2 research outputs found

    Obesity: Impact on Worker Health and Productivity and the Role of the Occupational and Environmental Health Nurse

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    Obesity in the United States (U.S.) is now at epidemic proportions. Approximately 67% of the U.S. population is currently either overweight or obese. Obesity is considered a serious health condition. It is a disease process which threatens to decrease life expectancy which has been increasing annually since 1900. The seriousness of obesity is also more pervasive in younger aged groups as a higher percentage of children and adolescents are becoming overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity are not limited to the U.S. as other industrialized nations are seeing an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obese individuals. Obesity and its associated comorbid conditions are associated with escalating health care costs and increased impact on society due to premature disability and mortality. The financial ramifications associated with obesity in the workplace are astronomical, as approximately 59% of the workforce is either overweight or obese. In addition to health care associated costs, other costs include decreased productivity, presenteeism, absenteeism, short-term disability, early disability, and mortality. The current trend of rising costs associated with obesity will continue to escalate without serious intervention. The plan for intervention should be multi-pronged beginning at the federal level initially, focusing on policies which address solutions to obesity. Incentives for employers to implement wellness programs and programs which target overweight and obese populations are needed. The occupational and environmental health nurse possesses the expertise to assist employers and workers achieve good health outcomes and make strides in overcoming the impact of obesity.Master of Public Healt

    Zrównoważony rozwój – ххі wiek: zarządzanie, technologie, modele. Dyskysje 2016

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    Результати досліджень, що оприлюднені у колективної монографії, були обговорені на Третій міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «Сталий розвиток – ХХІ століття: управління, технології, моделі (наукові читання імені Ігоря Недіна)», яка відбулася 19-20 травня 2016 року в м. Києві.Результаты исследований, опубликованные в коллективной монографии, были обсуждены на Третьей международной научно-практической конференции «Устойчивое развитие – ХХІ века: управление, технологии, модели (научные чтения имени Игоря Недіна)», которая состоялась 19-20 мая 2016 года в г. Киеве.The results of research published in a collective monograph were discussed at the Third International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Development - XXI century: management, technologies, models (scientific name Igor reading Nedina)", which took place 19-20 May 2016 in the city Kiev