35 research outputs found

    Memristive excitable cellular automata

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    The memristor is a device whose resistance changes depending on the polarity and magnitude of a voltage applied to the device's terminals. We design a minimalistic model of a regular network of memristors using structurally-dynamic cellular automata. Each cell gets info about states of its closest neighbours via incoming links. A link can be one 'conductive' or 'non-conductive' states. States of every link are updated depending on states of cells the link connects. Every cell of a memristive automaton takes three states: resting, excited (analog of positive polarity) and refractory (analog of negative polarity). A cell updates its state depending on states of its closest neighbours which are connected to the cell via 'conductive' links. We study behaviour of memristive automata in response to point-wise and spatially extended perturbations, structure of localised excitations coupled with topological defects, interfacial mobile excitations and growth of information pathways.Comment: Accepted to Int J Bifurcation and Chaos (2011

    Phenomenology of retained refractoriness: On semi-memristive discrete media

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    We study two-dimensional cellular automata, each cell takes three states: resting, excited and refractory. A resting cell excites if number of excited neighbours lies in a certain interval (excitation interval). An excited cell become refractory independently on states of its neighbours. A refractory cell returns to a resting state only if the number of excited neighbours belong to recovery interval. The model is an excitable cellular automaton abstraction of a spatially extended semi-memristive medium where a cell's resting state symbolises low-resistance and refractory state high-resistance. The medium is semi-memristive because only transition from high- to low-resistance is controlled by density of local excitation. We present phenomenological classification of the automata behaviour for all possible excitation intervals and recovery intervals. We describe eleven classes of cellular automata with retained refractoriness based on criteria of space-filling ratio, morphological and generative diversity, and types of travelling localisations

    Memristive Learning Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications

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    Memristors are novel non volatile devices that manage to combine storing and processing capabilities in the same physical place.Their nanoscale dimensions and low power consumption enable the further design of various nanoelectronic processing circuits and corresponding computing architectures, like neuromorhpic, in memory, unconventional, etc.One of the possible ways to exploit the memristor's advantages is by combining them with Cellular Automata (CA).CA constitute a well known non von Neumann computing architecture that is based on the local interconnection of simple identical cells forming N-dimensional grids.These local interconnections allow the emergence of global and complex phenomena.In this paper, we propose a hybridization of the CA original definition coupled with memristor based implementation, and, more specifically, we focus on Memristive Learning Cellular Automata (MLCA), which have the ability of learning using also simple identical interconnected cells and taking advantage of the memristor devices inherent variability.The proposed MLCA circuit level implementation is applied on optimal detection of edges in image processing through a series of SPICE simulations, proving its robustness and efficacy

    Chemical Wave Computing from Labware to Electrical Systems

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    Unconventional and, specifically, wave computing has been repeatedly studied in laboratory based experiments by utilizing chemical systems like a thin film of Belousov–Zhabotinsky (BZ) reactions. Nonetheless, the principles demonstrated by this chemical computer were mimicked by mathematical models to enhance the understanding of these systems and enable a more detailedinvestigation of their capacity. As expected, the computerized counterparts of the laboratory based experiments are faster and less expensive. A further step of acceleration in wave-based computingis the development of electrical circuits that imitate the dynamics of chemical computers. A key component of the electrical circuits is the memristor which facilitates the non-linear behavior of the chemical systems. As part of this concept, the road-map of the inspiration from wave-based computing on chemical media towards the implementation of equivalent systems on oscillating memristive circuits was studied here. For illustration reasons, the most straightforward example was demonstrated, namely the approximation of Boolean gates