2 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Penjejakan Garis Berbasis Visi Komputer pada Indoor Patrolling Drone

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    Indoor Patrolling drone adalah drone yang beroprasi di dalam ruangan dan dapat berpatroli pada area yang ditentukan. Patrolling drone mampu melakukan navigasi di dalam ruangan tanpa bergantung pada GPS. Kemampuan patrolling drone untuk tidak bergantung pada GPS sangat diperlukan karena ketika drone berada di dalam ruangan, sistem navigasi menggunakan GPS tidak dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Indoor patrolling drone memadukan quadcopter drone dengan sistem navigasi penjejakan garis. Penjejakan garis dilakukan untuk menentukan rute pengawasan yang akan dilalui oleh drone. Patrolling drone diperlukan karena hingga saat ini sebagian besar metode pengawasan dalam ruangan masih dilakukan oleh agen manusia yang melakukan patroli pada waktu dan area yang ditentukan. Metode tersebut masih rentan akan adanya kesalahan yang ditimbulakan oleh manusia atau sering disebut dengan human error. Patrolling drone diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif dan meningkatkan sistem kemanan tersebut. Patrolling drone yang dimaksud pada tugas akhir ini telah berhasil dibuat dan telah dilakukan berbagai pengujian. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, patrolling drone memiliki rata – rata durasi terbang selama 6 menit 56 detik. Sistem penjejakan garis yang digunakan pada drone ini memiliki akurasi estimasi jarak sebesar 0.51cm dan akurasi kecepatan sebesar 15.66cm/s. Dengan membandingkan dengan performa sistem navigasi dalam ruangan menggunakan GPS yang memiliki akurasi sebesar 4.5 hingga 8 meter, sistem navigasi penjejakan garis pada drone ini menunjukkan peningkatan tingkat akurasi yang cukup signifikan. Selain itu, sistem navigasi penjejakan garis pada patrolling drone ini dapat dilakukan dengan optimal hingga kecepatan 48cm/s. =============================================================================================================================== Indoor patrolling drone is a drone which operate indoor and can automatically patrol in the designated area. Patrolling drone is capable of indoor navigation without relying on GPS system. The ability of indoor patrolling drone to navigate without relying on GPS system is very important, because any form of GPS basednavigation system can not be used effectively in indoor applications. Indoor patrolling drone combines quadcopter drone and line follower navigation system. Line follower system is used to determine drone’s surveillance route. Self-patrolling drone is needed because untill now, most of the surveillance method are still done by human. Human surveillance method are prone to error caused by human or frequently labeled as human error. Self-patrolling drone is expected to be an alternative and to improve conventional surveillance method that involve human in their system. Self-patrolling drone described in this final project have been successfully made and has undergone several test and observation. Based on the test and observation result, self-patrolling drone has 6 minutes and 56 seconds flight time. Line follower system used in this project has distance estimation with 0.51cm accuracy and cruise control with 15.66cm/s accuracy, in contrast with GPS based indoor navigation system that has 4.5-8m accuracy, line follower navigation system shows quite significant improvement in terms of accuracy. Moreover, line follower navigation in this project can be implemented effectively up to 48cm/s cruising speed

    Verifly: A drone-supported First Aid system for Ashesi University

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems, April 2019Drones are autonomous vehicles that have been beneficial to humans since their creation. Drones are considered to carry out activities efficiently. In the last ten years, drones are becoming a common sight. Filming for TV and Movies, surveillance, delivery, and hobby flight are some tasks which make use of drones. The potential of drones is slowly, but surely being uncovered and yet we`ve just scratched the surface. Companies like Amazon use drones to make deliveries more efficient. Drones can make standard services efficient, like in healthcare, public security, etc. This project utilizes drones for deploying emergency healthcare and uses technologies like GPS location, mobile applications, web services, drones, and ground control stations. The system is designed to aid first responders to an incident or injured people. This project also introduces a drone policy to govern the use of drones at Ashesi University.Ashesi Universit