895 research outputs found

    Massive MIMO Extensions to the COST 2100 Channel Model: Modeling and Validation

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    To enable realistic studies of massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, the COST 2100 channel model is extended based on measurements. First, the concept of a base station-side visibility region (BS-VR) is proposed to model the appearance and disappearance of clusters when using a physically-large array. We find that BS-VR lifetimes are exponentially distributed, and that the number of BS-VRs is Poisson distributed with intensity proportional to the sum of the array length and the mean lifetime. Simulations suggest that under certain conditions longer lifetimes can help decorrelating closely-located users. Second, the concept of a multipath component visibility region (MPC-VR) is proposed to model birth-death processes of individual MPCs at the mobile station side. We find that both MPC lifetimes and MPC-VR radii are lognormally distributed. Simulations suggest that unless MPC-VRs are applied the channel condition number is overestimated. Key statistical properties of the proposed extensions, e.g., autocorrelation functions, maximum likelihood estimators, and Cramer-Rao bounds, are derived and analyzed.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions of Wireless Communication

    5G 3GPP-like Channel Models for Outdoor Urban Microcellular and Macrocellular Environments

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    For the development of new 5G systems to operate in bands up to 100 GHz, there is a need for accurate radio propagation models at these bands that currently are not addressed by existing channel models developed for bands below 6 GHz. This document presents a preliminary overview of 5G channel models for bands up to 100 GHz. These have been derived based on extensive measurement and ray tracing results across a multitude of frequencies from 6 GHz to 100 GHz, and this document describes an initial 3D channel model which includes: 1) typical deployment scenarios for urban microcells (UMi) and urban macrocells (UMa), and 2) a baseline model for incorporating path loss, shadow fading, line of sight probability, penetration and blockage models for the typical scenarios. Various processing methodologies such as clustering and antenna decoupling algorithms are also presented.Comment: To be published in 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference Spring (VTC 2016-Spring), Nanjing, China, May 201

    Modeling and characterization of urban radio channels for mobile communications

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    Results of this thesis contribute in modeling and characterization of radio channels for future mobile communications. The results are presented mainly in three parts: a) modeling of propagation mechanisms, b) methodology of developing a propagation model, c) characterization of urban radio channel. One of the main propagation physical phenomena that have an important role in diverting signals to non line of sight scenarios is the diffraction process. This thesis proposes diffraction coefficients that have better agreement with finite difference time domain solution and rigorous diffraction theory than the coefficient commonly used in propagation predictions for mobile communications. The importance of diffuse scattering has also been investigated and showed that this physical process may have a key role in urban propagation, with a particular impact on the delay spread and angular spread of the signal at the receiver. This thesis proposes wideband propagation models for main and perpendicular streets of urban street grids. The propagation models are ray-based and are given in explicit mathematical expressions. Each ray is characterized in terms of its amplitude, delay, and angle of arrival, angle of departure for vertical and horizontal polarizations. Each of these characteristics is given in a closed mathematical form. Having wideband propagation model in explicit expression makes its implementation easy and computation fast. Secondary source modeling approach for perpendicular streets has also been introduced in this thesis. The last part of the thesis deals with characterization of urban radio channels for extracting parameters that help in successful design of mobile communication systems. Knowledge of channel characteristics enables reaching optimum trade off between system performance and complexity. This thesis analyzes measurement results at 2 GHz to extract channel parameters in terms of Rake finger characteristics in order to get information that helps to optimize Rake receiver design for enhanced-IMT2000 systems. Finger life distance has also been investigated for both micro- and small cell scenarios. This part of the thesis also presents orthogonality factor of radio channel for W-CDMA downlink at different bandwidths. Characterization of dispersion metrics in delay and angular domains for microcellular channels is also presented at different base station antenna heights. A measure of (dis-) similarity between multipath components in terms of separation distance in delay and angular domains is introduced by the concept of distance function, which is a step toward in development of algorithm extraction and analysis multipath clustering. In summary, the significant contributions of the thesis are in three parts. 1) Development of new diffraction coefficients and corrections of limitations of existing one for accurate propagation predictions for mobile communications. 2) Development of wideband propagation models for urban street grid. The novelty of the model is the development in explicit mathematical expressions. The developed models can be used to study propagation problem in microcellular urban street grids. 3) Presenting channel parameters that will help in the design of future mobile communication systems (enhanced-IMT2000), like number of active fingers, finger life distance, and orthogonality factors for different bandwidths. In addition, a technique based on multipath separation distance is proposed as a step toward in development of algorithms for extraction and analysis of multipath clusters.reviewe

    The COST 259 Directional Channel Model Part II: Macrocells

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    Abstract — This paper describes the attributes of the COST 259 directional channel model that are applicable for use in the design and implementation of macrocellular mobile and portable radio systems and associated technology. Special care has been taken to model all propagation mechanisms that are currently understood to contribute to the characteristics of practical macrocellular channels and confirm that large scale, small scale, and directional characteristics of implemented models are realistic through their comparison with available measured data. The model that is described makes full use of previously published work, as well as incorporating some new results. It is considered that its implementation should contribute to a tool that can be used for simulations and comparison of different aspects of a large variety of wireless communication systems, including those that exploit the spatial aspects of radio channels, as, for example, through the use of adaptive antenna systems. Index Terms — Direction of arrival, mobile radio channel, smart antenna. I

    Geometry-based Radio Channel Characterization and Modeling: Parameterization, Implementation and Validation

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    The propagation channel determines the fundamental basis of wireless communications, as well as the actual performance of practical systems. Therefore, having good channel models is a prerequisite for developing the next generation wireless systems. This thesis first investigates one of the main channel model building blocks, namely clusters. To understand the concept of clusters and channel characterization precisely, a measurement based ray launching tool has been implemented (Paper I). Clusters and their physical interpretation are studied by using the implemented ray launching tool (Paper II). Also, this thesis studies the COST 2100 channel model, which is a geometry-based channel model using the concept of clusters. A complete parameter set for the outdoor sub-urban scenario is extracted and validated for the COST 2100 channel model (Paper III). This thesis offers valuable insights on multi-link channel modeling, where it will be widely used in the next generation wireless systems (Paper IV and Paper V). In addition, positioning and localization by using the phase information of multi-path components, which are estimated and tracked from the radio channels, are investigated in this thesis (Paper VI). Clusters are extensively used in geometry-based stochastic channel models, such as the COST 2100 and WINNER II channel models. In order to gain a better understanding of the properties of clusters, thus the characteristics of wireless channels, a measurement based ray launching tool has been implemented for outdoor scenarios in Paper I. With this ray launching tool, we visualize the most likely propagation paths together with the measured channel and a detail floor plan of the measured environment. The measurement based ray launching tool offers valuable insights of the interacting physical scatterers of the propagation paths and provides a good interpretation of propagation paths. It shows significant advantages for further channel analysis and modeling, e.g., multi-link channel modeling. \par The properties of clusters depend on how clusters are identified. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of clusters: parameter based clusters are characterized with the parameters of the associated multi-path components; physical clusters are determined based on the interacting physical scatterers of the multi-path components. It is still an open issue on how the physical clusters behave compared to the parameter based clusters and therefore we analyze this in more detail in Paper II. In addition, based on the concept of physical clusters, we extract modeling parameters for the COST 2100 channel model with sub-urban and urban micro-cell measurements. Further, we validate these parameters with the current COST 2100 channel model MATLAB implementation. The COST 2100 channel model is one of the best candidates for the next generation wireless systems. Researchers have made efforts to extract the parameters in an indoor scenario, but the parameterization of outdoor scenarios is missing. Paper III fills this blank, where, first, cluster parameters and cluster time-variant properties are obtained from the 300~MHz measurements by using a joint clustering and tracking algorithm. Parameterization of the COST 2100 channel model for single-link outdoor MIMO communication at 300~MHz is conducted in Paper III. In addition, validation of the channel model is performed for the considered scenario by comparing simulated and measured delay spreads, spatial correlations, singular value distributions and antenna correlations. Channel modeling for multi-link MIMO systems plays an important role for the developing of the next generation wireless systems. In general, it is essential to capture the correlations between multi-link as well as their correlation statistics. In Paper IV, correlation between large-scale parameters for a macro cell scenario at 2.6 GHz has been analyzed. It has been found that the parameters of different links can be correlated even if the base stations are far away from each other. When both base stations were in the same direction compared to the movement, the large-scale parameters of the different links had a tendency to be positively correlated, but slightly negatively correlated when the base stations were located in different directions compared to the movement of the mobile terminal. Paper IV focuses more on multi-site investigations, and paper V gives valuable insights for multi-user scenarios. In the COST 2100 channel model, common clusters are proposed for multi-link channel modeling. Therefore, shared scatterers among the different links are investigated in paper V, which reflects the physical existence of common clusters. We observe that, as the MS separation distance is increasing, the number of common clusters is decreasing and the cross-correlation between multiple links is decreasing as well. Multi-link MIMO simulations are also performed using the COST 2100 channel model and the parameters of the extracted common clusters are detailed in paper V. It has been demonstrated that the common clusters can represent multi-link properties well with respect to inter-link correlation and sum rate capacity. Positioning has attracted a lot of attention both in the industry and academia during the past decades. In Paper VI, positioning with accuracy down to centimeters has been demonstrated, where the phase information of multi-path components from the measured channels is used. First of all, an extended Kalman filter is implemented to process the channel data, and the phases of a number of MPCs are tracked. The tracked phases are converted into relative distance measures. Position estimates are obtained with a method based on so called structure-of-motion. In Paper VI, circular movements have been successfully tracked with a root-mean-square error around 4 cm when using a bandwidth of 40 MHz. It has been demonstrated that phase based positioning is a promising technique for positioning with accuracy down to centimeters when using a standard cellular bandwidth. In summary, this thesis has made efforts for the implementation of the COST 2100 channel model, including providing model parameters and validating such parameters, investigating multi-link channel properties, and suggesting implementations of the channel model. The thesis also has made contributions to the tools and algorithms that can be used for general channel characterizations, i.e., clustering algorithm, ray launching tool, EKF algorithm. In addition, this thesis work is the first to propose a practical positioning method by utilizing the distance estimated from the phases of the tracked multi-path components and showed a preliminary and promising result

    Experimental analysis of multidimensional radio channels

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    In this thesis new systems for radio channel measurements including space and polarization dimensions are developed for studying the radio propagation in wideband mobile communication systems. Multidimensional channel characterization is required for building channel models for new systems capable of exploiting the spatial nature of the channel. It also gives insight into the dominant propagation mechanisms in complex radio environments, where their prediction is difficult, such as urban and indoor environments. The measurement systems are based on the HUT/IDC wideband radio channel sounder, which was extended to enable real-time multiple output channel measurements at practical mobile speeds at frequencies up to 18 GHz. Two dual-polarized antenna arrays were constructed for 2 GHz, having suitable properties for characterizing the 3-D spatial radio channel at both ends of a mobile communication link. These implementations and their performance analysis are presented. The usefulness of the developed measurement systems is demonstrated by performing channel measurements at 2 GHz and analyzing the experimental data. Spatial channels of both the mobile and base stations are analyzed, as well as the double-directional channel that fully characterizes the propagation between two antennas. It is shown through sample results that spatial domain channel measurements can be used to gain knowledge on the dominant propagation mechanisms or verify the current assumptions. Also new statistical information about scatterer distribution at the mobile station in urban environment is presented based on extensive real-time measurements. The developed techniques and collected experimental data form a good basis for further comparison with existing deterministic propagation models and development of new spatial channel models.reviewe

    A Study of Differences in Calculated Capacity when Using Single-, Mixed- or Multiple-Bounce GSCM Schemes

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    The paper looks for differences in MIMO system capacity when using either single-, mixed-, or multiple-bounce geometry based stochastic channel models (GSCMs). The investigation considers Saleh-Valenzuela temporal indoor model, expanded for angular domain. In the model omnidirectional and idealized sector antennas were used as array elements. The single-bounce assumption, combination of single and multiple bounces, and pure random multiple bounces assumption were compared within “temporally identical” environment regarding the overall MIMO capacity. Assumption of clustered scatterers/reflectors is used in all three cases. The comparison is performed in statistical sense, using a large number of stochastically generated temporal models. The model is two- dimensional, i.e. neither elevation angle nor polarization/ depolarization was considered

    Measurement Based Channel Characterization and Modeling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

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    Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication is a challenging but fast growing technology that has potential to enhance traffic safety and efficiency. It can also provide environmental benefits in terms of reduced fuel consumption. The effectiveness and reliability of these applications highly depends on the quality of the V2V communication link, which rely upon the properties of the propagation channel. Therefore, understanding the properties of the propagation channel becomes extremely important. This thesis aims to fill some gaps of knowledge in V2V channel research by addressing four different topics. The first topic is channel characterization of some important safety critical scenarios (papers I and II). Second, is the accuracy or validation study of existing channel models for these safety critical scenarios (papers III and IV). Third, is about channel modeling (paper V) and, the fourth topic is the impact of antenna placement on vehicles and the possible diversity gains. This thesis consists of an introduction and six papers: Paper I presents a double directional analysis of vehicular channels based on channel measurement data. Using SAGE, a high-resolution algorithm for parameter estimation, we estimate channel parameters to identify underlying propagation mechanisms. It is found that, single-bounce reflections from static objects are dominating propagation mechanisms in the absence of line-of-sight (LOS). Directional spread is observed to be high, which encourages the use of diversity-based methods. Paper II presents results for V2V channel characterization based on channel measurements conducted for merging lanes on highway, and four-way street intersection scenarios. It is found that the merging lane scenario has the worst propagation condition due to lack of scatterers. Signal reception is possible only with the present LOS component given that the antenna has a good gain in the direction of LOS. Thus designing an antenna that has an omni-directional gain, or using multiple antennas that radiate towards different directions become more important for such safety critical scenarios. Paper III presents the results of an accuracy study of a deterministic ray tracing channel model for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, that is compared against channel measurement data. It is found that the results from measurement and simulation show a good agreement especially in LOS situations where as in NLOS situations the simulations are accurate as far as existing physical phenomena of wave propagation are captured by the implemented algorithm. Paper IV presents the results of a validation study of a stochastic NLOS pathloss and fading model named VirtualSource11p for V2V communication in urban street intersections. The reference model is validated with the help of independent channel measurement data. It is found that the model is flexible and fits well to most of the measurements with a few exceptions, and we propose minor modifications to the model for increased accuracy. Paper V presents a shadow fading model targeting system simulations based on channel measurements. The model parameters are extracted from measurement data, which is separated into three categories; line-of-sight (LOS), LOS obstructed by vehicles (OLOS), and LOS blocked by buildings (NLOS), with the help of video information recorded during the measurements. It is found that vehicles obstructing the LOS induce an additional attenuation in the received signal power. The results from system level vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) simulations are also presented, showing that the LOS obstruction affects the packet reception probability and this can not be ignored. Paper VI investigates the impact of antenna placement based on channel measurements performed with four omni-directional antennas mounted on the roof, bumper, windscreen and left-side mirror of the transmitter and receiver cars. We use diversity combining methods to evaluate the performance differences for all possible single-input single-output (SIMO), multiple-input single-output (MISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) link combinations. This investigation suggests that a pair of antennas with complementary properties, e.g., a roof mounted antenna together with a bumper antenna is a good solution for obtaining the best reception performance, in most of the propagation environments. In summary, this thesis describes the channel behavior for safety-critical scenarios by statistical means and models it so that the system performance can be assessed in a realistic manner. In addition to that the influence of different antenna arrangements has also been studied to exploit the spatial diversity and to mitigate the shadowing effects. The presented work can thus enable more efficient design of future V2V communication systems
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