5 research outputs found

    An analysis of techniques and methods for technical debt management: a reflection from the architecture perspective

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    Technical debt is a metaphor referring to the consequences of weak software development. Managing technical debt is necessary in order to keep it under control, and several techniques have been developed with the goal of accomplishing this. However, available techniques have grown disperse and managers lack guidance. This paper covers this gap by providing a systematic mapping of available techniques and methods for technical debt management, covering architectural debt, and identifying existing gaps that prevent to manage technical debt efficiently

    Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review

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    Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor that is used to communicate the consequences of poor software development practices to non-technical stakeholders. In recent years, it has gained significant attention in agile software development (ASD). The purpose of this study is to analyze and synthesize the state of the art of TD, and its causes, consequences, and management strategies in the context of ASD. Using a systematic literature review (SLR), 38 primary studies, out of 346 studies, were identified and analyzed. We found five research areas of interest related to the literature of TD in ASD. Among those areas, managing TD in ASD received the highest attention, followed by architecture in ASD and its relationship with TD. In addition, eight categories regarding the causes and five categories regarding the consequences of incurring TD in ASD were identified. Focus on quick delivery and architectural and design issues were the most popular causes of incurring TD in ASD. Reduced productivity, system degradation and increased maintenance cost were identified as significant consequences of incurring TD in ASD. Additionally, we found 12 strategies for managing TD in the context of ASD, out of which refactoring and enhancing the visibility of TD were the most significant. The results of this study provide a structured synthesis of TD and its management in the context of ASD as well as potential research areas for further investigation

    Are developers aware of the architectural impact of their changes?

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    Although considered one of the most important decisions in a software development lifecycle, empirical evidence on how developers perform and perceive architectural changes is still scarce. Given the large implications of architectural decisions, we do not know whether developers are aware of their changes' impact on the software's architecture, whether awareness leads to better changes, and whether automatically making developers aware would prevent degradation. Therefore, we use code review data of 4 open source systems to investigate the intent and awareness of developers when performing changes. We extracted 8,900 reviews for which the commits are available. 2,152 of the commits have changes in their computed architectural metrics, and 338 present significant changes to the architecture. We manually inspected all reviews for commits with significant changes and found that only in 38% of the time developers are discussing the impact of their changes on the architectural structure, suggesting a lack of awareness. Finally, we observed that developers tend to be more aware of the architectural impact of their changes when the architectural structure is improved, suggesting that developers should be automatically made aware when their changes degrade the architectural structure

    Bridging the Gap between Software Architecture and Maintenance Quality

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    Software architecture is generally recognized as the most critical determinant in achieving the functional and quality attribute requirements of a software system. Poor architecture can be the root cause of quality problems such as bug-proneness and related maintenance difficulties. Software practitioners need to identify architectural flaws and make informed decisions so that they can correct such flaws and fundamentally improve software quality. However, in the past there was no systematic way to model, analyze, and monitor the architecture of a software system with respect to addressing maintenance quality concerns. Consequently, there was a serious gap between software architecture and maintenance quality. This dissertation offers a methodology to bridge the gap between software architecture and maintenance quality problems. Our proposed methodology consists of three parts: (1) a new architecture model, called the DRSpace model, which simultaneously captures the modular structure and maintenance "penalties" of a software system; (2) an Architecture Root detection algorithm that automatically identifies the most problematic design spaces, aggregating bug-prone files in a software system; and (3) a formal definition of Architectural Debt and an approach that automatically identifies such debts, and quantifies the "costs" and "interest rates" of such debts. Our studies have shown that this methodology has great potential in helping software practitioners identify and understand the architectural root causes of bug-proneness and related high maintenance costs. Ultimately this supports informed refactoring decisions to fundamentally improve software maintenance quality.Ph.D., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201

    Software restructuring: understanding longitudinal architectural changes and refactoring

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    The complexity of software systems increases as the systems evolve. As the degradation of the system's structure accumulates, maintenance effort and defect-proneness tend to increase. In addition, developers often opt to employ sub-optimal solutions in order to achieve short-time goals, in a phenomenon that has been recently called technical debt. In this context, software restructuring serves as a way to alleviate and/or prevent structural degradation. Restructuring of software is usually performed in either higher or lower levels of granularity, where the first indicates broader changes in the system's structural architecture and the latter indicates refactorings performed to fewer and localised code elements. Although tools to assist architectural changes and refactoring are available, there is still no evidence these approaches are widely adopted by practitioners. Hence, an understanding of how developers perform architectural changes and refactoring in their daily basis and in the context of the software development processes they adopt is necessary. Current software development is iterative and incremental with short cycles of development and release. Thus, tools and processes that enable this development model, such as continuous integration and code review, are widespread among software engineering practitioners. Hence, this thesis investigates how developers perform longitudinal and incremental architectural changes and refactoring during code review through a wide range of empirical studies that consider different moments of the development lifecycle, different approaches, different automated tools and different analysis mechanisms. Finally, the observations and conclusions drawn from these empirical investigations extend the existing knowledge on how developers restructure software systems, in a way that future studies can leverage this knowledge to propose new tools and approaches that better fit developers' working routines and development processes