10 research outputs found

    A New Improved Path Reconstruction With Security in WSN

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    The fundamental thought of iPath is to misuse high way similitude to iteratively surmise long ways from short ones. iPath begins with an underlying known arrangement of ways and performs way derivation iteratively. iPath incorporates a novel structure of a lightweight hash work for check of the construed ways. With the end goal to additionally enhance the deduction ability and additionally the execution proficiency. iPath incorporates a quick bootstrapping calculation to reproduce the underlying arrangement of ways

    A Fast Bootstrapping Algorithm To Recreate The Initial Set Of Paths

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    We propose iPath, a novel way derivation way to deal with recreating the per-bundle directing ways in powerful and huge scale systems. The essential thought of iPath is to adventure high way closeness to iteratively gather long ways from short ones. iPath begins with an underlying known arrangement of ways and performs way deduction iteratively. iPath incorporates a novel plan of a lightweight hash work for check of the gathered ways. With a specific end goal to additionally enhance the derivation ability and also the execution productivity, iPath incorporates a quick bootstrapping calculation to recreate the underlying arrangement of ways. We likewise actualize iPath and assess its execution utilizing follows from expansive scale WSN arrangements and in addition broad recreations

    Enhanced Path Reconstruction with Security in WSN

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    — Late remote sensor systems are winding up noticeably progressively complex with the developing system scale and the dynamic way of remote interchanges. Numerous estimation and analytic methodologies rely on upon per-parcel steering ways for precise and fine-grained examination of the mind boggling system practices. In this project, we propose enhanced iPath, a novel way surmising way to deal with remaking the per-bundle directing ways in powerful and extensive scale systems. The fundamental thought of iPath is to endeavor high way closeness to iteratively gather long ways from short ones. iPath begins with an underlying known arrangement of ways and performs way induction iteratively. iPath incorporates a novel outline of a lightweight hash work for check of the gathered ways., iPath includes a enhanced iterative  fast bootstrapping algorithm along with security mechanisim with ECC-256 bit algorithm to reconstruct the initial set of paths.


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    CSPR formalizes the sparse path representation and enables accurate and efficient per-packet path renovation. By viewing the entire network like a path representation space, a random routing path could be symbolized with a path vector within the space. CSPR is invulnerable to network dynamics and loss links because of its distinct design. Evaluation results reveal that CSPR achieves high path recovery precision and outperforms the condition-of-the-art approaches in a variety of network settings. This paper presents CSPR, a compressive-sensing based method for path renovation in wireless sensor systems. As path length is generally much smaller sized compared to network size, such path vectors are sparse, i.e., nearly all elements are zeros. We evaluate CSPR both in tested-based experiments and enormous-scale trace-driven simulations. By encoding sparse path representation into packets, the road vector (and therefore the symbolized routing path) could be retrieved from a tiny bit of packets using compressive sensing technique. Some optimization techniques are further suggested to enhance the look

    To Improve The Inference Capability Using Traces From WSN Deployments

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    WSNs are winding up noticeably progressively complex with the developing system scale and the dynamic idea of remote interchanges. Numerous estimation and analytic methodologies rely upon per-parcel directing ways for precise and fine-grained examination of the mind boggling system practices. In this we propose iPath, a novel way deduction approach to manage reproducing the per-package coordinating courses in intense and immense scale frameworks. The fundamental idea of iPath is to experience high path closeness to iteratively assemble long courses from short ones. iPath starts with a hidden known game plan of ways and performs way finding iteratively. iPath joins a novel arrangement of a lightweight hash work for check of the assembled ways. With a particular ultimate objective to furthermore upgrade the determination capacity and furthermore the execution profitability, iPath consolidates a speedy bootstrapping estimation to reproduce the basic course of action of ways. We moreover realize iPath and survey its execution using takes after from far reaching scale WSN courses of action and also wide diversions

    Cyclist training monitoring system based on wireless sensor network

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    Recent innovation of technology in wireless sensor network (WSN) has eased the deployment of WSN in many applications such as health monitoring system. This research presents a cyclist training monitoring system that is equipped with a set of sensors using the WSN technology. This enables continuous monitoring process of cyclist training that can be done anytime and anywhere. A stable and reliable wireless cyclist monitoring system with minimum data loss is vital to establish a smart and efficient sports management program that can lead to better quality outcomes of cyclist training. This cyclist training monitoring system has been developed and tested in real cyclist training environment in velodrome. The system is designed based on WSN that is linked to the cloud network on the Internet. Using TelG node as the basis, customized transceiver nodes are developed to establish the WSN. These nodes have been built with 30% reduction in size from the existing nodes. Seven measurements were conducted to investigate several factors that affect the packet loss rate before the system architecture was constructed. The factors that were taken into account during the measurements are the distance between the transmitter and the receiver, the height and angle of the receiver, the mobility of the transmitter, the transmission power of the transmitter, as well as the packet size and transmission rate. The results from the measurements correspond to the wireless communication theory. Based on the seven measurements, the system architecture was constructed. Several experiments were conducted in a real scenario in velodrome to measure the reliability of the system architecture. It was shown from the experiments that the proposed system is reliable even when the cyclist is moving at high speed which is 30km/h constantly. The packet loss in all experiments conducted is less than 2%, which does not give huge impact to the sensor data transmission. In addition, the results have shown that the proposed system can produce minimum end-to-end delay which is at 11ms when packet size is below 20 bytes which can be neglected

    Enhanced delay-aware and reliable routing protocol for wireless sensor network

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are distributed low-rate data networks, consist of small sensing nodes equipped with memory, processors and short range wireless communication. The performance of WSN is always measured by the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters that are time delay, reliability and throughput. These networks are dynamic in nature and affect the QoS parameters, especially when real time data delivery is needed. Additionally, in achieving end-to-end delay and reliability, link failures are the major causes that have not been given much attention. So, there is a demanding need of an efficient routing protocol to be developed in order to minimize the delay and provide on time delivery of data in real time WSN applications. An efficient Delay-Aware Path Selection Algorithm (DAPSA) is proposed to minimize the access end-to-end delay based on hop count, link quality and residual energy metrics considering the on time packets delivery. Furthermore, an Intelligent Service Classifier Queuing Model (ISCQM) is proposed to distinguish the real time and non-real time traffic by applying service discriminating theory to ensure delivery of real time data with acceptable delay. Moreover, an Efficient Data Delivery and Recovery Scheme (EDDRS) is proposed to achieve improved packet delivery ratio and control link failures in transmission. This will then improve the overall throughput. Based on the above mentioned approaches, an Enhanced Delay-Aware and Reliable Routing Protocol (EDARRP) is developed. Simulation experiments have been performed using NS2 simulator and multiple scenarios are considered in order to examine the performance parameters. The results are compared with the state-of-the-art routing protocols Stateless Protocol for Real-Time Communication (SPEED) and Distributed Adaptive Cooperative Routing Protocol (DACR) and found that on average the proposed protocol has improved the performance in terms of end-to-end delay (30.10%), packet delivery ratio (9.26%) and throughput (5.42%). The proposed EDARRP protocol has improved the performance of WSN

    Studi Implementasi Manajemen Antrian WRED Untuk Menghindari Congestion Pada LR‐WPAN

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    Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (LR‐WPAN) merupakan standar protokol komunikasi yang dikembangkan grup IEEE 802.15.4, fokus pengembangannya adalah menciptakan arsitektur jaringan yang menggunakan daya rendah, memiliki jangkauan luas, dan transmisi data yang reliable. Salah satu produk dari LR‐WPAN adalah Zigbee. Fokus Zigbee pada pengiriman data yang reliable dapat terganggu bila terjadi congestion yang disebabkan padatnya aliran data di jaringan. Congestion tersebut dapat dihindari dengan menerapkan manajemen antrian yang tepat. Salah satu jenis manajemen antrian tersebut adalah weighed random early detection (WRED), kelebihan dari manajemen antrian WRED adalah mekanismenya tidak hanya fokus menghindaricongestion tapi juga mengakomodasi jenis paket yang perlu diprioritaskan pelayanannya. Implementasi manajemen antrian WRED pada Zigbee dilakukan guna mengukur kinerja arsitektur dalam mencegahcongestion yang pada penelitian ini disimulasikan menggunakan simulator Riverbed Modeler. Kinerja manajemen antrian dalam mencegahcongestion dianalisis menggunakan parameter global MAC delay, coordinator queue delay, coordinator throughput dan coordinator packet drop. Pengujian kinerja manajemen antrian dilakukan dengan membandingkan WRED terhadap manajemen antrian random early detection (RED), dimana kedua manajemen antrian menggunakan mekanisme min thresh dan max thresh untuk menghindaricongestion namun memiliki mekanisme seleksi yang berbeda. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan dengan ukuran paket kecil dan max thresh kecil penggunaan WRED akan lebih optimal ditunjukkan dengan nilai parameter throughput yang lebih optimal 1.5%, sedangkan pada ukuran paket yang besar dan max thresh yang besar penggunaan RED akan lebih optimal ditunjukkan dengan nilai parameter throughput yang lebih optimal 0.6% dari WRED