264 research outputs found

    Adaptive sampling-based profiling techniques for optimizing the distributed JVM runtime

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    Extending the standard Java virtual machine (JVM) for cluster-awareness is a transparent approach to scaling out multithreaded Java applications. While this clustering solution is gaining momentum in recent years, efficient runtime support for fine-grained object sharing over the distributed JVM remains a challenge. The system efficiency is strongly connected to the global object sharing profile that determines the overall communication cost. Once the sharing or correlation between threads is known, access locality can be optimized by collocating highly correlated threads via dynamic thread migrations. Although correlation tracking techniques have been studied in some page-based sof Tware DSM systems, they would entail prohibitively high overheads and low accuracy when ported to fine-grained object-based systems. In this paper, we propose a lightweight sampling-based profiling technique for tracking inter-thread sharing. To preserve locality across migrations, we also propose a stack sampling mechanism for profiling the set of objects which are tightly coupled with a migrant thread. Sampling rates in both techniques can vary adaptively to strike a balance between preciseness and overhead. Such adaptive techniques are particularly useful for applications whose sharing patterns could change dynamically. The profiling results can be exploited for effective thread-to-core placement and dynamic load balancing in a distributed object sharing environment. We present the design and preliminary performance result of our distributed JVM with the profiling implemented. Experimental results show that the profiling is able to obtain over 95% accurate global sharing profiles at a cost of only a few percents of execution time increase for fine- to medium- grained applications. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 24th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing (IPDPS 2010), Atlanta, GA., 19-23 April 2010. In Proceedings of the 24th IPDPS, 2010, p. 1-1

    Working Sets Past and Present

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    Ensuring Service Level Agreements for Composite Services by Means of Request Scheduling

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    Building distributed systems according to the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows simplifying the integration process, reducing development costs and increasing scalability, interoperability and openness. SOA endorses the reusability of existing services and aggregating them into new service layers for future recycling. At the same time, the complexity of large service-oriented systems negatively reflects on their behavior in terms of the exhibited Quality of Service. To address this problem this thesis focuses on using request scheduling for meeting Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The special focus is given to composite services specified by means of workflow languages. The proposed solution suggests using two level scheduling: global and local. The global policies assign the response time requirements for component service invocations. The local scheduling policies are responsible for performing request scheduling in order to meet these requirements. The proposed scheduling approach can be deployed without altering the code of the scheduled services, does not require a central point of control and is platform independent. The experiments, conducted using a simulation, were used to study the effectiveness and the feasibility of the proposed scheduling schemes in respect to various deployment requirements. The validity of the simulation was confirmed by comparing its results to the results obtained in experiments with a real-world service. The proposed approach was shown to work well under different traffic conditions and with different types of SLAs

    Swap Fairness for Thrashing Mitigation

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    International audienceThe swap mechanis mallows an operating system to work with more memory than available RAM space, by temporarily flushing some data to disk. However, the system sometimes ends up spending more time swapping data in and out of disk than performing actual computation. This state is called thrashing. Classical strategies against thrashing rely on reducing system load, so as to decrease memory pressure and increase global throughput. Those approaches may however be counterproductive when tricked into advantaging malicious or long-standing processes. This is particularily true in the context of shared hosting or virtualization, where multiple users run uncoordinated and selfish workloads. To address this challenge, we propose an accounting layer that forces swap fairness among processes competing for main memory. It ensures that a process cannot monopolize the swap subsystem by delaying the swap operations of abusive processes, reducing the number of system-wide page faults while maximizing memory utilization

    Staring into the abyss: An evaluation of concurrency control with one thousand cores

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    Computer architectures are moving towards an era dominated by many-core machines with dozens or even hundreds of cores on a single chip. This unprecedented level of on-chip parallelism introduces a new dimension to scalability that current database management systems (DBMSs) were not designed for. In particular, as the number of cores increases, the problem of concurrency control becomes extremely challenging. With hundreds of threads running in parallel, the complexity of coordinating competing accesses to data will likely diminish the gains from increased core counts. To better understand just how unprepared current DBMSs are for future CPU architectures, we performed an evaluation of concurrency control for on-line transaction processing (OLTP) workloads on many-core chips. We implemented seven concurrency control algorithms on a main-memory DBMS and using computer simulations scaled our system to 1024 cores. Our analysis shows that all algorithms fail to scale to this magnitude but for different reasons. In each case, we identify fundamental bottlenecks that are independent of the particular database implementation and argue that even state-of-the-art DBMSs suffer from these limitations. We conclude that rather than pursuing incremental solutions, many-core chips may require a completely redesigned DBMS architecture that is built from ground up and is tightly coupled with the hardware.Intel Corporation (Science and Technology Center for Big Data

    Artificial intelligence driven anomaly detection for big data systems

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    The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the research on automated performance anomaly detection and interference prediction by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions for complex distributed systems, especially for Big Data platforms within cloud computing environments. The late detection and manual resolutions of performance anomalies and system interference in Big Data systems may lead to performance violations and financial penalties. Motivated by this issue, we propose AI-based methodologies for anomaly detection and interference prediction tailored to Big Data and containerized batch platforms to better analyze system performance and effectively utilize computing resources within cloud environments. Therefore, new precise and efficient performance management methods are the key to handling performance anomalies and interference impacts to improve the efficiency of data center resources. The first part of this thesis contributes to performance anomaly detection for in-memory Big Data platforms. We examine the performance of Big Data platforms and justify our choice of selecting the in-memory Apache Spark platform. An artificial neural network-driven methodology is proposed to detect and classify performance anomalies for batch workloads based on the RDD characteristics and operating system monitoring metrics. Our method is evaluated against other popular machine learning algorithms (ML), as well as against four different monitoring datasets. The results prove that our proposed method outperforms other ML methods, typically achieving 98–99% F-scores. Moreover, we prove that a random start instant, a random duration, and overlapped anomalies do not significantly impact the performance of our proposed methodology. The second contribution addresses the challenge of anomaly identification within an in-memory streaming Big Data platform by investigating agile hybrid learning techniques. We develop TRACK (neural neTwoRk Anomaly deteCtion in sparK) and TRACK-Plus, two methods to efficiently train a class of machine learning models for performance anomaly detection using a fixed number of experiments. Our model revolves around using artificial neural networks with Bayesian Optimization (BO) to find the optimal training dataset size and configuration parameters to efficiently train the anomaly detection model to achieve high accuracy. The objective is to accelerate the search process for finding the size of the training dataset, optimizing neural network configurations, and improving the performance of anomaly classification. A validation based on several datasets from a real Apache Spark Streaming system is performed, demonstrating that the proposed methodology can efficiently identify performance anomalies, near-optimal configuration parameters, and a near-optimal training dataset size while reducing the number of experiments up to 75% compared with naïve anomaly detection training. The last contribution overcomes the challenges of predicting completion time of containerized batch jobs and proactively avoiding performance interference by introducing an automated prediction solution to estimate interference among colocated batch jobs within the same computing environment. An AI-driven model is implemented to predict the interference among batch jobs before it occurs within system. Our interference detection model can alleviate and estimate the task slowdown affected by the interference. This model assists the system operators in making an accurate decision to optimize job placement. Our model is agnostic to the business logic internal to each job. Instead, it is learned from system performance data by applying artificial neural networks to establish the completion time prediction of batch jobs within the cloud environments. We compare our model with three other baseline models (queueing-theoretic model, operational analysis, and an empirical method) on historical measurements of job completion time and CPU run-queue size (i.e., the number of active threads in the system). The proposed model captures multithreading, operating system scheduling, sleeping time, and job priorities. A validation based on 4500 experiments based on the DaCapo benchmarking suite was carried out, confirming the predictive efficiency and capabilities of the proposed model by achieving up to 10% MAPE compared with the other models.Open Acces

    Smartlocks: Self-Aware Synchronization through Lock Acquisition Scheduling

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    As multicore processors become increasingly prevalent, system complexity is skyrocketing. The advent of the asymmetric multicore compounds this -- it is no longer practical for an average programmer to balance the system constraints associated with today's multicores and worry about new problems like asymmetric partitioning and thread interference. Adaptive, or self-aware, computing has been proposed as one method to help application and system programmers confront this complexity. These systems take some of the burden off of programmers by monitoring themselves and optimizing or adapting to meet their goals. This paper introduces an open-source self-aware synchronization library for multicores and asymmetric multicores called Smartlocks. Smartlocks is a spin-lock library that adapts its internal implementation during execution using heuristics and machine learning to optimize toward a user-defined goal, which may relate to performance, power, or other problem-specific criteria. Smartlocks builds upon adaptation techniques from prior work like reactive locks, but introduces a novel form of adaptation designed for asymmetric multicores that we term lock acquisition scheduling. Lock acquisition scheduling is optimizing which waiter will get the lock next for the best long-term effect when multiple threads (or processes) are spinning for a lock. Our results demonstrate empirically that lock scheduling is important for asymmetric multicores and that Smartlocks significantly outperform conventional and reactive locks for asymmetries like dynamic variations in processor clock frequencies caused by thermal throttling events
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