20,404 research outputs found

    Viral processes by random walks on random regular graphs

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    We study the SIR epidemic model with infections carried by kk particles making independent random walks on a random regular graph. Here we assume knϵk\leq n^{\epsilon}, where nn is the number of vertices in the random graph, and ϵ\epsilon is some sufficiently small constant. We give an edge-weighted graph reduction of the dynamics of the process that allows us to apply standard results of Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs on the particle set. In particular, we show how the parameters of the model give two thresholds: In the subcritical regime, O(lnk)O(\ln k) particles are infected. In the supercritical regime, for a constant β(0,1)\beta\in(0,1) determined by the parameters of the model, βk\beta k get infected with probability β\beta, and O(lnk)O(\ln k) get infected with probability (1β)(1-\beta). Finally, there is a regime in which all kk particles are infected. Furthermore, the edge weights give information about when a particle becomes infected. We exploit this to give a completion time of the process for the SI case.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AAP1000 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The end time of SIS epidemics driven by random walks on edge-transitive graphs

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    Network epidemics is a ubiquitous model that can represent different phenomena and finds applications in various domains. Among its various characteristics, a fundamental question concerns the time when an epidemic stops propagating. We investigate this characteristic on a SIS epidemic induced by agents that move according to independent continuous time random walks on a finite graph: Agents can either be infected (I) or susceptible (S), and infection occurs when two agents with different epidemic states meet in a node. After a random recovery time, an infected agent returns to state S and can be infected again. The End of Epidemic (EoE) denotes the first time where all agents are in state S, since after this moment no further infections can occur and the epidemic stops. For the case of two agents on edge-transitive graphs, we characterize EoE as a function of the network structure by relating the Laplace transform of EoE to the Laplace transform of the meeting time of two random walks. Interestingly, this analysis shows a separation between the effect of network structure and epidemic dynamics. We then study the asymptotic behavior of EoE (asymptotically in the size of the graph) under different parameter scalings, identifying regimes where EoE converges in distribution to a proper random variable or to infinity. We also highlight the impact of different graph structures on EoE, characterizing it under complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and rings

    Mean field conditions for coalescing random walks

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    The main results in this paper are about the full coalescence time C\mathsf{C} of a system of coalescing random walks over a finite graph GG. Letting m(G)\mathsf{m}(G) denote the mean meeting time of two such walkers, we give sufficient conditions under which E[C]2m(G)\mathbf{E}[\mathsf{C}]\approx 2\mathsf{m}(G) and C/m(G)\mathsf{C}/\mathsf{m}(G) has approximately the same law as in the "mean field" setting of a large complete graph. One of our theorems is that mean field behavior occurs over all vertex-transitive graphs whose mixing times are much smaller than m(G)\mathsf{m}(G); this nearly solves an open problem of Aldous and Fill and also generalizes results of Cox for discrete tori in d2d\geq2 dimensions. Other results apply to nonreversible walks and also generalize previous theorems of Durrett and Cooper et al. Slight extensions of these results apply to voter model consensus times, which are related to coalescing random walks via duality. Our main proof ideas are a strengthening of the usual approximation of hitting times by exponential random variables, which give results for nonstationary initial states; and a new general set of conditions under which we can prove that the hitting time of a union of sets behaves like a minimum of independent exponentials. In particular, this will show that the first meeting time among kk random walkers has mean \approx\mathsf{m}(G)/\bigl({\matrix{k 2}}\bigr).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOP813 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An Upper Bound on the Convergence Time for Quantized Consensus of Arbitrary Static Graphs

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    We analyze a class of distributed quantized consensus algorithms for arbitrary static networks. In the initial setting, each node in the network has an integer value. Nodes exchange their current estimate of the mean value in the network, and then update their estimation by communicating with their neighbors in a limited capacity channel in an asynchronous clock setting. Eventually, all nodes reach consensus with quantized precision. We analyze the expected convergence time for the general quantized consensus algorithm proposed by Kashyap et al \cite{Kashyap}. We use the theory of electric networks, random walks, and couplings of Markov chains to derive an O(N3logN)O(N^3\log N) upper bound for the expected convergence time on an arbitrary graph of size NN, improving on the state of art bound of O(N5)O(N^5) for quantized consensus algorithms. Our result is not dependent on graph topology. Example of complete graphs is given to show how to extend the analysis to graphs of given topology.Comment: to appear in IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, January, 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.078

    Exact Single-Source SimRank Computation on Large Graphs

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    SimRank is a popular measurement for evaluating the node-to-node similarities based on the graph topology. In recent years, single-source and top-kk SimRank queries have received increasing attention due to their applications in web mining, social network analysis, and spam detection. However, a fundamental obstacle in studying SimRank has been the lack of ground truths. The only exact algorithm, Power Method, is computationally infeasible on graphs with more than 10610^6 nodes. Consequently, no existing work has evaluated the actual trade-offs between query time and accuracy on large real-world graphs. In this paper, we present ExactSim, the first algorithm that computes the exact single-source and top-kk SimRank results on large graphs. With high probability, this algorithm produces ground truths with a rigorous theoretical guarantee. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to demonstrate the efficiency of ExactSim. The results show that ExactSim provides the ground truth for any single-source SimRank query with a precision up to 7 decimal places within a reasonable query time.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 202

    On the coalescence time of reversible random walks

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    Consider a system of coalescing random walks where each individual performs random walk over a finite graph G, or (more generally) evolves according to some reversible Markov chain generator Q. Let C be the first time at which all walkers have coalesced into a single cluster. C is closely related to the consensus time of the voter model for this G or Q. We prove that the expected value of C is at most a constant multiple of the largest hitting time of an element in the state space. This solves a problem posed by Aldous and Fill and gives sharp bounds in many examples, including all vertex-transitive graphs. We also obtain results on the expected time until only k>1 clusters remain. Our proof tools include a new exponential inequality for the meeting time of a reversible Markov chain and a deterministic trajectory, which we believe to be of independent interest.Comment: 29 pages in 11pt font with 3/2 line spacing. v2 has an extra reference and corrects a minor error in the proof of the last claim. To appear in Transactions of the AM