991 research outputs found

    A hybrid Bayesian network for medical device risk assessment and management

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    ISO 14971 is the primary standard used for medical device risk management. While it specifies the requirements for medical device risk management, it does not specify a particular method for performing risk management. Hence, medical device manufacturers are free to develop or use any appropriate methods for managing the risk of medical devices. The most commonly used methods, such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), are unable to provide a reasonable basis for computing risk estimates when there are limited or no historical data available or where there is second-order uncertainty about the data. In this paper, we present a novel method for medical device risk management using hybrid Bayesian networks (BNs) that resolves the limitations of classical methods such as FTA and incorporates relevant factors affecting the risk of medical devices. The proposed BN method is generic but can be instantiated on a system-by-system basis, and we apply it to a Defibrillator device to demonstrate the process involved for medical device risk management during production and post-production. The example is validated against real-world data

    A Bayesian Network Approach for Product Safety Risk Management

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    A new method for safety risk management and assessment using Bayesian networks is proposed to resolve limitations of existing methods and to ensure that products and systems available on the market are acceptably safe for use. The method is applicable to a wide range of products and systems, ranging from consumer goods through to medical devices, and even complex systems such as aircraft. While methods such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) have been used quite effectively in safety assessment for certain classes of critical systems, they have several limitations which are addressed by the proposed Bayesian network (BN) method. In particular, the BN approach enables us to combine multiple sources of knowledge and data to provide quantified, auditable risk estimates at all stages of a product’s life cycle, including especially when there are limited or no testing or operational safety data available. The BN approach also enables us to incorporate different perceptions of risk, including taking account of personal differences in the perceived benefits of the product under assessment. The proposed BN approach provides a means for safety regulators, manufacturers, risk professionals, and even individuals to better assess safety and risk. It is powerful and flexible, can complement traditional safety and risk assessment methods, and is applicable to a far greater range of products and systems. The method can also be used to validate the results of traditional safety and risk assessment methods when relevant data become available. It is demonstrated and validated using case studies from consumer product safety risk assessment and medical device risk management

    Explaining Bayesian Networks in Natural Language : State of the Art andChallenges

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    Acknowledgments: This project has received funding from the Eu-ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno-vation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 860621. It was also funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science, In-novation and Universities, the Galician Ministryof Education, University and Professional Train-ing and the European Regional Development Fund(grants TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R, ED431C2018/29and ED431G2019/04)Publisher PD

    An incremental explanation of inference in Bayesian networks for increasing model trustworthiness and supporting clinical decision making

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    Various AI models are increasingly being considered as part of clinical decision-support tools. However, the trustworthiness of such models is rarely considered. Clinicians are more likely to use a model if they can understand and trust its predictions. Key to this is if its underlying reasoning can be explained. A Bayesian network (BN) model has the advantage that it is not a black-box and its reasoning can be explained. In this paper, we propose an incremental explanation of inference that can be applied to ‘hybrid’ BNs, i.e. those that contain both discrete and continuous nodes. The key questions that we answer are: (1) which important evidence supports or contradicts the prediction, and (2) through which intermediate variables does the information flow. The explanation is illustrated using a real clinical case study. A small evaluation study is also conducted

    Clinical evidence framework for Bayesian networks

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    There is poor uptake of prognostic decision support models by clinicians regardless of their accuracy. There is evidence that this results from doubts about the basis of the model as the evidence behind clinical models is often not clear to anyone other than their developers. In this paper, we propose a framework for representing the evidence-base of a Bayesian network (BN) decision support model. The aim of this evidence framework is to be able to present all the clinical evidence alongside the BN itself. The evidence framework is capable of presenting supporting and conflicting evidence, and evidence associated with relevant but excluded factors. It also allows the completeness of the evidence to be queried. We illustrate this framework using a BN that has been previously developed to predict acute traumatic coagulopathy, a potentially fatal disorder of blood clotting, at early stages of trauma care

    A Comprehensive Scoping Review of Bayesian Networks in Healthcare: Past, Present and Future

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    No comprehensive review of Bayesian networks (BNs) in healthcare has been published in the past, making it difficult to organize the research contributions in the present and identify challenges and neglected areas that need to be addressed in the future. This unique and novel scoping review of BNs in healthcare provides an analytical framework for comprehensively characterizing the domain and its current state. The review shows that: (1) BNs in healthcare are not used to their full potential; (2) a generic BN development process is lacking; (3) limitations exists in the way BNs in healthcare are presented in the literature, which impacts understanding, consensus towards systematic methodologies, practice and adoption of BNs; and (4) a gap exists between having an accurate BN and a useful BN that impacts clinical practice. This review empowers researchers and clinicians with an analytical framework and findings that will enable understanding of the need to address the problems of restricted aims of BNs, ad hoc BN development methods, and the lack of BN adoption in practice. To map the way forward, the paper proposes future research directions and makes recommendations regarding BN development methods and adoption in practice

    Bayesian Networks with Expert Elicitation as Applicable to Student Retention in Institutional Research

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    The application of Bayesian networks within the field of institutional research is explored through the development of a Bayesian network used to predict first- to second-year retention of undergraduates. A hybrid approach to model development is employed, in which formal elicitation of subject-matter expertise is combined with machine learning in designing model structure and specification of model parameters. Subject-matter experts include two academic advisors at a small, private liberal arts college in the southeast, and the data used in machine learning include six years of historical student-related information (i.e., demographic, admissions, academic, and financial) on 1,438 first-year students. Netica 5.12, a software package designed for constructing Bayesian networks, is used for building and validating the model. Evaluation of the resulting model’s predictive capabilities is examined, as well as analyses of sensitivity, internal validity, and model complexity. Additionally, the utility of using Bayesian networks within institutional research and higher education is discussed. The importance of comprehensive evaluation is highlighted, due to the study’s inclusion of an unbalanced data set. Best practices and experiences with expert elicitation are also noted, including recommendations for use of formal elicitation frameworks and careful consideration of operating definitions. Academic preparation and financial need risk profile are identified as key variables related to retention, and the need for enhanced data collection surrounding such variables is also revealed. For example, the experts emphasize study skills as an important predictor of retention while noting the absence of collection of quantitative data related to measuring students’ study skills. Finally, the importance and value of the model development process is stressed, as stakeholders are required to articulate, define, discuss, and evaluate model components, assumptions, and results

    Compatible and incompatible abstractions in Bayesian networks

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    The graphical structure of a Bayesian network (BN) makes it a technology well-suited for developing decision support models from a combination of domain knowledge and data. The domain knowledge of experts is used to determine the graphical structure of the BN, corresponding to the relationships and between variables, and data is used for learning the strength of these relationships. However, the available data seldom match the variables in the structure that is elicited from experts, whose models may be quite detailed; consequently, the structure needs to be abstracted to match the data. Up to now, this abstraction has been informal, loosening the link between the final model and the experts' knowledge. In this paper, we propose a method for abstracting the BN structure by using four 'abstraction' operations: node removal, node merging, state-space collapsing and edge removal. Some of these steps introduce approximations, which can be identified from changes in the set of conditional independence (CI) assertions of a network
