386 research outputs found

    DiME: Maximizing Mutual Information by a Difference of Matrix-Based Entropies

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    We introduce an information-theoretic quantity with similar properties to mutual information that can be estimated from data without making explicit assumptions on the underlying distribution. This quantity is based on a recently proposed matrix-based entropy that uses the eigenvalues of a normalized Gram matrix to compute an estimate of the eigenvalues of an uncentered covariance operator in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We show that a difference of matrix-based entropies (DiME) is well suited for problems involving the maximization of mutual information between random variables. While many methods for such tasks can lead to trivial solutions, DiME naturally penalizes such outcomes. We compare DiME to several baseline estimators of mutual information on a toy Gaussian dataset. We provide examples of use cases for DiME, such as latent factor disentanglement and a multiview representation learning problem where DiME is used to learn a shared representation among views with high mutual information

    Information Theoretic Representation Distillation

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    Despite the empirical success of knowledge distillation, current state-of-the-art methods are computationally expensive to train, which makes them difficult to adopt in practice. To address this problem, we introduce two distinct complementary losses inspired by a cheap entropy-like estimator. These losses aim to maximise the correlation and mutual information between the student and teacher representations. Our method incurs significantly less training overheads than other approaches and achieves competitive performance to the state-of-the-art on the knowledge distillation and cross-model transfer tasks. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a binary distillation task, whereby it leads to a new state-of-the-art for binary quantisation and approaches the performance of a full precision model. Code: www.github.com/roymiles/ITRDComment: BMVC 202

    Nonparametric estimation of the characteristic triplet of a discretely observed L\'evy process

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    Given a discrete time sample X1,...XnX_1,... X_n from a L\'evy process X=(Xt)t0X=(X_t)_{t\geq 0} of a finite jump activity, we study the problem of nonparametric estimation of the characteristic triplet (γ,σ2,ρ)(\gamma,\sigma^2,\rho) corresponding to the process X.X. Based on Fourier inversion and kernel smoothing, we propose estimators of γ,σ2\gamma,\sigma^2 and ρ\rho and study their asymptotic behaviour. The obtained results include derivation of upper bounds on the mean square error of the estimators of γ\gamma and σ2\sigma^2 and an upper bound on the mean integrated square error of an estimator of ρ.\rho.Comment: 29 page

    Optimal Transport for Measures with Noisy Tree Metric

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    We study optimal transport (OT) problem for probability measures supported on a tree metric space. It is known that such OT problem (i.e., tree-Wasserstein (TW)) admits a closed-form expression, but depends fundamentally on the underlying tree structure over supports of input measures. In practice, the given tree structure may be, however, perturbed due to noisy or adversarial measurements. To mitigate this issue, we follow the max-min robust OT approach which considers the maximal possible distances between two input measures over an uncertainty set of tree metrics. In general, this approach is hard to compute, even for measures supported in one-dimensional space, due to its non-convexity and non-smoothness which hinders its practical applications, especially for large-scale settings. In this work, we propose novel uncertainty sets of tree metrics from the lens of edge deletion/addition which covers a diversity of tree structures in an elegant framework. Consequently, by building upon the proposed uncertainty sets, and leveraging the tree structure over supports, we show that the robust OT also admits a closed-form expression for a fast computation as its counterpart standard OT (i.e., TW). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the robust OT satisfies the metric property and is negative definite. We then exploit its negative definiteness to propose positive definite kernels and test them in several simulations on various real-world datasets on document classification and topological data analysis.Comment: To appear in AISTATS 202

    Simple stopping criteria for information theoretic feature selection

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    Feature selection aims to select the smallest feature subset that yields the minimum generalization error. In the rich literature in feature selection, information theory-based approaches seek a subset of features such that the mutual information between the selected features and the class labels is maximized. Despite the simplicity of this objective, there still remain several open problems in optimization. These include, for example, the automatic determination of the optimal subset size (i.e., the number of features) or a stopping criterion if the greedy searching strategy is adopted. In this paper, we suggest two stopping criteria by just monitoring the conditional mutual information (CMI) among groups of variables. Using the recently developed multivariate matrix-based Renyi's \alpha-entropy functional, which can be directly estimated from data samples, we showed that the CMI among groups of variables can be easily computed without any decomposition or approximation, hence making our criteria easy to implement and seamlessly integrated into any existing information theoretic feature selection methods with a greedy search strategy.Comment: Paper published in the journal of Entrop