28 research outputs found

    Maximum-Entropy Adversarial Audio Augmentation for Keyword Spotting

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    Data augmentation is a key tool for improving the performance of deep networks, particularly when there is limited labeled data. In some fields, such as computer vision, augmentation methods have been extensively studied; however, for speech and audio data, there are relatively fewer methods developed. Using adversarial learning as a starting point, we develop a simple and effective augmentation strategy based on taking the gradient of the entropy of the outputs with respect to the inputs and then creating new data points by moving in the direction of the gradient to maximize the entropy. We validate its efficacy on several keyword spotting tasks as well as standard audio benchmarks. Our method is straightforward to implement, offering greater computational efficiency than more complex adversarial schemes like GANs. Despite its simplicity, it proves robust and effective, especially when combined with the established SpecAugment technique, leading to enhanced performance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Learning Semantically Enhanced Feature for Fine-Grained Image Classification

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    We aim to provide a computationally cheap yet effective approach for fine-grained image classification (FGIC) in this letter. Unlike previous methods that rely on complex part localization modules, our approach learns fine-grained features by enhancing the semantics of sub-features of a global feature. Specifically, we first achieve the sub-feature semantic by arranging feature channels of a CNN into different groups through channel permutation. Meanwhile, to enhance the discriminability of sub-features, the groups are guided to be activated on object parts with strong discriminability by a weighted combination regularization. Our approach is parameter parsimonious and can be easily integrated into the backbone model as a plug-and-play module for end-to-end training with only image-level supervision. Experiments verified the effectiveness of our approach and validated its comparable performance to the state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/cswluo/SEFComment: Accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 5 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Feature Fusion Vision Transformer for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization

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    The core for tackling the fine-grained visual categorization (FGVC) is to learn subtle yet discriminative features. Most previous works achieve this by explicitly selecting the discriminative parts or integrating the attention mechanism via CNN-based approaches.However, these methods enhance the computational complexity and make the modeldominated by the regions containing the most of the objects. Recently, vision trans-former (ViT) has achieved SOTA performance on general image recognition tasks. Theself-attention mechanism aggregates and weights the information from all patches to the classification token, making it perfectly suitable for FGVC. Nonetheless, the classifi-cation token in the deep layer pays more attention to the global information, lacking the local and low-level features that are essential for FGVC. In this work, we proposea novel pure transformer-based framework Feature Fusion Vision Transformer (FFVT)where we aggregate the important tokens from each transformer layer to compensate thelocal, low-level and middle-level information. We design a novel token selection mod-ule called mutual attention weight selection (MAWS) to guide the network effectively and efficiently towards selecting discriminative tokens without introducing extra param-eters. We verify the effectiveness of FFVT on three benchmarks where FFVT achieves the state-of-the-art performance.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Deep Collective Knowledge Distillation

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    Many existing studies on knowledge distillation have focused on methods in which a student model mimics a teacher model well. Simply imitating the teacher's knowledge, however, is not sufficient for the student to surpass that of the teacher. We explore a method to harness the knowledge of other students to complement the knowledge of the teacher. We propose deep collective knowledge distillation for model compression, called DCKD, which is a method for training student models with rich information to acquire knowledge from not only their teacher model but also other student models. The knowledge collected from several student models consists of a wealth of information about the correlation between classes. Our DCKD considers how to increase the correlation knowledge of classes during training. Our novel method enables us to create better performing student models for collecting knowledge. This simple yet powerful method achieves state-of-the-art performances in many experiments. For example, for ImageNet, ResNet18 trained with DCKD achieves 72.27\%, which outperforms the pretrained ResNet18 by 2.52\%. For CIFAR-100, the student model of ShuffleNetV1 with DCKD achieves 6.55\% higher top-1 accuracy than the pretrained ShuffleNetV1

    Fine-grained Recognition: Accounting for Subtle Differences between Similar Classes

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    The main requisite for fine-grained recognition task is to focus on subtle discriminative details that make the subordinate classes different from each other. We note that existing methods implicitly address this requirement and leave it to a data-driven pipeline to figure out what makes a subordinate class different from the others. This results in two major limitations: First, the network focuses on the most obvious distinctions between classes and overlooks more subtle inter-class variations. Second, the chance of misclassifying a given sample in any of the negative classes is considered equal, while in fact, confusions generally occur among only the most similar classes. Here, we propose to explicitly force the network to find the subtle differences among closely related classes. In this pursuit, we introduce two key novelties that can be easily plugged into existing end-to-end deep learning pipelines. On one hand, we introduce diversification block which masks the most salient features for an input to force the network to use more subtle cues for its correct classification. Concurrently, we introduce a gradient-boosting loss function that focuses only on the confusing classes for each sample and therefore moves swiftly along the direction on the loss surface that seeks to resolve these ambiguities. The synergy between these two blocks helps the network to learn more effective feature representations. Comprehensive experiments are performed on five challenging datasets. Our approach outperforms existing methods using similar experimental setting on all five datasets.Comment: To appear in AAAI 202