11 research outputs found

    The Research Field “Modeling Business Information Systems” - Current Challenges and Elements of a Future Research Agenda

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    The research field “Modeling business information systems” has a long tradi- tion in the scientific discipline of Busi- ness and Information Systems Engi- neering (BISE). The present paper high- lights research shaping the research field, discusses challenges impairing the development of the research field in the coming years, and outlines ele- ments of a future research agenda

    Enterprise Architecture - Framework and Methodology for the Design of Architectures in the Large

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    The paper outlines the domains of enterprise architecture and basic requirements of “architectures in the large”. A methodology for the description of enterprise architectures is introduced. It is based on three basic views on architecture. The component view describes the elements of architecture and their relationships. The communication view shows how the elements interact with one another. The distribution view describes how the elements are distributed in terms of location or organizational assignment. Based on the three basic views on architecture, complexity can be reduced and elementary construction principles of the architecture can be highlighted. Key element of architecture design is to account for interdependencies among the building blocks of architecture. Blueprints are introduced as a means in planning the deployment of architecture on a large scale. Blueprints give a comprehensive view on the building blocks and how the interact. They show the effects of architecture design between business, application, and infrastructure architecture. The techniques introduced for architecture design are illustrated by using a selection of real life examples from an architecture design project at Siemens AG

    Managing Change: Business/ IT Alignment and Adaptability of Information Systems

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    The ability to adapt to frequent changes has emerged as a new paradigm for successful business operations. The paper outlines an approach for business/ IT alignment taking organizational transformation into account. A framework for enterprise architecture is introduced which links business - , application -, and infrastructure architecture. Key element of architecture design is to account for interdependencies among the building blocks of architecture. Blueprints give a comprehensive view on the building blocks and how the interact. The criteria and process how to analyse the adaptability of information systems are described. Based on the assessment principal strategies for information system deployment are pointed out. Finally the architecture development process and the main stakeholders and their respective usage of the design techniques are sketched. Keywords: business/ IT alignment, organizational change, adaptability of information systems, enterprise architecture, architecture management, blue prints, architecture development process, stakeholder

    Framework and Reference for Architecture Design

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    The paper outlines the design of enterprise architectures. The architecture design is based on a comprehensive architecture framework which classifies the basic domains of enterprise architecture and lays the ground for architecture description. The description of enterprise architecture is based on three basic views. The component view describes the elements of architecture and their relationships. The communication view shows how the elements interact with one another. The distribution view describes how the elements are distributed in terms of location or organisational assignment. Key element of architecture design is to account for interdependencies among the building blocks of architecture. Blueprints are introduced as a means in planning the deployment of architecture on a large scale. Blueprints give a comprehensive view on the building blocks and how the interact. They show the effects of architecture design between business, application, and infrastructure architecture. The main stakeholders and their respective usage of the design techniques are explained

    Can Science Be Agile?

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    The prevalent believe that Information Systems (IS) research and practice is strongly influenced by fashions, was recently circumstantiated by empirical studies. In our contribution we want to explore the causes that underlie the phenomenon of “fashion imitation”. Some authors indeed mention several potential influencing factors; however, a substantiated analysis of the causal relationship in research processes is lacking in literature. Stimulated by Baskerville and Myers’ recommendation for a more “agile research” we subsequently provide a solid analysis of the problem itself and examine the transferability of the agile concept to the research process. Afterwards we deduce suggestions to optimize the cognitive process in the field of information systems.Die vorherrschende Meinung, dass Forschung und Praxis in der Wirtschaftsinformatik stark von Moden beeinflusst wird, wurde bereits durch empirische Studien belegt. In diesem Arbeitsbericht wollen wir die Ursachen untersuchen, die dem PhĂ€nomen der Modenachahmung unterliegen. In der Literatur finden sich BeitrĂ€ge, die mögliche Einflussfaktoren erwĂ€hnen, jedoch mangelt es an einer fundierten Analyse der kausalen ZusammenhĂ€nge im Forschungsprozess. Angeregt durch die Empfehlungen von Baskerville und Myers Forschung agiler zu machen, analysieren wir zunĂ€chst das Problem der Nachahmung und untersuchen im Anschluss die Übertragbarkeit des agilen Konzepts auf den Forschungsprozess. Abschließend leiten wir VorschlĂ€ge zur Optimierung des Erkenntnisprozesses im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik ab

    Eine systematische Analyse des Einflusses ökologischer Ziele auf das IT-Service-Management

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    IT-Services, wie etwa die Bereitstellung von Suchfunktionen, werden auf Basis einer weltweit verteilten Infrastruktur aus Rechenzentren erstellt. Dies fĂŒhrt dazu, dass Rechenzentren aktuell zu den grĂ¶ĂŸten Energieverbrauchern der Informationstechnik zĂ€hlen. Verfahren zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz bilden bereits den Gegenstand aktueller Forschungsvorhaben, der Fokus liegt allerdings auf infrastrukturnahen AnsĂ€tzen. Methoden zum Management von Rechenzentren wurden bisher nicht oder nur in geringem Umfang auf ihren Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz untersucht. Aus diesem Grund werden am Beispiel der IT-Infrastructure Library (ITIL) – der defacto-Standard fĂŒr IT-Service-Management (ITSM) – die Implikationen aus der BerĂŒcksichtigung ökologischer Ziele fĂŒr die ITSM-Prozesse herausgearbeitet und ökologisch orientierte Erweiterungen eingefĂŒhrt

    11. - 12. MĂ€rz 2010

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