalent plaintext over an entrance approach which is the association set of both access strategies

    Review Paper on Privacy Preservation Techniques in Cloud

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    In this information world, large amounts of data are collected and analyzed every day. Cloud computing is the most known model for supporting large and complex data. Organizations are moving toward cloud computing for getting benefit of its cost reduction and elasticity features but cloud computing has potential risk and vulnerabilities. One of major problem in moving to cloud computing is its security and privacy concerns.Encryption is standalone problem for the security of data stored on the cloud. So we proposed method which combines the concept of encryption along with data deduplication methodology to enhance the privacy of data over cloud. Data deduplication is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data in storage. In turns this technique saves the cost and time associated with redundant accessing and processing of data overhead involve as compared to normal operations.

    A Review on Deduplication-Cost Efficient Method to Store Data Over Cloud Using Convergent Encryption

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    This paper represents that, many techniques are using for the elimination of duplicate copies of repeating data, out of those techniques, the most important data compression technique is data deduplication. Convergent technique has been used to encrypt data before outsourcing for privacy and security point of view. In the proposed system, we apply the technique of cryptographic tuning to make the encryption more secure and flexible. In previous systems, there was a limitation of convergent encryption. Data deduplication does not allow the storage of repetitive blocks. It also puts the pointer to the existing blocks so that the data owner have the freedom of selecting users, to have access to the published file. Access control is provided into the application. The integrity of data outsourced to the cloud is managed by the hash calculation of any content following the proof-of-ownership module. Proposed system calculates the hash value of the data content on both sides i.e.; destination as well as source side. Request hash for the cloud side to predict the tampering of data. The expected analysis shows the improvement in execution time and development cost

    Two Level Security for Cloud Storage with Data Deduplication

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    Cloud computing provides number of services to client over internet. Storage service is one of the important services that people used now days for storing data on network so that they can access their data from anywhere and anytime. With the benefit of storage service there is an issue of security. To overcome security problem the proposed system contain two levels of securities and to reduce the unwanted storage space de-duplication technique is involved. To increase the level of security one technique is a session password. Session passwords can be used only once and every time a new password is generated. To protect the confidentiality of sensitive data while supporting de-duplication, the convergent encryption technique has been proposed to encrypt the data before outsourcing. Symmetric key algorithm uses same key for both encryption and decryption. In this paper, I will focus on session based authentication for login, encryption for files and duplication check for reduce space of storage on cloud. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150612

    Survey on Secure Authorized De-duplication in Hybrid

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    Nowadays, cloud computing provides high amount of storage space and massive parallel computing at effective cost. As cloud computing becomes prevalent, excessive amount of data being stored in the cloud. However, exponential growth of ever-increasing volume of data has raised many new challenges. De-duplication technique is specialized data compression technique which eliminates redundant data as well as improves storage and bandwidth utilization. Convergent encryption technique is proposed to enforce confidentiality during de-duplication, which encrypt data before outsourcing. To better protect data security, we present different privileges of user to address problem of authorized data de-duplication. We also present several new de-duplication constructions supporting authorized duplicate check in hybrid cloud architecture, which incurs minimal overhead compared to normal operation

    Secure Data Deduplication on Hybrid Cloud Storage Architecture

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    Data deduplication is one of the most important Data compression techniques used for to removing the identical copies of repeating data and it is used in the cloud storage for the purpose of reduce the storage space as well as save bandwidth. To retain the confidentiality of sensitive data while supporting the deduplication, to encrypt the data before outsourcing convergent encryption technique has been proposed . This project makes the first attempt to formally address the problem of authorized data deduplication giving better protect data security, Different from the traditional deduplication system, distinctive benefits of the user are further considered the duplicate check besides the data itself. Hybrid cloud architecture having various new deduplication constructions supporting authorized duplicate check. The proposed security models contain the illustration of security analysis scheme. As a proof of concept, contains the implementation framework of proposed authorized duplicate check scheme and conduct experiments using these prototype. In proposed system contain authorized duplicate check scheme sustain minimal overhead compared to normal operations. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15059