3 research outputs found

    Meaningful Matches in Stereovision

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    This paper introduces a statistical method to decide whether two blocks in a pair of of images match reliably. The method ensures that the selected block matches are unlikely to have occurred "just by chance." The new approach is based on the definition of a simple but faithful statistical "background model" for image blocks learned from the image itself. A theorem guarantees that under this model not more than a fixed number of wrong matches occurs (on average) for the whole image. This fixed number (the number of false alarms) is the only method parameter. Furthermore, the number of false alarms associated with each match measures its reliability. This "a contrario" block-matching method, however, cannot rule out false matches due to the presence of periodic objects in the images. But it is successfully complemented by a parameterless "self-similarity threshold." Experimental evidence shows that the proposed method also detects occlusions and incoherent motions due to vehicles and pedestrians in non simultaneous stereo.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 99, Preprints (2011) 1-1

    Efficient stereo matching and obstacle detection using edges in images from a moving vehicle

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    Fast and robust obstacle detection is a crucial task for autonomous mobile robots. Current approaches for obstacle detection in autonomous cars are based on the use of LIDAR or computer vision. In this thesis computer vision is selected due to its low-power and passive nature. This thesis proposes the use of edges in images to reduce the required storage and processing. Most current approaches are based on dense maps, where all the pixels in the image are used, but this places a heavy load on the storage and processing capacity of the system. This makes dense approaches unsuitable for embedded systems, for which only limited amounts of memory and processing power are available. This motivates us to use sparse maps based on the edges in an image. Typically edge pixels represent a small percentage of the input image yet they are able to represent most of the image semantics. In this thesis two approaches for the use of edges to obtain disparity maps are proposed and one approach for identifying obstacles given edge-based disparities. The first approach proposes a modification to the Census Transform in order to incorporate a similarity measure. This similarity measure behaves as a threshold on the gradient, resulting in the identification of high gradient areas. The identification of these high gradient areas helps to reduce the search space in an area-based stereo-matching approach. Additionally, the Complete Rank Transform is evaluated for the first time in the context of stereo-matching. An area-based local stereo-matching approach is used to evaluate and compare the performance of these pixel descriptors. The second approach proposes a new approach for the computation of edge-disparities. Instead of first detecting the edges and then reducing the search space, the proposed approach detects the edges and computes the disparities at the same time. The approach extends the fast and robust Edge Drawing edge detector to run simultaneously across the stereo pair. By doing this the number of matched pixels and the required operations are reduced as the descriptors and costs are only computed for a fraction of the edge pixels (anchor points). Then the image gradient is used to propagate the disparities from the matched anchor points along the gradients, resulting in one-voxel wide chains of 3D points with connectivity information. The third proposed algorithm takes as input edge-based disparity maps which are compact and yet retain the semantic representation of the captured scene. This approach estimates the ground plane, clusters the edges into individual obstacles and then computes the image stixels which allow the identification of the free and occupied space in the captured stereo-views. Previous approaches for the computation of stixels use dense disparity maps or occupancy grids. Moreover they are unable to identify more than one stixel per column, whereas our approach can. This means that it can identify partially occluded objects. The proposed approach is tested on a public-domain dataset. Results for accuracy and performance are presented. The obtained results show that by using image edges it is possible to reduce the required processing and storage while obtaining accuracies comparable to those obtained by dense approaches

    Patch-based methods for variational image processing problems

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    Image Processing problems are notoriously difficult. To name a few of these difficulties, they are usually ill-posed, involve a huge number of unknowns (from one to several per pixel!), and images cannot be considered as the linear superposition of a few physical sources as they contain many different scales and non-linearities. However, if one considers instead of images as a whole small blocks (or patches) inside the pictures, many of these hurdles vanish and problems become much easier to solve, at the cost of increasing again the dimensionality of the data to process. Following the seminal NL-means algorithm in 2005-2006, methods that consider only the visual correlation between patches and ignore their spatial relationship are called non-local methods. While powerful, it is an arduous task to define non-local methods without using heuristic formulations or complex mathematical frameworks. On the other hand, another powerful property has brought global image processing algorithms one step further: it is the sparsity of images in well chosen representation basis. However, this property is difficult to embed naturally in non-local methods, yielding algorithms that are usually inefficient or circonvoluted. In this thesis, we explore alternative approaches to non-locality, with the goals of i) developing universal approaches that can handle local and non-local constraints and ii) leveraging the qualities of both non-locality and sparsity. For the first point, we will see that embedding the patches of an image into a graph-based framework can yield a simple algorithm that can switch from local to non-local diffusion, which we will apply to the problem of large area image inpainting. For the second point, we will first study a fast patch preselection process that is able to group patches according to their visual content. This preselection operator will then serve as input to a social sparsity enforcing operator that will create sparse groups of jointly sparse patches, thus exploiting all the redundancies present in the data, in a simple mathematical framework. Finally, we will study the problem of reconstructing plausible patches from a few binarized measurements. We will show that this task can be achieved in the case of popular binarized image keypoints descriptors, thus demonstrating a potential privacy issue in mobile visual recognition applications, but also opening a promising way to the design and the construction of a new generation of smart cameras