1,390 research outputs found

    Mean Field Type Control with Congestion (II): An Augmented Lagrangian Method

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    This work deals with a numerical method for solving a mean-field type control problem with congestion. It is the continuation of an article by the same authors, in which suitably defined weak solutions of the system of partial differential equations arising from the model were discussed and existence and uniqueness were proved. Here, the focus is put on numerical methods: a monotone finite difference scheme is proposed and shown to have a variational interpretation. Then an Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for solving the variational problem is addressed. It is based on an augmented Lagrangian. Two kinds of boundary conditions are considered: periodic conditions and more realistic boundary conditions associated to state constrained problems. Various test cases and numerical results are presented

    Policy iteration method for time-dependent Mean Field Games systems with non-separable Hamiltonians

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    We introduce two algorithms based on a policy iteration method to numerically solve time-dependent Mean Field Game systems of partial differential equations with non-separable Hamiltonians. We prove the convergence of such algorithms in sufficiently small time intervals with Banach fixed point method. Moreover, we prove that the convergence rates are linear. We illustrate our theoretical results by numerical examples, and we discuss the performance of the proposed algorithms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2007.04818 by other author

    Distributed optimization of multi-agent systems: Framework, local optimizer, and applications

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    Convex optimization problem can be solved in a centralized or distributed manner. Compared with centralized methods based on single-agent system, distributed algorithms rely on multi-agent systems with information exchanging among connected neighbors, which leads to great improvement on the system fault tolerance. Thus, a task within multi-agent system can be completed with presence of partial agent failures. By problem decomposition, a large-scale problem can be divided into a set of small-scale sub-problems that can be solved in sequence/parallel. Hence, the computational complexity is greatly reduced by distributed algorithm in multi-agent system. Moreover, distributed algorithm allows data collected and stored in a distributed fashion, which successfully overcomes the drawbacks of using multicast due to the bandwidth limitation. Distributed algorithm has been applied in solving a variety of real-world problems. Our research focuses on the framework and local optimizer design in practical engineering applications. In the first one, we propose a multi-sensor and multi-agent scheme for spatial motion estimation of a rigid body. Estimation performance is improved in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. Second, we develop a cyber-physical system and implement distributed computation devices to optimize the in-building evacuation path when hazard occurs. The proposed Bellman-Ford Dual-Subgradient path planning method relieves the congestion in corridor and the exit areas. At last, highway traffic flow is managed by adjusting speed limits to minimize the fuel consumption and travel time in the third project. Optimal control strategy is designed through both centralized and distributed algorithm based on convex problem formulation. Moreover, a hybrid control scheme is presented for highway network travel time minimization. Compared with no controlled case or conventional highway traffic control strategy, the proposed hybrid control strategy greatly reduces total travel time on test highway network

    Proximal methods for stationary mean field games with local couplings

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    © 2018 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. We address the numerical approximation of mean field games with local couplings. For power-like Hamiltonians, we consider a stationary system and also a system involving density constraints modeling hard congestion effects. For finite difference discretization of the mean field game system developed in [Y. Achdou and I. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 48 (2010), pp. 1136-1162], we follow a variational approach. We prove that the aforementioned schemes can be obtained as the optimality system of suitably defined optimization problems. In order to prove the existence of solutions of the scheme with a variational argument, monotonicity assumptions on the coupling term are not needed, which allows us to recover general existence results proved by Achdou and Capuzzo-Dolcetta. Next, assuming that the coupling term is nondecreasing, the variational problem is cast as a convex optimization problem, for which we study and compare several proximal-type methods. These algorithms have several interesting features, such as global convergence and stability with respect to the viscosity parameter, which can eventually be zero. We assess the performance of the methods via numerical experiments

    Parallel Computing Applications in Large-Scale Power System Operations

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    Electrical energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of human societies. In recent decades, the electricity industry is undergoing enormous changes, which have evolved into a large-scale and competitive industry. The integration of volatile renewable energy, and the emergence of transmission switching (TS) techniques bring great challenges to the existing power system operations problems, especially security-constrained unit commitment (SCUC) solution engines. In order to deal with the uncertainty of volatile renewable energy, scenario-based stochastic optimization approach has been widely employed to ensure the reliability and economic of power systems, in which each scenario would represent a possible system situation. Meanwhile, the emergence of TS techniques allows the system operators to change the topology of transmission systems in order to improve economic benefits by mitigating transmission congestion. However, with the introduction of extra scenarios and decision variables, the complexity of the SCUC model increases dramatically and more computational efforts are required, which might make the power system operation problems difficult to solve and even intractable. Therefore, an advanced solution technique is urgently needed to solve both stochastic SCUC problems and TS-based SCUC problems in an effective and fast way. In this dissertation, a decomposition framework is presented for the optimal operation of the large-scale power system, which decomposes the original large-size power system optimization problem into smaller-size and tractable subproblems, and solves these decomposed subproblems in a parallel manner with the help of high performance computing techniques. Numerical case studies on a modified I 118-bus system and a practical 1168-bus system demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach which will offer the power system a secure and economic operation under various uncertainties and contingencies

    High order computation of optimal transport, mean field planning, and mean field games

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    Mean-field games (MFGs) have shown strong modeling capabilities for large systems in various fields, driving growth in computational methods for mean-field game problems. However, high order methods have not been thoroughly investigated. In this work, we explore applying general high-order numerical schemes with finite element methods in the space-time domain for computing the optimal transport (OT), mean-field planning (MFP), and MFG problems. We conduct several experiments to validate the convergence rate of the high order method numerically. Those numerical experiments also demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach

    Dynamic Message Sign and Diversion Traffic Optimization

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    This dissertation proposes a Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) diversion control system based on principles of existing Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS). The objective of the proposed system is to alleviate total corridor traffic delay by choosing optimized diversion rate and alternative road signal-timing plan. The DMS displays adaptive messages at predefined time interval for guiding certain number of drivers to alternative roads. Messages to be displayed on the DMS are chosen by an on-line optimization model that minimizes corridor traffic delay. The expected diversion rate is assumed following a distribution. An optimization model that considers three traffic delay components: mainline travel delay, alternative road signal control delay, and the travel time difference between the mainline and alternative roads is constructed. Signal timing parameters of alternative road intersections and DMS message level are the decision variables; speeds, flow rates, and other corridor traffic data from detectors serve as inputs of the model. Traffic simulation software, CORSIM, served as a developmental environment and test bed for evaluating the proposed system. MATLAB optimization toolboxes have been applied to solve the proposed model. A CORSIM Run-Time-Extension (RTE) has been developed to exchange data between CORSIM and the adopted MATLAB optimization algorithms (Genetic Algorithm, Pattern Search in direct search toolbox, and Sequential Quadratic Programming). Among the three candidate algorithms, the Sequential Quadratic Programming showed the fastest execution speed and yielded the smallest total delays for numerical examples. TRANSYT-7F, the most credible traffic signal optimization software has been used as a benchmark to verify the proposed model. The total corridor delays obtained from CORSIM with the SQP solutions show average reductions of 8.97%, 14.09%, and 13.09% for heavy, moderate and light traffic congestion levels respectively when compared with TRANSYT-7F optimization results. The maximum model execution time at each MATLAB call is fewer than two minutes, which implies that the system is capable of real world implementation with a DMS message and signal update interval of two minutes
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