2 research outputs found

    Message Authentication Codes Secure against Additively Related-Key Attacks

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    Abstract. Message Authentication Code (MAC) is one of most basic primitives in cryptography. After Biham (EUROCRYPT 1993) and Knudsen (AUSCRYPT 1992) proposed related-key attacks (RKAs), RKAs have damaged MAC’s security. To relieve MAC of RKA distress, Bellare and Cash proposed pseudo-random functions (PRFs) secure against multiplicative RKAs (CRYPTO 2010). They also proposed PRFs secure against additive RKAs, but their reduction requires sub-exponential time. Since PRF directly implies Fixed-Input Length (FIL) MAC, their PRFs result in MACs secure against multiplicative RKAs. In this paper, we proposed Variable-Input Length (VIL) MAC secure against additive RKAs, whose reductions are polynomial time in the security parameter. Our construction stems from MACs from number-theoretic assumptions proposed by Dodis, Kiltz, Pietrzak, Wichs (EUROCRYPT 2012) and public-key encryption schemes secure against additive RKAs proposed by Wee (PKC 2012).

    Super-Strong RKA Secure MAC, PKE and SE from Tag-based Hash Proof System

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    F\mathcal{F}-Related-Key Attacks (RKA) on cryptographic systems consider adversaries who can observe the outcome of a system under not only the original key, say kk, but also related keys f(k)f(k), with ff adaptively chosen from F\mathcal{F} by the adversary. In this paper, we define new RKA security notions for several cryptographic primitives including message authentication code (MAC), public-key encryption (PKE) and symmetric encryption (SE). This new kind of RKA notions are called _super-strong_ RKA securities, which stipulate minimal restrictions on the adversary\u27s forgery or oracle access, thus turn out to be the strongest ones among existing RKA security requirements. We present paradigms for constructing super-strong RKA secure MAC, PKE and SE from a common ingredient, namely _Tag-based Hash Proof System_ (THPS). We also present constructions for THPS based on the kk-Linear and the DCR assumptions. When instantiating our paradigms with concrete THPS constructions, we obtain super-strong RKA secure MAC, PKE and SE schemes for the class of restricted affine functions Fraff\mathcal{F}_{\text{raff}}, of which the class of linear functions Flin\mathcal{F}_{\text{lin}} is a subset. To the best of our knowledge, our MACs, PKEs and SEs are the first ones possessing super-strong RKA securities for a non-claw-free function class Fraff\mathcal{F}_{\text{raff}} in the standard model and under standard assumptions. Our constructions are free of pairing and are as efficient as those proposed in previous works. In particular, the keys, tags of MAC and ciphertexts of PKE & SE all consist of only a constant number of group elements