396 research outputs found

    A Fully Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm

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    This paper presents a fully unsupervised texture segmentation algorithm by using a modified discrete wavelet frames decomposition and a mean shift algorithm. By fully unsupervised, we mean the algorithm does not require any knowledge of the type of texture present nor the number of textures in the image to be segmented. The basic idea of the proposed method is to use the modified discrete wavelet frames to extract useful information from the image. Then, starting from the lowest level, the mean shift algorithm is used together with the fuzzy c-means clustering to divide the data into an appropriate number of clusters. The data clustering process is then refined at every level by taking into account the data at that particular level. The final crispy segmentation is obtained at the root level. This approach is applied to segment a variety of composite texture images into homogeneous texture areas and very good segmentation results are reported

    Fuzzy Image Segmentation Algorithms in Wavelet Domain

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    Brain Tumor Segmentation of MRI Image using Gustaffson-Kessel (G-K) Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm

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    Image segmentation plays a major role and an important role in the medical field due to its variety of applications especially in Brain tumor analysis. Brain tumor is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells. It takes up space within the skull. It can compress, shift and harm healthy brain tissue and nerves. Also usually it obstruct with normal brain function. Tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), can happen in different parts of the brain. Brain tumor classification and identification from Magnetic Resonance (MR) data is an essential. But it takes time and manual task completed by medical specialists. Computerizing this task is a challenging because of the high variety in the look of tumor tissues among different patients and in many cases similarity with the normal tissues. In this work, brain tumor image has been segmented using proposed Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) fuzzy clustering algorithm. The performance of G-K segmentation method is compared with those of watershed and FCM algorithms

    Incorporating FCM and Back Propagation Neural Network for Image Segmentation

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    Hybrid image segmentation is proposed in this paper. The input image is firstly preprocessed in order to extract the features using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) .The features are then fed to Fuzzy C-means algorithm which is unsupervised. The membership function created by Fuzzy C-means (FCM) is used as a target to be fed in neural network. Then the Back Propagation Neural network (BPN) has been trained based on targets which is obtained by (FCM) and features as input data. Combining the FCM information and neural network in unsupervised manner lead us to achieve better segmentation .The proposed algorithm is tested on various Berkeley database gray level images

    A review of algorithms for medical image segmentation and their applications to the female pelvic cavity

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    This paper aims to make a review on the current segmentation algorithms used for medical images. Algorithms are classified according to their principal methodologies, namely the ones based on thresholds, the ones based on clustering techniques and the ones based on deformable models. The last type is focused on due to the intensive investigations into the deformable models that have been done in the last few decades. Typical algorithms of each type are discussed and the main ideas, application fields, advantages and disadvantages of each type are summarised. Experiments that apply these algorithms to segment the organs and tissues of the female pelvic cavity are presented to further illustrate their distinct characteristics. In the end, the main guidelines that should be considered for designing the segmentation algorithms of the pelvic cavity are proposed

    A Hybrid Enhanced Independent Component Analysis Approach for Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Image

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    Medical imaging and analysis plays a crucial role in diagnosis and treatment planning. The anatomical complexity of human brain makes the process of imaging and analyzing very difficult. In spite of huge advancements in medical imaging procedures, accurate segmentation and classification of brain abnormalities remains a challenging and daunting task. This challenge is more visible in the case of brain tumors because of different possible shapes of tumors, locations and image intensities of different types of tumors. In this paper we have presented a method for automated segmentation of brain tumors from magnetic resonance images. An enhanced and modified Gaussian mixture mode model and the independent component analysis segmentation approach has been employed for segmenting brain tumors in magnetic resonance images. The results of segmentation are validated with the help of segmentation evaluation parameters

    Machine Learning Algorithm for Early Detection and Analysis of Brain Tumors Using MRI Images

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    Among the human body's organs, the brain is the most delicate and specialized. It is proven that after the heart stops then also brain death occurs within 3 to 5 minutes of death or within 3 to 5 minutes of loss of oxygen supply. A brain tumor is a life-threatening disease that can be detected at any age from an infant to an old person. Though a lot of people did research in the detection and analysis of a tumor, but then also detecting tumors at the early phase is still a much more arduous field in the biomedical study. This paper focuses on the comparative study of various existing algorithms in this field. This paper addresses the challenges and some issues in MRI brain tumor detection which are also addressed in this research