10,458 research outputs found

    SoniControl - A Mobile Ultrasonic Firewall

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    The exchange of data between mobile devices in the near-ultrasonic frequency band is a new promising technology for near field communication (NFC) but also raises a number of privacy concerns. We present the first ultrasonic firewall that reliably detects ultrasonic communication and provides the user with effective means to prevent hidden data exchange. This demonstration showcases a new media-based communication technology ("data over audio") together with its related privacy concerns. It enables users to (i) interactively test out and experience ultrasonic information exchange and (ii) shows how to protect oneself against unwanted tracking.Comment: To appear in proceedings of 2018 ACM Multimedia Conference October 22--26, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Kore

    Adaptive conflict-free optimization of rule sets for network security packet filtering devices

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    Packet filtering and processing rules management in firewalls and security gateways has become commonplace in increasingly complex networks. On one side there is a need to maintain the logic of high level policies, which requires administrators to implement and update a large amount of filtering rules while keeping them conflict-free, that is, avoiding security inconsistencies. On the other side, traffic adaptive optimization of large rule lists is useful for general purpose computers used as filtering devices, without specific designed hardware, to face growing link speeds and to harden filtering devices against DoS and DDoS attacks. Our work joins the two issues in an innovative way and defines a traffic adaptive algorithm to find conflict-free optimized rule sets, by relying on information gathered with traffic logs. The proposed approach suits current technology architectures and exploits available features, like traffic log databases, to minimize the impact of ACO development on the packet filtering devices. We demonstrate the benefit entailed by the proposed algorithm through measurements on a test bed made up of real-life, commercial packet filtering devices

    VoIP: Making Secure Calls and Maintaining High Call Quality

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    Modern multimedia communication tools must have high security, high availability and high quality of service (QoS). Any security implementation will directly impact on QoS. This paper will investigate how end-to-end security impacts on QoS in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The QoS is measured in terms of lost packet ratio, latency and jitter using different encryption algorithms, no security and just the use of IP firewalls in Local and Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN). The results of laboratory tests indicate that the impact on the overall performance of VoIP depends upon the bandwidth availability and encryption algorithm used. The implementation of any encryption algorithm in low bandwidth environments degrades the voice quality due to increased loss packets and packet latency, but as bandwidth increases encrypted VoIP calls provided better service compared to an unsecured environment.Les eines modernes de comunicació multimèdia han de tenir alta seguretat, alta disponibilitat i alta qualitat de servei (QoS). Cap tipus d¿implementació de seguretat tindrà un impacte directe en la qualitat de servei. En aquest article s¿investiga com la seguretat d'extrem a extrem impacta en la qualitat de servei de veu sobre el Protocol d'Internet (VoIP). La qualitat de servei es mesura en termes de pèrdua de proporció de paquets, latència i jitter utilitzant diferents algoritmes d¿encriptació, sense seguretat i només amb l'ús de tallafocs IP en local i en xarxes d'àrea àmplia (LAN i WAN). Els resultats de les proves de laboratori indiquen que l'impacte general sobre el rendiment de VoIP depèn de la disponibilitat d'ample de banda i l'algorisme de xifrat que s'utilitza. La implementació de qualsevol algorisme de xifrat en entorns de baix ample de banda degrada la veu a causa de l'augment de la pèrdua de paquets i latència dels paquets de qualitat, però quan l'ample de banda augmenta les trucades de VoIP xifrades proporcionen un millor servei en comparació amb un entorn sense seguretat.Las herramientas modernas de comunicación multimedia deben tener alta seguridad, alta disponibilidad y alta calidad de servicio (QoS). Ningún tipo de implementación de seguridad tendrá un impacto directo en la calidad de servicio. En este artículo se investiga como la seguridad de extremo a extremo impacta en la calidad de servicio de voz sobre el Protocolo de Internet (VoIP). La calidad de servicio se mide en términos de pérdida de proporción de paquetes, latencia y jitter utilizando diferentes algoritmos de encriptación, sin seguridad y sólo con el uso de cortafuegos IP en local y en redes de área amplia (LAN y WAN). Los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio indican que el impacto general sobre el rendimiento de VoIP depende de la disponibilidad de ancho de banda y el algoritmo de cifrado que se utiliza. La implementación de cualquier algoritmo de cifrado en entornos de bajo ancho de banda degrada la voz debido al aumento de la pérdida de paquetes y latencia de los paquetes de calidad, pero cuando el ancho de banda aumenta las llamadas de VoIP cifradas proporcionan un mejor servicio en comparación con un entorno sin seguridad

    Firewall Management

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    Network connectivity can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, network connectivity can enable users to share files, exchange e-mail, and pool physical resources. Yet network connectivity can also be a risky endeavor, if the connectivity grants access to would-be intruders. The Internet is a perfect case in point. Designed for a trusted environment, many contemporary exploits are based upon vulnerabilities inherent to the protocol itself. In light of this trend, many organizations are implementing firewalls to protect their internal network from the untrusted Internet.firewall, network connection, risks, vulnerabilities