15 research outputs found

    A physical study of the LLL algorithm

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    This paper presents a study of the LLL algorithm from the perspective of statistical physics. Based on our experimental and theoretical results, we suggest that interpreting LLL as a sandpile model may help understand much of its mysterious behavior. In the language of physics, our work presents evidence that LLL and certain 1-d sandpile models with simpler toppling rules belong to the same universality class. This paper consists of three parts. First, we introduce sandpile models whose statistics imitate those of LLL with compelling accuracy, which leads to the idea that there must exist a meaningful connection between the two. Indeed, on those sandpile models, we are able to prove the analogues of some of the most desired statements for LLL, such as the existence of the gap between the theoretical and the experimental RHF bounds. Furthermore, we test the formulas from the finite-size scaling theory (FSS) against the LLL algorithm itself, and find that they are in excellent agreement. This in particular explains and refines the geometric series assumption (GSA), and allows one to extrapolate various quantities of interest to the dimension limit. In particular, we predict the empirical average RHF converges to ≈1.02265\approx 1.02265 as dimension goes to infinity.Comment: Augmented version of 1804.03285; expect some overlap

    LLL and stochastic sandpile models

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    We introduce stochastic sandpile models which imitate numerous aspects of the practical behavior of the LLL algorithm with compelling accuracy. In addition, we argue that the physics and mathematics of sandpile models provide satisfactory heuristic explanations to much of the mysteries of LLL, and pleasant implications for lattice-based cryptography as a whole. Based on these successes, we suggest a paradigm in which one regards blockwise reduction algorithms as 1-d stochastic self-organized criticality(SOC) models and study them as such

    LWE with Side Information: Attacks and Concrete Security Estimation

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    We propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes, when side information---in the form of ``hints\u27\u27--- about the secret and/or error is available. Our framework generalizes the so-called primal lattice reduction attack, and allows the progressive integration of hints before running a final lattice reduction step. Our techniques for integrating hints include sparsifying the lattice, projecting onto and intersecting with hyperplanes, and/or altering the distribution of the secret vector. Our main contribution is to propose a toolbox and a methodology to integrate such hints into lattice reduction attacks and to predict the performance of those lattice attacks with side information. While initially designed for side-channel information, our framework can also be used in other cases: exploiting decryption failures, or simply exploiting constraints imposed by certain schemes (LAC, Round5, NTRU). We implement a Sage 9.0 toolkit to actually mount such attacks with hints when computationally feasible, and to predict their performances on larger instances. We provide several end-to-end application examples, such as an improvement of a single trace attack on Frodo by Bos et al (SAC 2018). In particular, our work can estimates security loss even given very little side information, leading to a smooth measurement/computation trade-off for side-channel attacks

    Lattice Enumeration with Discrete Pruning: Improvement, Cost Estimation and Optimal Parameters

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    Lattice enumeration is a linear-space algorithm for solving the shortest lattice vector problem(SVP). Extreme pruning is a practical technique for accelerating lattice enumeration, which has mature theoretical analysis and practical implementation. However, these works are still remain to be done for discrete pruning. In this paper, we improve the discrete pruned enumeration (DP enumeration), and give a solution to the problem proposed by Leo Ducas et Damien Stehle about the cost estimation of discrete pruning. Our contribution is on the following three aspects: First, we refine the algorithm both from theoretical and practical aspects. Discrete pruning using natural number representation lies on a randomness assumption of lattice point distribution, which has an obvious paradox in the original analysis. We rectify this assumption to fix the problem, and correspondingly modify some details of DP enumeration. We also improve the binary search algorithm for cell enumeration radius with polynomial time complexity, and refine the cell decoding algorithm. Besides, we propose to use a truncated lattice reduction algorithm -- k-tours-BKZ as reprocessing method when a round of enumeration failed. Second, we propose a cost estimation simulator for DP enumeration. Based on the investigation of lattice basis stability during reprocessing, we give a method to simulate the squared length of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization basis quickly, and give the fitted cost estimation formulae of sub-algorithms in CPU-cycles through intensive experiments. The success probability model is also modified based on the rectified assumption. We verify the cost estimation simulator on middle size SVP challenge instances, and the simulation results are very close to the actual performance of DP enumeration. Third, we give a method to calculate the optimal parameter setting to minimize the running time of DP enumeration. We compare the efficiency of our optimized DP enumeration with extreme pruning enumeration in solving SVP challenge instances. The experimental results in medium dimension and simulation results in high dimension both show that the discrete pruning method could outperform extreme pruning. An open-source implementation of DP enumeration with its simulator is also provided

    Improved Progressive BKZ with Lattice Sieving and a Two-Step Mode for Solving uSVP

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    The unique Shortest Vector Problem (uSVP) is one of the core hard problems in lattice-based cryptography. In NIST PQC standardization (Kyber, Dilithium), leaky-LWE-Estimator is used to estimate the hardness of LWE-based cryptosystems by reducing LWE to uSVP and considers the primal attack using Progressive BKZ (ProBKZ). ProBKZ trivially increases blocksize β and lifts the shortest vector in the final BKZ block to find the unique shortest vector in the full lattice. In this paper, we show that a ProBKZ algorithm as above (we call it a BKZ-only mode) is not the best way to solve uSVP. So we present a two-step mode to solve it, where the ProBKZ algorithm is followed by a sieving algorithm with the dimension larger than the blocksize of BKZ. While instantiating our two-step mode with the sieving algorithm Pump and Pump-and-jump BKZ (PnjBKZ) presented in G6K, which are the state-of-art sieving and BKZ implementations, we show that our algorithm is not only better than the BKZ-only mode but also better than the heuristic uSVP solving algorithm in G6K. However, a ProBKZ with the heuristic parameter selection in leaky-LWE-Estimator or the optimized parameter selection in the literature (Yoshinori Aono et al. at Asiacrypt 2016), is insufficient in optimizing the efficiency of a two-step solving algorithm. To find the best param- eters, we design a PnjBKZ simulator which allows the choice of value jump to be more than 1. Based on the newly designed simulator, we give a blocksize and jump strategy selection algorithm, which can achieve the best simulated efficiency in solving uSVP instances. Combining all the things above, we get a new lattice solving algorithm called Improved Progressive PnjBKZ (ProPnjBKZ for short). We test the efficiency of our ProPnjBKZ with the TU Darmstadt LWE Challenge. The experiment result shows that our ProPnjBKZ is 7.6∼12.9 times more efficient than the heuristic uSVP solving algorithm in G6K. Besides, we break the TU Darmstadt LWE Challenges with (n, α) ∈{(40, 0.035), (40, 0.040), (50, 0.025), (55, 0.020), (90, 0.005)}. Finally, we give a newly refined security estimator of LWE. The evaluation results indicate that the concrete hardness of the lattice-based NIST candidate schemes from LWE primal attack will decrease by 1.9∼4.2 bits when using our optimized blocksize and jump selection strategy and two-step solving mode. In addition, when using the list-decoding technology proposed by MATZOV in 2022, it further decreased by 8∼10.7 bits

    The General Sieve Kernel and New Records in Lattice Reduction

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    textabstractWe propose the General Sieve Kernel (G6K, pronounced /Ze.si.ka/), an abstract stateful machine supporting a wide variety of lattice reduction strategies based on sieving algorithms. Using the basic instruction set of this abstract stateful machine, we first give concise formulations of previous sieving strategies from the literature and then propose new ones. We then also give a light variant of BKZ exploiting the features of our abstract stateful machine. This encapsulates several recent suggestions (Ducas at Eurocrypt 2018; Laarhoven and Mariano at PQCrypto 2018) to move beyond treating sieving as a blackbox SVP oracle and to utilise strong lattice reduction as preprocessing for sieving. Furthermore, we propose new tricks to minimise the sieving computation required for a given reduction quality with mechanisms such as recycling vectors between sieves, on-the-fly lifting and flexible insertions akin to Deep LLL and recent variants of Random Sampling Reduction. Moreover, we provide a highly optimised, multi-threaded and tweakable implementation of this machine which we make open-source. We then illustrate the performance of this implementation of our sieving strategies by applying G6K to various lattice challenges. In particular, our approach allows us to solve previously unsolved instances of the Darmstadt SVP (151, 153, 155) and LWE (e.g. (75, 0.005)) challenges. Our solution for the SVP-151 challenge was found 400 times faster than the time reported for the SVP-150 challenge, the previous record. For exact SVP, we observe a performance crossover between G6K and FPLLL’s state of the art implementation of enumeration at dimension 70

    Improving Convergence and Practicality of Slide-type Reductions

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    The best lattice reduction algorithm known in theory for approximating the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) over lattices is the slide reduction algorithm (STOC \u2708 & CRYPTO \u2720). In this paper, we first improve the running time analysis of computing slide-reduced bases based on potential functions. This analysis applies to a generic slide reduction algorithm that includes (natural variants of) slide reduction and block-Rankin reduction (ANTS \u2714). We then present a rigorous dynamic analysis of generic slide reduction using techniques originally applied to a variant of BKZ (CRYPTO \u2711). This provides guarantees on the quality of the current lattice basis during execution. This dynamic analysis not only implies sharper convergence for these algorithms to find a short nonzero vector (rather than a fully reduced basis), but also allows to heuristically model/trace the practical behaviour of slide reduction. Interestingly, this dynamic analysis inspires us to introduce a new slide reduction variant with better time/quality trade-offs. This is confirmed by both our experiments and simulation, which also show that our variant is competitive with state-of-the-art reduction algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first attempt of improving the practical performance of slide reduction beyond speeding up the SVP oracle