10 research outputs found

    PiDRAM: A Holistic End-to-end FPGA-based Framework for Processing-in-DRAM

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    Processing-using-memory (PuM) techniques leverage the analog operation of memory cells to perform computation. Several recent works have demonstrated PuM techniques in off-the-shelf DRAM devices. Since DRAM is the dominant memory technology as main memory in current computing systems, these PuM techniques represent an opportunity for alleviating the data movement bottleneck at very low cost. However, system integration of PuM techniques imposes non-trivial challenges that are yet to be solved. Design space exploration of potential solutions to the PuM integration challenges requires appropriate tools to develop necessary hardware and software components. Unfortunately, current specialized DRAM-testing platforms, or system simulators do not provide the flexibility and/or the holistic system view that is necessary to deal with PuM integration challenges. We design and develop PiDRAM, the first flexible end-to-end framework that enables system integration studies and evaluation of real PuM techniques. PiDRAM provides software and hardware components to rapidly integrate PuM techniques across the whole system software and hardware stack (e.g., necessary modifications in the operating system, memory controller). We implement PiDRAM on an FPGA-based platform along with an open-source RISC-V system. Using PiDRAM, we implement and evaluate two state-of-the-art PuM techniques: in-DRAM (i) copy and initialization, (ii) true random number generation. Our results show that the in-memory copy and initialization techniques can improve the performance of bulk copy operations by 12.6x and bulk initialization operations by 14.6x on a real system. Implementing the true random number generator requires only 190 lines of Verilog and 74 lines of C code using PiDRAM's software and hardware components.Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimizatio

    TransPimLib: A Library for Efficient Transcendental Functions on Processing-in-Memory Systems

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    Processing-in-memory (PIM) promises to alleviate the data movement bottleneck in modern computing systems. However, current real-world PIM systems have the inherent disadvantage that their hardware is more constrained than in conventional processors (CPU, GPU), due to the difficulty and cost of building processing elements near or inside the memory. As a result, general-purpose PIM architectures support fairly limited instruction sets and struggle to execute complex operations such as transcendental functions and other hard-to-calculate operations (e.g., square root). These operations are particularly important for some modern workloads, e.g., activation functions in machine learning applications. In order to provide support for transcendental (and other hard-to-calculate) functions in general-purpose PIM systems, we present \emph{TransPimLib}, a library that provides CORDIC-based and LUT-based methods for trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, exponentiation, logarithm, square root, etc. We develop an implementation of TransPimLib for the UPMEM PIM architecture and perform a thorough evaluation of TransPimLib's methods in terms of performance and accuracy, using microbenchmarks and three full workloads (Blackscholes, Sigmoid, Softmax). We open-source all our code and datasets at~\url{https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/transpimlib}.Comment: Our open-source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/transpimli

    DRAM Bender: An Extensible and Versatile FPGA-based Infrastructure to Easily Test State-of-the-art DRAM Chips

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    To understand and improve DRAM performance, reliability, security and energy efficiency, prior works study characteristics of commodity DRAM chips. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art open source infrastructures capable of conducting such studies are obsolete, poorly supported, or difficult to use, or their inflexibility limit the types of studies they can conduct. We propose DRAM Bender, a new FPGA-based infrastructure that enables experimental studies on state-of-the-art DRAM chips. DRAM Bender offers three key features at the same time. First, DRAM Bender enables directly interfacing with a DRAM chip through its low-level interface. This allows users to issue DRAM commands in arbitrary order and with finer-grained time intervals compared to other open source infrastructures. Second, DRAM Bender exposes easy-to-use C++ and Python programming interfaces, allowing users to quickly and easily develop different types of DRAM experiments. Third, DRAM Bender is easily extensible. The modular design of DRAM Bender allows extending it to (i) support existing and emerging DRAM interfaces, and (ii) run on new commercial or custom FPGA boards with little effort. To demonstrate that DRAM Bender is a versatile infrastructure, we conduct three case studies, two of which lead to new observations about the DRAM RowHammer vulnerability. In particular, we show that data patterns supported by DRAM Bender uncovers a larger set of bit-flips on a victim row compared to the data patterns commonly used by prior work. We demonstrate the extensibility of DRAM Bender by implementing it on five different FPGAs with DDR4 and DDR3 support. DRAM Bender is freely and openly available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/DRAM-Bender.Comment: To appear in TCAD 202

    An Experimental Evaluation of Machine Learning Training on a Real Processing-in-Memory System

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    Training machine learning (ML) algorithms is a computationally intensive process, which is frequently memory-bound due to repeatedly accessing large training datasets. As a result, processor-centric systems (e.g., CPU, GPU) suffer from costly data movement between memory units and processing units, which consumes large amounts of energy and execution cycles. Memory-centric computing systems, i.e., with processing-in-memory (PIM) capabilities, can alleviate this data movement bottleneck. Our goal is to understand the potential of modern general-purpose PIM architectures to accelerate ML training. To do so, we (1) implement several representative classic ML algorithms (namely, linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, K-Means clustering) on a real-world general-purpose PIM architecture, (2) rigorously evaluate and characterize them in terms of accuracy, performance and scaling, and (3) compare to their counterpart implementations on CPU and GPU. Our evaluation on a real memory-centric computing system with more than 2500 PIM cores shows that general-purpose PIM architectures can greatly accelerate memory-bound ML workloads, when the necessary operations and datatypes are natively supported by PIM hardware. For example, our PIM implementation of decision tree is 2727\times faster than a state-of-the-art CPU version on an 8-core Intel Xeon, and 1.341.34\times faster than a state-of-the-art GPU version on an NVIDIA A100. Our K-Means clustering on PIM is 2.82.8\times and 3.23.2\times than state-of-the-art CPU and GPU versions, respectively. To our knowledge, our work is the first one to evaluate ML training on a real-world PIM architecture. We conclude with key observations, takeaways, and recommendations that can inspire users of ML workloads, programmers of PIM architectures, and hardware designers & architects of future memory-centric computing systems

    Benchmarking a New Paradigm: An Experimental Analysis of a Real Processing-in-Memory Architecture

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    Many modern workloads, such as neural networks, databases, and graph processing, are fundamentally memory-bound. For such workloads, the data movement between main memory and CPU cores imposes a significant overhead in terms of both latency and energy. A major reason is that this communication happens through a narrow bus with high latency and limited bandwidth, and the low data reuse in memory-bound workloads is insufficient to amortize the cost of main memory access. Fundamentally addressing this data movement bottleneck requires a paradigm where the memory system assumes an active role in computing by integrating processing capabilities. This paradigm is known as processing-in-memory (PIM). Recent research explores different forms of PIM architectures, motivated by the emergence of new 3D-stacked memory technologies that integrate memory with a logic layer where processing elements can be easily placed. Past works evaluate these architectures in simulation or, at best, with simplified hardware prototypes. In contrast, the UPMEM company has designed and manufactured the first publicly-available real-world PIM architecture. This paper provides the first comprehensive analysis of the first publicly-available real-world PIM architecture. We make two key contributions. First, we conduct an experimental characterization of the UPMEM-based PIM system using microbenchmarks to assess various architecture limits such as compute throughput and memory bandwidth, yielding new insights. Second, we present PrIM, a benchmark suite of 16 workloads from different application domains (e.g., linear algebra, databases, graph processing, neural networks, bioinformatics).Comment: Our open source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/prim-benchmark

    A Modern Primer on Processing in Memory

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    Modern computing systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This design choice goes directly against at least three key trends in computing that cause performance, scalability and energy bottlenecks: (1) data access is a key bottleneck as many important applications are increasingly data-intensive, and memory bandwidth and energy do not scale well, (2) energy consumption is a key limiter in almost all computing platforms, especially server and mobile systems, (3) data movement, especially off-chip to on-chip, is very expensive in terms of bandwidth, energy and latency, much more so than computation. These trends are especially severely-felt in the data-intensive server and energy-constrained mobile systems of today. At the same time, conventional memory technology is facing many technology scaling challenges in terms of reliability, energy, and performance. As a result, memory system architects are open to organizing memory in different ways and making it more intelligent, at the expense of higher cost. The emergence of 3D-stacked memory plus logic, the adoption of error correcting codes inside the latest DRAM chips, proliferation of different main memory standards and chips, specialized for different purposes (e.g., graphics, low-power, high bandwidth, low latency), and the necessity of designing new solutions to serious reliability and security issues, such as the RowHammer phenomenon, are an evidence of this trend. This chapter discusses recent research that aims to practically enable computation close to data, an approach we call processing-in-memory (PIM). PIM places computation mechanisms in or near where the data is stored (i.e., inside the memory chips, in the logic layer of 3D-stacked memory, or in the memory controllers), so that data movement between the computation units and memory is reduced or eliminated.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1903.0398

    Memristive devices for computation-in-memory

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    CMOS technology and its continuous scaling have made electronics and computers accessible and affordable for almost everyone on the globe; in addition, they have enabled the solutions of a wide range of societal problems and applications. Today, however, both the technology and the computer architectures are facing severe challenges/walls making them incapable of providing the demanded computing power with tight constraints. This motivates the need for the exploration of novel architectures based on new device technologies; not only to sustain the financial benefit of technology scaling, but also to develop solutions for extremely demanding emerging applications. This paper presents two computation-in-memory based accelerators making use of emerging memristive devices; they are Memristive Vector Processor and RRAM Automata Processor. The preliminary results of these two accelerators show significant improvement in terms of latency, energy and area as compared to today's architectures and design.Accepted author manuscriptComputer Engineerin