174 research outputs found

    Using problem based learning to support transdisciplinarity in an HCI education

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    In this paper we advocate the development of transdisci-plinary educational programs with a strong focus on HCI, which use problem based learning (PBL) as a teaching method-ology. We describe a novel education called Medialogy, developed at Aalborg University Copenhagen in Denmark, outlining through different case studies how PBL supports transdisci-plinarity

    Reflections on Students’ Projects with Motion Sensor Technologies in a Problem-Based Learning Environment

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    On Problem Based Learning and Application to Computer Games Design Teaching

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    Problem-based learning is a pedagogical approach which started in early 1970s. It is well developed and established until now. Aalborg University in Denmark is one of pioneering world universities in PBL and has accumulated a huge experience in PBL for many different study lines. One of them is Medialogy education, which was established in 2002. This paper presents transfer of experiences from Medialogy education in Denmark to Game development education in Serbia - a new (2 years old) study line successfully developed in the country where game development companies hardly exist, but a need for newly educated programmers is evident

    Learning Lab - teaching experienced students PBL

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    Staff Development in an Interdisciplinary Education: Medialogy

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    Sonic interaction design:case studies from the Medialogy education

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    Signal-Symbol Feedback Process in a

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