6,515 research outputs found

    The antecedents and consequences of entrepreneur's knowledge inheritance behavior in family business

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    Intergenerational knowledge inheritance has gradually attracted attention in family business inheritance literature, but there is still lack of research, and the exist ing research is more qualitative. The empirical research on the influencing factors and results of intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior has not been found yet. Snowball web survey method was employed and the data from one hundred and fifty nine Chinese family firms were collected to be analyzed empirically. It is found predecessor's willingness to hand over knowledge positively affects intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior, and then promotes enterprise's contextual and task performances, in which intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior plays a mediating role. Similarly, succession intention of successors positively affects intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior, thereby promoting contextual and task performances, and intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior plays an intermediary role. The higher the successor's political skills are, the stronger the positive relationship between predecessor's intention to inherit (successor's intention to inherit) and intergenerational knowledge transfer behavior will be which further promotes contextual and task performances. This thesis also used case study to analyze the inheritance processes of classical Chinese family firms, which demonstrated the research results as well . The research findings establish a theoretical framework and empirical verification of intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior of family business. In practice, it reminds family enterprises to pay attention to intergenerational knowledge inheritance behavior, improve inheritance intentions, and cultivate the political skills of successors, so as to provide guarantee for the smooth transition and future development of family enterprises.O tema da transferência de conhecimento intergeracional tem gradualmente atraído a atenção da literatura referente às empresas familiares, contudo existe ainda muitas lacunas, e a pesquisa existente é maioritariamente qualitativa. A pesquisa quantitativa sobre os fatores que influenciam a transferência de conhecimento entre gerações está pouco desenvolvida. Para distribuição dos questionários utilizamos o método "bola de neve" e foram recolhidos e analisados dados respeitantes a 15 9 empresas familiares chinesas. Concluímos que a vontade do antecessor para passar o conhecimento afeta positivamente o comportamento relativo à transferência entre gerações, e consequentemente promove o desempenho global das empresas familiares. Similarmente, a intenção de sucessão dos sucessores afeta positivamente o comportamento da transferência de conhecimento intergeracional, promovendo também deste modo o desempenho global. Quanto maiores forem as habilidades políticas dos sucessores, mais forte será a relação positiva entre a intenção do antecessor para transferir o conhecimento. Para testar as conclusões extraídas da pesquisa quantitativa, esta tese utiliza também casos de estudo para analisar os processos de transferência de conhecimento de empresas Chinesas bem conhecidas. Os resultados da pesquisa estabelecem um quadro teórico e uma verificação empírica do comportamento entre gerações relacionado com a transferência de conhecimento. Em termos práticos, enfatiza a necessidade das empresas chinesas prestarem atenção ao comportamento relacionado com a transferência intergeracional de conhecimento, a melhorarem as intenções de transferência e a cultivarem as habilidades políticas dos sucessores, assim como providenciarem garantias para uma transição suave e ajudarem o futuro desenvolvimento das empresas familiares

    Digital ritualized interaction: Towards conceptualizing mediated familial bonding via family connecting technology

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    Appropriation of connecting technology in the context of family use has revealed its affordance as mediating tool to facilitate familial bonding, as that which is beyond communication.Yet, its operationalization through the HCI design is still not extensively studied.It is postulated that the theory of Interaction Ritual and family ritual could serve as a lens for understanding of how interface design mediates such bonding in digital environment.As theories, they are specifically tailored to understanding interactions among people and technologies which further assist in conducting an interpretative analysis in producing mappings of interaction design concepts to bonding eliciting design features informed by earlier work.The model serves as a new foundation to inform appropriate design of future family connecting technology in pursuit of familial bonding

    POLIS media and family report

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    All in the Family: Exploring Design Personas of Systems for Remote Communication with Preschoolers

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    Although there have been recent advances in remote communication technologies that foster connectedness and intimacy over a distance, systems designed for communicating with preliterate preschoolers—a desired use case—are not yet prevalent, nor are there clear guidelines for their design. We conducted a mixed-methods study to characterize the current practices, goals, and needs of people who wish to use remote communication systems with young children. We present quantitative and qualitative findings on the motivations for communicating, the habits, activities, and patterns that have been established, and the barriers and concerns faced. We synthesized these findings into four design personas that describe the desired functionality and requirements of systems to support remote communication with preschoolers. For each persona, we systematically evaluated 60 research-based systems based on the extent to which each persona’s requirements were covered, demonstrating that none of the personas were greatly satisfied with the available tools

    Evaluation of the scholarship program by the education fund management institute in Indonesia

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    The primary objective of this investigation is to conduct a comparative analysis between the target formulation and outcomes of the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) scholarship program and the targeting outcomes of program model. The research paradigm employed is post-positivism, utilizing qualitative methods to explore program development and assess its effectiveness. Two key conclusions emerge from this study: i) the prescribed structure of the LPDP scholarship program is considered insufficient, marked by a focus on outcomes and activities and ii) the LPDP scholarship program's performance has fallen short of anticipated standards, primarily attributable to a significant disparity between scholarship recipients and program graduates. In light of these findings, five recommendations are proposed for future enhancements to the LPDP scholarship program: i) undertake a comprehensive study to develop a vision for addressing the human resource needs in Indonesia, taking into account regional variations, industries, professions, and scientific disciplines; ii) incorporate scholarship initiatives targeting the foundational stratum; iii) foster collaboration with ministries and institutions engaged in comparable program management and industry sectors; iv) adjust the standard of living and payment mechanisms accordingly; and v) implement stringent consequences within the LPDP framework for scholarship recipients who fail to graduate within the stipulated timeframe

    Utilizing Digital Technology to Address Loneliness and Isolation in Older Adults through a Community-Based Connection Model: Responding to a Pandemic

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    Problem: Loneliness and social isolation, both of which can have serious detrimental effects on health and well-being, have become more prevalent during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the older adult population. During part of the past year, older adults were strongly encouraged to follow strict quarantine measures because of their vulnerability to the virus. This forced isolation exacerbated the already existing issue of loneliness and social isolation in this population. Interventions: Older adults who are members of a local non-profit community organization, focused on increasing independence and social vitality, were invited to participate in a virtual, interactive social engagement program encompassing meaningful conversations and story-sharing with the aim to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in older adult participants. The program was implemented over a 12-week period with a total of six, one-hour sessions every other week. Measures: The evaluation included data from the Zoom poll results after each session, which incorporated the UCLA Loneliness Scale. Personal experience feedback from a final Survey Monkey poll distributed to participants following completion of the 12-week program was used to collect additional data. Results: The Zoom polls demonstrated that the majority of participants felt less isolated and more connected with other people during the sessions and that the program was beneficial in building meaningful relationships and improving their overall health and well-being. The final survey results were less conclusive that the program adequately addressed loneliness and isolation in older adults outside of the community setting. Conclusions: The individual sessions potentially reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation in the short term, but the intergenerational program overall did not adequately address loneliness and isolation in the older adult participants longer term. Recommendations for future intergenerational programs include longer, in-person or hybrid sessions, consistency and commitment from volunteers, and smaller breakout groups for more intimate conversations

    Engineering the social: The role of shared artifacts

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    Abstract This paper presents a multidisciplinary approach to engineering socio-technical design. The paper addresses technological design for social interactions that are non-instrumental, and thereby sometimes contradictory or surprising and difficult to model. Through cooperative analysis of cultural probe data and development of agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) models, ethnographers and software engineers participate in conversations around shared artifacts, which facilitate the transition from data collected in a social environment to a socially oriented requirements analysis for informing socio-technical design. To demonstrate how this transition was made, we present a case study of the process of designing technology to support familial relationships, such as playing, gifting, showing, telling and creating memories. The case study is based on data collected in a cultural probes study that explores the diverse, complex and unpredictable design environment of the home. A multidisciplinary team worked together through a process of conversations around shared artifacts to cooperatively analyze collected data and develop models. These conversations provided the opportunity to view the data from the perspective of alternative disciplines that resulted in the emergence of novel understandings and innovative practice. The artifacts in the process included returned probe items, scrapbooks, videos of interviews, photographs, family biographies and the AOSE requirements models. When shared between the two communities of practice, some of these artifacts played important roles in mediating discussions of mutual influence between ethnographers and software engineers. The shared artifacts acted as both triggers for conversations and information vessels-providing a variety of interpretable objects enabling both sides to articulate their understandings in different ways and to collaboratively negotiate understandings of the collected data. Analyzing the interdisciplinary exchange provided insight into the identification of bridging elements that allowed 'the social' to permeate the processes of analysis, requirements elicitation and design.
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