32 research outputs found

    Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimised Maximum Likelihood

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    Maximum likelihood (ML) is a popular and effective estimator for a wide range of diverse applications and currently affords the most accurate estimation for source localisation in wireless sensor networks (WSN). ML however has two major shortcomings namely, that it is a biased estimator and is also highly sensitive to parameter perturbations. An Optimisation to ML (OML) algorithm was introduced that minimises the sum-of-squares bias and exhibits superior performance to ML in statistical estimation, particularly with finite datasets. This paper proposes a new model for acoustic source localisation in WSN, based upon the OML estimation process. In addition to the performance analysis using real world field experimental data for the tracking of moving military vehicles, simulations have been performed upon the more complex source localisation and tracking problem, to verify the potential of the new OML-based model

    Hybrid algorithm for locating mobile station in cellular network

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    Locating mobile stations have been attracting an increasing attention from both researchers and industry communities and it is one of the most popular research areas of cellular network.Locating mobile stations using Time of Arrival, Time Difference of Arrival, Angle of Arrival and Received Signal Strength techniques have been widely used.However, more accurate results have been achieved by combining two or more of these techniques.A hybrid algorithm for locating mobile station is proposed by combining Received Signal Strength, Signal Attenuation and Time Difference of Arrival in this paper

    Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimised Maximum Likelihood

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    Maximum likelihood (ML) is a popular and effective estimator for a wide range of diverse applications and currently affords the most accurate estimation for source localisation in wireless sensor networks (WSN). ML however has two major shortcomings namely, that it is a biased estimator and is also highly sensitive to parameter perturbations. An Optimisation to ML (OML) algorithm was introduced that minimises the sum-of-squares bias and exhibits superior performance to ML in statistical estimation, particularly with finite datasets. This paper proposes a new model for acoustic source localisation in WSN, based upon the OML estimation process. In addition to the performance analysis using real world field experimental data for the tracking of moving military vehicles, simulations have been performed upon the more complex source localisation and tracking problem, to verify the potential of the new OML-based model

    Semi-Supervised Sound Source Localization Based on Manifold Regularization

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    Conventional speaker localization algorithms, based merely on the received microphone signals, are often sensitive to adverse conditions, such as: high reverberation or low signal to noise ratio (SNR). In some scenarios, e.g. in meeting rooms or cars, it can be assumed that the source position is confined to a predefined area, and the acoustic parameters of the environment are approximately fixed. Such scenarios give rise to the assumption that the acoustic samples from the region of interest have a distinct geometrical structure. In this paper, we show that the high dimensional acoustic samples indeed lie on a low dimensional manifold and can be embedded into a low dimensional space. Motivated by this result, we propose a semi-supervised source localization algorithm which recovers the inverse mapping between the acoustic samples and their corresponding locations. The idea is to use an optimization framework based on manifold regularization, that involves smoothness constraints of possible solutions with respect to the manifold. The proposed algorithm, termed Manifold Regularization for Localization (MRL), is implemented in an adaptive manner. The initialization is conducted with only few labelled samples attached with their respective source locations, and then the system is gradually adapted as new unlabelled samples (with unknown source locations) are received. Experimental results show superior localization performance when compared with a recently presented algorithm based on a manifold learning approach and with the generalized cross-correlation (GCC) algorithm as a baseline

    Source localization and denoising: a perspective from the TDOA space

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    In this manuscript, we formulate the problem of denoising Time Differences of Arrival (TDOAs) in the TDOA space, i.e. the Euclidean space spanned by TDOA measurements. The method consists of pre-processing the TDOAs with the purpose of reducing the measurement noise. The complete set of TDOAs (i.e., TDOAs computed at all microphone pairs) is known to form a redundant set, which lies on a linear subspace in the TDOA space. Noise, however, prevents TDOAs from lying exactly on this subspace. We therefore show that TDOA denoising can be seen as a projection operation that suppresses the component of the noise that is orthogonal to that linear subspace. We then generalize the projection operator also to the cases where the set of TDOAs is incomplete. We analytically show that this operator improves the localization accuracy, and we further confirm that via simulation.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Robust Near-Field Adaptive Beamforming with Distance Discrimination

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    This paper proposes a robust near-field adaptive beamformer for microphone array applications in small rooms. Robustness against location errors is crucial for near-field adaptive beamforming due to the difficulty in estimating near-field signal locations especially the radial distances. A near-field regionally constrained adaptive beamformer is proposed to design a set of linear constraints by filtering on a low rank subspace of the near-field signal over a spatial region and frequency band such that the beamformer response over the designed spatial-temporal region can be accurately controlled by a small number of linear constraint vectors. The proposed constraint design method is a systematic approach which guarantees real arithmetic implementation and direct time domain algorithms for broadband beamforming. It improves the robustness against large errors in distance and directions of arrival, and achieves good distance discrimination simultaneously. We show with a nine-element uniform linear array that the proposed near-field adaptive beamformer is robust against distance errors as large as ±32% of the presumed radial distance and angle errors up to ±20⁰. It can suppress a far field interfering signal with the same angle of incidence as a near-field target by more than 20 dB with no loss of the array gain at the near-field target. The significant distance discrimination of the proposed near-field beamformer also helps to improve the dereverberation gain and reduce the desired signal cancellation in reverberant environments