6 research outputs found

    Analisis Keselarasan Teknologi Informasi dan Bisnis Menggunakan Strategic Alignment Model Maturity (SAMM) di Universitas Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Proses penyelarasan membutuhkan banyak faktor pendukung, namun berdasarkan pengamatan awal di lapangan faktor-faktor pendukung tersebut kurang atau belum terlaksana secara keseluruhan dalam proses perencanaan dan pengerjaan proyek teknologi informasi. Penilaian hasil pengamatan terhadap keselarasan antara teknologi informasi dan bisnis di Universitas Flores didasarkan pada observasi awal dilapangan yang terindikasi bahwa teknologi yang ada belum berjalan selaras dengan strategi dan tujuan bisnis. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam meningkatkan kinerja teknologi yang memberikan pengaruh pada kualitas sistem yang mendukung tujuan bisnis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan metode studi kasus dan analisis data menggunakan metode Pattern Matching. Mengacu pada Strategic Alignment Model Maturity (SAMM) kerangka konseptual model pada penelitian ini memiliki 4 konstruk yakni Information Technology (IT), Business, Information Technology-Business Alignment (BITA), dan Information Technology Performance. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa konstruk performa/kinerja teknologi informasi belum optimal dan maksimal karena belum adanya keselarasan pada konstruk BITA. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi sebagai dasar acuan bagi manajemen puncak sisi TI dan sisi Bisnis dalam melakukan perencanaan dan pengerjaan proyek TI selanjutnya agar sesuai dan seimbang dengan tujuan bisnis Lembaga, hal ini terkait konstruk IT dan konstruk Bisnis yang tidak memiliki hubungan dan kolaborasi. AbstractThe alignment process requires many supporting factors, but based on initial observations in the field these supporting factors are lacking or have not been implemented as a whole in the process of planning and working on information technology projects. The assessment of the results of observations on the alignment between information technology and business at the University of Flores is based on initial observations in the field which indicate that the existing technology has not been running in line with business strategies and goals. The purpose of the alignment analysis in this study is to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors in improving technology performance that affect the quality of systems that support business goals. This research is a descriptive qualitativeresearch with a case study method approach and data analysis using the Pattern Matching method. Referring to the Strategic Alignment Model Maturity (SAMM) the conceptual framework of the model in this study has 4 constructs namely Information Technology (IT), Business, Information Technology-Business Alignment (BITA), and Information Technology Performance. The results of the study found that the construct of information technology performance/performance was not optimal and maximal because there was no alignment in the BITA construct. In addition, it was also found that this study provides recommendations as a basis of reference for top management on the IT side and the business side in planning and working on subsequent IT projects so that they are appropriate and balanced with the institution's business objectives, this is related to IT constructs and business constructs that have no relationship. and collaboration

    Método de alineamiento para la formulación de las iniciativas de proyectos de TI en las universidades particulares de la región Lambayeque

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    El alineamiento estratégico de TI con el negocio, elemento importante del gobierno de TI, desdeñado en épocas anteriores, hoy es muy apreciado porque genera el compromiso mutuo entre los ejecutivos de negocio y de TI para priorizar los proyectos de TI que darán soporte a la estrategia organizacional. En esta investigación, se traslada el concepto del alineamiento estratégico de TI con el negocio a las universidades particulares de la región Lambayeque, para guiar la formulación de sus iniciativas de proyectos de TI. Con el fin de lograr este propósito se utilizó el paradigma de investigación DSR buscando una solución representada en un método; para ello, se determinó cuáles criterios de alineamiento estratégico de TI con el negocio propuestos en SAMM son empleados por las universidades estudiadas, ponderando su uso. Luego, con la información resultante y considerando el modelo SAMM y el marco de trabajo COBIT 5.0, se elaboró el método de alineamiento para la formulación de las iniciativas de proyectos de TI compuesto de cinco fases: análisis preliminar, análisis de la organización, análisis de beneficios financieros, análisis de beneficios no financieros y análisis de riesgos, el cual se validó en los aspectos de contenido e intención de uso, obteniéndose resultados positivos en ambos casos. De esta manera se pudo concluir que es posible guiar la formulación de las iniciativas de proyectos de TI en las universidades particulares de la región Lambayeque empleando un método que considere el alineamiento de los objetivos de los proyectos con los objetivos estratégicos organizacionales

    Measuring business-IT alignment, framework development and case study results

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    Information technology has come to play a crucial role in the support, sustainability and growth of organizations. In order to accomplish good value for the organization, IT projects need to be in connection with the business side of the organization. The process of managing and improving this connection is Business-IT alignment. Organizations that have successfully aligned their business and IT outperform organizations that do not, for example by maximizing the return on IT investments and an improved competitive position. However, selecting and prioritizing IT projects present a challenge to IT managers. For a number of years already, Business-IT alignment is regarded by IT executives as one of their key issues. Much research has been carried out on Business-IT alignment. This has resulted in different models of alignment factors, different approaches to measure and communicate alignment in enterprises. The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual basis for alignment measurement on the basis of the existing models. This paper will present the development of a conceptual Business-IT model of five alignment factor categories. These categories are: Intention and Support, Working Relationship, Shared Domain Knowledge, IT Projects and Planning, and IT Performance. The conceptual model has been made operational by identifying measures and measurement scales. To validate the alignment factor measurement model a case study has been carried out at five organizations operating in the financial sector in The Netherlands. The final objective is to improve the communication in enterprises between business and IT professionals on alignment and subsequently the selection and prioritization of IT projects