734 research outputs found

    Non-Malleable Vector Commitments via Local Equivocability

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    Vector commitments (VCs), enabling to commit to a vector and locally reveal any of its entries, play a key role in a variety of both classic and recently-evolving applications. However, security notions for VCs have so far focused on passive attacks, and non-malleability notions considering active attacks have not been explored. Moreover, existing frameworks that may enable to capture the non-malleability of VCs seem either too weak (non-malleable non-interactive commitments that do not account for the security implications of local openings) or too strong (non-malleable zero-knowledge sets that support both membership and non-membership proofs). We put forward a rigorous framework capturing the non-malleability of VCs, striking a careful balance between the existing weaker and stronger frameworks: We strengthen the framework of non-malleable non-interactive commitments by considering attackers that may be exposed to local openings, and we relax the framework of non-malleable zero-knowledge sets by focusing on membership proofs. In addition, we strengthen both frameworks by supporting (inherently-private) updates to entries of committed vectors, and discuss the benefits of non-malleable VCs in the context of both UTXO-based and account-based stateless blockchains, and in the context of simultaneous multi-round auctions (that have been adopted by the US Federal Communications Commission as the standard auction format for selling spectrum ranges). Within our framework we present a direct approach for constructing non-malleable VCs whose efficiency essentially matches that of the existing standard VCs. Specifically, we show that any VC can be transformed into a non-malleable one, relying on a new primitive that we put forth. Our new primitive, locally-equivocable commitments with all-but-one binding, is evidently both conceptually and technically simpler compared to multi-trapdoor mercurial trapdoor commitments (the main building block underlying existing non-malleable zero-knowledge sets), and admits more efficient instantiations based on the same number-theoretic assumptions

    Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators from Simple Assumptions

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    Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators from Simple Assumptions

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    International audienceWe formalize a cryptographic primitive called functional commitment (FC) which can be viewed as a generalization of vector commitments (VCs), polynomial commitments and many other special kinds of commitment schemes. A non-interactive functional commitment allows committing to a message in such a way that the committer has the flexibility of only revealing a function F (M) of the committed message during the opening phase. We provide constructions for the functionality of linear functions, where messages consist of a vectors of n elements over some domain D (e.g., m = (m_1,. .. , m_n) ∈ D_n) and commitments can later be opened to a specific linear function of the vector coordinates. An opening for a function F : D_n → R thus generates a witness for the fact that F (m) indeed evaluates to y ∈ R. One security requirement is called function binding and requires that no adversary be able to open a commitment to two different evaluations y, y for the same function F. We propose a construction of functional commitment for linear functions based on constant-size assumptions in composite order groups endowed with a bilinear map. The construction has commitments and openings of constant size (i.e., independent of n or function description) and is perfectly hiding – the underlying message is information theoretically hidden. Our security proofs builds on the Déjà Q framework of Chase and Meiklejohn (Eurocrypt 2014) and its extension by Wee (TCC 2016) to encryption primitives, thus relying on constant-size subgroup decisional assumptions. We show that the FC for linear functions are sufficiently powerful to solve four open problems. They, first, imply polynomial commitments, and, then, give cryptographic accumulators (i.e., an algebraic hash function which makes it possible to efficiently prove that some input belongs to a hashed set). In particular, specializing our FC construction leads to the first pairing-based polynomial commitments and accumulators for large universes known to achieve security under simple assumptions. We also substantially extend our pairing-based accumulator to handle subset queries which requires a non-trivial extension of the Déjà Q framework

    Updatable, Aggregatable, Succinct Mercurial Vector Commitment from Lattice

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    Vector commitments (VC) and their variants attract a lot of attention due to their wide range of usage in applications such as blockchain and accumulator. Mercurial vector commitment (MVC), as one of the important variants of VC, is the core technique for building more complicated cryptographic applications, such as the zero-knowledge set (ZKS) and zero-knowledge elementary database (ZK-EDB). However, to the best of our knowledge, the only post-quantum MVC construction is trivially implied by a generic framework proposed by Catalano and Fiore (PKC \u2713) with lattice-based components which causes large\textit{large} auxiliary information and cannot satisfy\textit{cannot satisfy} any additional advanced properties, that is, updatable and aggregatable. A major difficulty in constructing a non-black-box\textit{non-black-box} lattice-based MVC is that it is not trivial to construct a lattice-based VC that satisfies a critical property called ``mercurial hiding . In this paper, we identify some specific features of a new falsifiable family of basis-augmented SIS assumption (BASIS\mathsf{BASIS}) proposed by Wee and Wu (EUROCRYPT \u2723) that can be utilized to construct the mercurial vector commitment from lattice satisfying\textit{satisfying} updatability and aggregatability with smaller\textit{smaller} auxiliary information. We first\textit{first} extend stateless update and differential update to the mercurial vector commitment and define a new\textit{new} property, named updatable mercurial hiding. Then, we show how to modify our constructions to obtain the updatable mercurial vector commitment that satisfies these properties. To aggregate the openings, our constructions perfectly inherit the ability to aggregate in the BASIS\mathsf{BASIS} assumption, which can break the limitation of weak\textit{weak} binding in the current aggregatable MVCs. In the end, we show that our constructions can be used to build the various kinds of lattice-based ZKS and ZK-EDB directly within the existing framework

    UC Updatable Databases and Applications

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    We define an ideal functionality \Functionality_{\UD} and a construction \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} for an updatable database (\UD). \UD is a two-party protocol between an updater and a reader. The updater sets the database and updates it at any time throughout the protocol execution. The reader computes zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs of knowledge of database entries. These proofs prove that a value is stored at a certain position in the database, without revealing the position or the value. (Non-)updatable databases are implicitly used as building block in priced oblivious transfer, privacy-preserving billing and other privacy-preserving protocols. Typically, in those protocols the updater signs each database entry, and the reader proves knowledge of a signature on a database entry. Updating the database requires a revocation mechanism to revoke signatures on outdated database entries. Our construction \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} uses a non-hiding vector commitment (NHVC) scheme. The updater maps the database to a vector and commits to the database. This commitment can be updated efficiently at any time without needing a revocation mechanism. ZK proofs for reading a database entry have communication and amortized computation cost independent of the database size. Therefore, \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} is suitable for large databases. We implement \mathrm{\Pi_{\UD}} and our timings show that it is practical. In existing privacy-preserving protocols, a ZK proof of a database entry is intertwined with other tasks, e.g., proving further statements about the value read from the database or the position where it is stored. \Functionality_{\UD} allows us to improve modularity in protocol design by separating those tasks. We show how to use \Functionality_{\UD} as building block of a hybrid protocol along with other functionalities

    Verifiable Order Queries and Order Statistics on a List in Zero-Knowledge

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    Given a list L with n elements, an order query on L asks whether a given element x in L precedes or follows another element y in L. More generally, given a set of m elements from L, an order query asks for the set ordered according to the positions of the elements in L. We introduce two formal models for answering order queries on a list in a verifiable manner and in zero-knowledge. We also present efficient constructions for these models. Our first model, called \emph{zero-knowledge list} (ZKL), generalizes membership queries on a set to order queries on a list in zero-knowledge. We present a construction of ZKL based on zero-knowledge sets and a homomorphic integer commitment scheme. Our second model, \emph{privacy-preserving authenticated list} (PPAL), extends authenticated data structures by adding a zero-knowledge privacy requirement. In this model, a list is outsourced by a trusted owner to an untrusted cloud server, which answers order queries issued by clients. The server also returns a proof of the answer, which is verified by the client using a digest of the list obtained from the owner. PPAL supports the security properties of data integrity against a malicious server and privacy protection against a malicious client. Though PPAL can be implemented using our ZKL construction, this construction is not as efficient as desired in cloud applications. To this end, we present an efficient PPAL construction based on blinded bilinear accumulators and bilinear maps, which is provably secure and zero-knowledge (e.g., hiding even the size of the list). Our PPAL construction uses proofs of O(m)O(m) size and allows the client to verify a proof in O(m)O(m) time.~The owner executes the setup in O(n)O(n) time and space. The server uses O(n)O(n) space to store the list and related authentication information, and takes O(min(mlogn,n))O(\min(m\log n, n)) time to answer a query and generate a proof. Both our ZKL and PPAL constructions have one round of communication and are secure in the random oracle model. Finally, we show that our ZKL and PPAL frameworks can be extended to support fundamental statistical queries (including maximum, minimum, median, threshold and top-t elements) efficiently and in zero-knowledge

    Zero-Knowledge Sets With Short Proofs

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