3 research outputs found

    The domain layer for mixed-initiative interaction in generative design

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    The design space exploration formalism has developed data structures and algorithms of sufficient complexity and scope to support conceptual layout, massing, and enclosure configurations. However, design remains a human enterprise. To support the user in designing with the formalism, we have developed an interaction model that addresses the interleaving of user actions with the formal operations of design space exploration. The central feature of our interaction model is the modeling of control based on mixed-initiative. Initiative is sometimes taken by the designer and sometimes by the formalism in working on a shared design task. The model comprises three layers, domain, task, and dialogue. In this paper we describe the formulation of the domain layer of our mixed-initiative interaction model for design space exploration. We present the view of the domain as understood in the formalism in terms of the three abstract concepts of state, move, and structure. In order to support mixed initiative, it is necessary to develop a shared view of the domain. The domain layer addresses this problem by mapping the designer\u27s view onto the symbol substrate. First, we present the designer\u27s view of the domain in terms of problems, solutions, choices, and history. Second, we show how this view is interleaved with the symbol-substrate through four domain layer constructs, problem state, solution state, choice, and exploration history. The domain layer presents a suitable foundation for integrating the role of the designer with a description formalism. It enables the designer to maintain exploration freedom in terms of formulating and reformulating problems, generating solutions, making choices, and navigating the history of exploration

    Mechanisms for Mixed-Initiative Human-Computer Collaborative Discourse

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    In this paper, we examine mechanisms for automatic dialogue initiative setting. We show how to incorporate initiative changing in a task-oriented human-computer dialogue system, and we evaluate the effects of initiative both analytically and via computer-computer dialogue simulation

    Hybrid discourse modeling and summarization for a speech-to-speech translation system

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    The thesis discusses two parts of the speech-to-speech translation system VerbMobil: the dialogue model and one of its applications, multilingual summary generation. In connection with the dialogue model, two topics are of special interest: (a) the use of a default unification operation called overlay as the fundamental operation for dialogue management; and (b) an intentional model that is able to describe intentions in dialogue on five levels in a language-independent way. Besides the actual generation algorithm developed, we present a comprehensive evaluation of the summarization functionality. In addition to precision and recall, a new characterization - confabulation - is defined that provides a more precise understanding of the performance of complex natural language processing systems.Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt hauptsächlich zwei Themen, die für das VerbMobil-System, ein Übersetzungssystem gesprochener Spontansprache, entwickelt wurden: das Dialogmodell und als Applikation die multilinguale Generierung von Ergebnissprotokollen. Für die Dialogmodellierung sind zwei Themen von besonderem Interesse. Das erste behandelt eine in der vorliegenden Arbeit formalisierte Default-Unifikations-Operation namens Overlay, die als fundamentale Operation für Diskursverarbeitung dient. Das zweite besteht aus einem intentionalen Modell, das Intentionen eines Dialogs auf fünf Ebenen in einer sprachunabhängigen Repräsentation darstellt. Neben dem für die Protokollgenerierung entwickelten Generierungsalgorithmus wird eine umfassende Evaluation zur Protokollgenerierungsfunktionalität vorgestellt. Zusätzlich zu "precision" und "recall" wird ein neues Maß - Konfabulation (Engl.: "confabulation") - vorgestellt, das eine präzisere Charakterisierung der Qualität eines komplexen Sprachverarbeitungssystems ermöglicht