22,063 research outputs found

    Measuring index quality using random walks on the Web

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    A method to measure search engines, namely the quality of the pages in a search engine index, is presented. An algorithm is introduced to approximate the quality of an index by performing a random walk on the Web. This methodology is used to compare the index quality of several major search engines

    Uncovering nodes that spread information between communities in social networks

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    From many datasets gathered in online social networks, well defined community structures have been observed. A large number of users participate in these networks and the size of the resulting graphs poses computational challenges. There is a particular demand in identifying the nodes responsible for information flow between communities; for example, in temporal Twitter networks edges between communities play a key role in propagating spikes of activity when the connectivity between communities is sparse and few edges exist between different clusters of nodes. The new algorithm proposed here is aimed at revealing these key connections by measuring a node's vicinity to nodes of another community. We look at the nodes which have edges in more than one community and the locality of nodes around them which influence the information received and broadcasted to them. The method relies on independent random walks of a chosen fixed number of steps, originating from nodes with edges in more than one community. For the large networks that we have in mind, existing measures such as betweenness centrality are difficult to compute, even with recent methods that approximate the large number of operations required. We therefore design an algorithm that scales up to the demand of current big data requirements and has the ability to harness parallel processing capabilities. The new algorithm is illustrated on synthetic data, where results can be judged carefully, and also on a real, large scale Twitter activity data, where new insights can be gained

    PRSim: Sublinear Time SimRank Computation on Large Power-Law Graphs

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    {\it SimRank} is a classic measure of the similarities of nodes in a graph. Given a node uu in graph G=(V,E)G =(V, E), a {\em single-source SimRank query} returns the SimRank similarities s(u,v)s(u, v) between node uu and each node v∈Vv \in V. This type of queries has numerous applications in web search and social networks analysis, such as link prediction, web mining, and spam detection. Existing methods for single-source SimRank queries, however, incur query cost at least linear to the number of nodes nn, which renders them inapplicable for real-time and interactive analysis. { This paper proposes \prsim, an algorithm that exploits the structure of graphs to efficiently answer single-source SimRank queries. \prsim uses an index of size O(m)O(m), where mm is the number of edges in the graph, and guarantees a query time that depends on the {\em reverse PageRank} distribution of the input graph. In particular, we prove that \prsim runs in sub-linear time if the degree distribution of the input graph follows the power-law distribution, a property possessed by many real-world graphs. Based on the theoretical analysis, we show that the empirical query time of all existing SimRank algorithms also depends on the reverse PageRank distribution of the graph.} Finally, we present the first experimental study that evaluates the absolute errors of various SimRank algorithms on large graphs, and we show that \prsim outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, accuracy, index size, and scalability.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 201

    Exact Single-Source SimRank Computation on Large Graphs

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    SimRank is a popular measurement for evaluating the node-to-node similarities based on the graph topology. In recent years, single-source and top-kk SimRank queries have received increasing attention due to their applications in web mining, social network analysis, and spam detection. However, a fundamental obstacle in studying SimRank has been the lack of ground truths. The only exact algorithm, Power Method, is computationally infeasible on graphs with more than 10610^6 nodes. Consequently, no existing work has evaluated the actual trade-offs between query time and accuracy on large real-world graphs. In this paper, we present ExactSim, the first algorithm that computes the exact single-source and top-kk SimRank results on large graphs. With high probability, this algorithm produces ground truths with a rigorous theoretical guarantee. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets to demonstrate the efficiency of ExactSim. The results show that ExactSim provides the ground truth for any single-source SimRank query with a precision up to 7 decimal places within a reasonable query time.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 202

    A Comparison of Techniques for Sampling Web Pages

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    As the World Wide Web is growing rapidly, it is getting increasingly challenging to gather representative information about it. Instead of crawling the web exhaustively one has to resort to other techniques like sampling to determine the properties of the web. A uniform random sample of the web would be useful to determine the percentage of web pages in a specific language, on a topic or in a top level domain. Unfortunately, no approach has been shown to sample the web pages in an unbiased way. Three promising web sampling algorithms are based on random walks. They each have been evaluated individually, but making a comparison on different data sets is not possible. We directly compare these algorithms in this paper. We performed three random walks on the web under the same conditions and analyzed their outcomes in detail. We discuss the strengths and the weaknesses of each algorithm and propose improvements based on experimental results
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