815 research outputs found

    Boosting Image Forgery Detection using Resampling Features and Copy-move analysis

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    Realistic image forgeries involve a combination of splicing, resampling, cloning, region removal and other methods. While resampling detection algorithms are effective in detecting splicing and resampling, copy-move detection algorithms excel in detecting cloning and region removal. In this paper, we combine these complementary approaches in a way that boosts the overall accuracy of image manipulation detection. We use the copy-move detection method as a pre-filtering step and pass those images that are classified as untampered to a deep learning based resampling detection framework. Experimental results on various datasets including the 2017 NIST Nimble Challenge Evaluation dataset comprising nearly 10,000 pristine and tampered images shows that there is a consistent increase of 8%-10% in detection rates, when copy-move algorithm is combined with different resampling detection algorithms

    Aligned and Non-Aligned Double JPEG Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Due to the wide diffusion of JPEG coding standard, the image forensic community has devoted significant attention to the development of double JPEG (DJPEG) compression detectors through the years. The ability of detecting whether an image has been compressed twice provides paramount information toward image authenticity assessment. Given the trend recently gained by convolutional neural networks (CNN) in many computer vision tasks, in this paper we propose to use CNNs for aligned and non-aligned double JPEG compression detection. In particular, we explore the capability of CNNs to capture DJPEG artifacts directly from images. Results show that the proposed CNN-based detectors achieve good performance even with small size images (i.e., 64x64), outperforming state-of-the-art solutions, especially in the non-aligned case. Besides, good results are also achieved in the commonly-recognized challenging case in which the first quality factor is larger than the second one.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (first submission: March 20, 2017; second submission: August 2, 2017

    Resiliency Assessment and Enhancement of Intrinsic Fingerprinting

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    Intrinsic fingerprinting is a class of digital forensic technology that can detect traces left in digital multimedia data in order to reveal data processing history and determine data integrity. Many existing intrinsic fingerprinting schemes have implicitly assumed favorable operating conditions whose validity may become uncertain in reality. In order to establish intrinsic fingerprinting as a credible approach to digital multimedia authentication, it is important to understand and enhance its resiliency under unfavorable scenarios. This dissertation addresses various resiliency aspects that can appear in a broad range of intrinsic fingerprints. The first aspect concerns intrinsic fingerprints that are designed to identify a particular component in the processing chain. Such fingerprints are potentially subject to changes due to input content variations and/or post-processing, and it is desirable to ensure their identifiability in such situations. Taking an image-based intrinsic fingerprinting technique for source camera model identification as a representative example, our investigations reveal that the fingerprints have a substantial dependency on image content. Such dependency limits the achievable identification accuracy, which is penalized by a mismatch between training and testing image content. To mitigate such a mismatch, we propose schemes to incorporate image content into training image selection and significantly improve the identification performance. We also consider the effect of post-processing against intrinsic fingerprinting, and study source camera identification based on imaging noise extracted from low-bit-rate compressed videos. While such compression reduces the fingerprint quality, we exploit different compression levels within the same video to achieve more efficient and accurate identification. The second aspect of resiliency addresses anti-forensics, namely, adversarial actions that intentionally manipulate intrinsic fingerprints. We investigate the cost-effectiveness of anti-forensic operations that counteract color interpolation identification. Our analysis pinpoints the inherent vulnerabilities of color interpolation identification, and motivates countermeasures and refined anti-forensic strategies. We also study the anti-forensics of an emerging space-time localization technique for digital recordings based on electrical network frequency analysis. Detection schemes against anti-forensic operations are devised under a mathematical framework. For both problems, game-theoretic approaches are employed to characterize the interplay between forensic analysts and adversaries and to derive optimal strategies. The third aspect regards the resilient and robust representation of intrinsic fingerprints for multiple forensic identification tasks. We propose to use the empirical frequency response as a generic type of intrinsic fingerprint that can facilitate the identification of various linear and shift-invariant (LSI) and non-LSI operations

    Recent Advances in Digital Image and Video Forensics, Anti-forensics and Counter Anti-forensics

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    Image and video forensics have recently gained increasing attention due to the proliferation of manipulated images and videos, especially on social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, which spread disinformation and fake news. This survey explores image and video identification and forgery detection covering both manipulated digital media and generative media. However, media forgery detection techniques are susceptible to anti-forensics; on the other hand, such anti-forensics techniques can themselves be detected. We therefore further cover both anti-forensics and counter anti-forensics techniques in image and video. Finally, we conclude this survey by highlighting some open problems in this domain

    Digital Multimedia Forensics and Anti-Forensics

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    As the use of digital multimedia content such as images and video has increased, so has the means and the incentive to create digital forgeries. Presently, powerful editing software allows forgers to create perceptually convincing digital forgeries. Accordingly, there is a great need for techniques capable of authenticating digital multimedia content. In response to this, researchers have begun developing digital forensic techniques capable of identifying digital forgeries. These forensic techniques operate by detecting imperceptible traces left by editing operations in digital multimedia content. In this dissertation, we propose several new digital forensic techniques to detect evidence of editing in digital multimedia content. We begin by identifying the fingerprints left by pixel value mappings and show how these can be used to detect the use of contrast enhancement in images. We use these fingerprints to perform a number of additional forensic tasks such as identifying cut-and-paste forgeries, detecting the addition of noise to previously JPEG compressed images, and estimating the contrast enhancement mapping used to alter an image. Additionally, we consider the problem of multimedia security from the forger's point of view. We demonstrate that an intelligent forger can design anti-forensic operations to hide editing fingerprints and fool forensic techniques. We propose an anti-forensic technique to remove compression fingerprints from digital images and show that this technique can be used to fool several state-of-the-art forensic algorithms. We examine the problem of detecting frame deletion in digital video and develop both a technique to detect frame deletion and an anti-forensic technique to hide frame deletion fingerprints. We show that this anti-forensic operation leaves behind fingerprints of its own and propose a technique to detect the use of frame deletion anti-forensics. The ability of a forensic investigator to detect both editing and the use of anti-forensics results in a dynamic interplay between the forger and forensic investigator. We use develop a game theoretic framework to analyze this interplay and identify the set of actions that each party will rationally choose. Additionally, we show that anti-forensics can be used protect against reverse engineering. To demonstrate this, we propose an anti-forensic module that can be integrated into digital cameras to protect color interpolation methods
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