6 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the synchrophasor measurement in steady-state and dynamic conditions

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    Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are becoming one of the key issues of power network monitoring. They have to be able to perform accurate estimations of current and voltage signals either under steady-state or dynamic conditions. The first part of this PhD thesis analyses the impact of the phasor models on the estimation accuracy, focuses on algorithms proposed in the literature for the estimation of phasors and studies their performance under several different conditions. On the basis of the results of this analysis, in the second part of this thesis an innovative approach to improve the performance of synchrophasor estimation is presented. The method proposes a modified version of the synchrophasor estimation algorithm which uses the non-orthogonal transform defined as Taylor-Fourier Transform (TFT) and which is based on a Weighted Least Squares (WLS) estimation of the parameters of a second order Taylor model of the phasor. The aim of the proposed enhancements is to improve the performance of the algorithm in presence of fast transient events and to achieve a Phasor Measurement Unit that is simultaneously compliant with both M and P compliance classes, suggested by the synchrophasor standard IEEE C37.118.1. In particular, while the TFT based adaptive algorithm is used for synchrophasor estimation, frequency and Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF) are estimated using the higher derivatives outputs of the adaptive TFT. Frequency estimation feedback is used to tune the algorithm and achieve better performance in off-nominal conditions. The proposed approaches are validated by means of simulations in all the static and dynamic conditions defined in the standard. In the last chapter, the algorithm proposed above is used in a novel architecture, compliant to IEC 61850, for a distributed IED-based PMU, to be used in electrical substations. In particular, a measurement architecture based on process bus and sampled values synchronized with IEEE 1588-2008 is proposed, so that voltage and current signals are acquired by a Merging Unit device, while the PMU signal processing is performed on a IED (Intelligent Electronic Device), in compliance with IEEE C37.118.1-2011

    Algorithms for the synchrophasor measurement in steady-state and dynamic conditions

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    Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are becoming one of the key issues of power network monitoring. They have to be able to perform accurate estimations of current and voltage signals either under steady-state or dynamic conditions. The first part of this PhD thesis analyses the impact of the phasor models on the estimation accuracy, focuses on algorithms proposed in the literature for the estimation of phasors and studies their performance under several different conditions. On the basis of the results of this analysis, in the second part of this thesis an innovative approach to improve the performance of synchrophasor estimation is presented. The method proposes a modified version of the synchrophasor estimation algorithm which uses the non-orthogonal transform defined as Taylor-Fourier Transform (TFT) and which is based on a Weighted Least Squares (WLS) estimation of the parameters of a second order Taylor model of the phasor. The aim of the proposed enhancements is to improve the performance of the algorithm in presence of fast transient events and to achieve a Phasor Measurement Unit that is simultaneously compliant with both M and P compliance classes, suggested by the synchrophasor standard IEEE C37.118.1. In particular, while the TFT based adaptive algorithm is used for synchrophasor estimation, frequency and Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF) are estimated using the higher derivatives outputs of the adaptive TFT. Frequency estimation feedback is used to tune the algorithm and achieve better performance in off-nominal conditions. The proposed approaches are validated by means of simulations in all the static and dynamic conditions defined in the standard. In the last chapter, the algorithm proposed above is used in a novel architecture, compliant to IEC 61850, for a distributed IED-based PMU, to be used in electrical substations. In particular, a measurement architecture based on process bus and sampled values synchronized with IEEE 1588-2008 is proposed, so that voltage and current signals are acquired by a Merging Unit device, while the PMU signal processing is performed on a IED (Intelligent Electronic Device), in compliance with IEEE C37.118.1-2011

    IEEE 1588 synchronization in distributed measurement systems for electric power networks

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    Modern electric power systems can be considered as the consequence of the continuous technological evolution, often pushed by economical, political and social requirements. As an example, the main transformations in electric distribution systems arise from the diffusion of “Distributed Generation” (DG), i.e. small production plants, often supplied through renewable energy sources, whose presence has significant implications on both energy management (since “active networks” are needed to take into account bidirectional energy flows by means of innovative devices) and protection systems (since adaptive protections can be used to automatically reconfigure the network in the case of fault occurrence). In general, in both transmission and distribution networks, monitoring, control and protection tasks are usually performed by Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs), which can be, by their nature, connected to each other by suitable communication links. A famous example of this approach is represented by the series of Standard IEC 61850 (Communication Networks and Systems in Substations). These standards are related to networks and communication systems within the substation, but are used as a reference in all those circumstances in which an electrical system is managed through the use of IEDs communicating with each other (as in the case of active distribution networks). In this way, control and protection schemes practically become algorithms, whose correct behavior is determined firstly by the availability of data measured in strategic points of the network. The critical role of the above mentioned applications, which clearly emerges from their implications on safety, as well as from economical considerations, makes it of fundamental importance the evaluation of correctness and trustworthiness of the information on which such actions are based. Many of these applications implemented for control and protection purposes in electric power networks require the acquisition of information by Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) from strategic points of the system and need that the acquired data have an extremely accurate common time reference. Generally, amplitudes and phases of the positive sequence voltages are the quantities to be estimated in the network nodes. Because of the extension of power networks, suitable measurement devices should be used to ensure proper synchronization between the collected data. Thus, the key components of WAMSs are represented by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) designed to measure synchronized phasors (synchrophasors). Typical synchronization specifications for synchrophasors measurement are in the order of few microseconds. Such a tight synchronization requirements lead to the need of highly accurate clock settings, such as the ones bases on satellite systems. Currently, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only system to provide a time reference with sufficient availability and accuracy for most distributed monitoring and control applications in power systems. As an alternative, in situations where many devices are located in a geographically limited sub-area (e.g. a substation) of the system and are connected to each other by suitable communication networks (as described by the series of standard IEC 61850), it could be advantageous to distribute the time reference of a high accuracy clock to the devices through suitable network synchronization protocols. Between them, the PTP (Precision Time Protocol) defined in the Standard IEEE 1588 offers the best accuracy performance. It is worth mentioning that the Standard IEC 61850-9-2 practically indicates Ethernet as a preferred communication solution, thus offering an optimal support to implement 1588 synchronization in electric power plants. In this context, it should be recalled that the IEEE 1588 profile for power system applications (project PC37.238) is being developed under IEEE Power System Relaying Committee (PSRC) and Power System Substation Committee (PSSC). The scope covers all power system applications, including Synchrophasors. The group works in close coordination with TC57 WG10, which plans to adopt the PTP profile in the next revision of IEC 61850. In the first part of this thesis, the state of the art regarding power system evolution, IEEE Standard on synchrophasor measurements and synchronization system is presented. In particular, the problems related to the evolution of the power system along with some possible advantages due to the implementation of Phasor Measurement Units in Wide Area Monitoring Systems are introduced. After a general description of the architecture of a distributed measurement system based on PMUs, the new synchrophasors standard is analysed, highlighting the differences with previous versions, the requirements for the measurement of synchrophasors and the definition of synchrophasor under steady-state and dynamic conditions. Moreover, a summary of the possible synchronization solutions is introduced. For each solution, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. In particular, satellite system and network based protocol are analysed in detail. In the second part of the thesis, a synchronization solution able to exploit the worldwide availability of the GPS and the possibility to disseminate the synchronization signal with high accuracy by means of the network synchronization protocol IEEE 1588 is proposed. This solution is used for the synchronization of PMUs. The objective of this work is to analyse the possibility to synchronize PMUs via PTP and to study the impact that such a synchronization solution has on the performance of measurement systems under both steady-state and anomalous operating conditions, as well as its effects on the applications that make use of their data. Two different versions of the PTP are used: the first one uses hardware-assisted time-stamp mechanism whereas the second one uses software-only time-stamp mechanism. Two experimental systems are characterized in detail with an accurate description of all the used hardware and software components, and their synchronization performances under different operative conditions are analysed. Finally, among all the sources which may contribute to the uncertainty introduced by PMUs, the last part of this thesis analyses the impact of the phasor estimation models on the accuracy of these devices, with particular attention to algorithms proposed in literature for the estimation of dynamic phasors and studies their performances under several different conditions

    Algorithms to Improve Performance of Wide Area Measurement Systems of Electric Power Systems

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    Power system operation has become increasingly complex due to high load growth and increasing market pressure. The occurrence of major blackouts in many power systems around the world has necessitated the use of synchrophasor based Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) for grid monitoring. Synchrophasor technology is comparatively new in the area of power systems. Phasor measurement units (PMUs) and phasor data concentrators (PDCs) are new to the substations and control centers. Even though PMUs have been installed in many power grids, the number of installed PMUs is still low with respect to the number of buses or lines. Currently, WAMS systems face many challenges. This thesis is an attempt towards solving some of the technical problems faced by the WAMS systems. This thesis addresses four problems related to synchrophasor estimation, synchrophasor quality detection, synchrophasor communication and synchrophasor application. In the first part, a synchrophasor estimation algorithm has been proposed. The proposed algorithm is simple, requires lesser computations, and satisfies all the steady state and dynamic performance criteria of the IEEE Standard C37.118.1-2011 and also suitable for protection applications. The proposed algorithm performs satisfactorily during system faults and it has lower response time during larger disturbances. In the second part, areas of synchrophasor communication which can be improved by applying compressive sampling (CS) are identified. It is shown that CS can reduce bandwidth requirements for WAMS networks. It is also shown that CS can successfully reconstruct system dynamics at higher rates using synchrophasors reported at sub-Nyquist rate. Many synchrophasor applications are not designed to use fault/switching transient synchrophasors. In this thesis, an algorithm has been proposed to detect fault/switching transient synchrophasors. The proposed algorithm works satisfactorily during smaller and larger step changes, oscillations and missing data. Fault transient synchrophasors are not usable in WAMS applications as they represent a combination of fault and no-fault scenario. In the fourth part, two algorithms have been proposed to extract fault synchrophasor from fault transient synchrophasor in PDC. The proposed algorithms extract fault synchrophasors accurately in presence of noise, off-nominal frequencies, harmonics, and frequency estimation errors

    Measurement of synchrophasors under dynamic conditions

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