78,862 research outputs found

    Filtering data streams for entity-based continuous queries

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    The idea of allowing query users to relax their correctness requirements in order to improve performance of a data stream management system (e.g., location-based services and sensor networks) has been recently studied. By exploiting the maximum error (or tolerance) allowed in query answers, algorithms for reducing the use of system resources have been developed. In most of these works, however, query tolerance is expressed as a numerical value, which may be difficult to specify. We observe that in many situations, users may not be concerned with the actual value of an answer, but rather which object satisfies a query (e.g., "who is my nearest neighbor?). In particular, an entity-based query returns only the names of objects that satisfy the query. For these queries, it is possible to specify a tolerance that is "nonvalue-based. In this paper, we study fraction-based tolerance, a type of nonvalue-based tolerance, where a user specifies the maximum fractions of a query answer that can be false positives and false negatives. We develop fraction-based tolerance for two major classes of entity-based queries: 1) nonrank-based query (e.g., range queries) and 2) rank-based query (e.g., k-nearest-neighbor queries). These definitions provide users with an alternative to specify the maximum tolerance allowed in their answers. We further investigate how these definitions can be exploited in a distributed stream environment. We design adaptive filter algorithms that allow updates be dropped conditionally at the data stream sources without affecting the overall query correctness. Extensive experimental results show that our protocols reduce the use of network and energy resources significantly. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A comparison of score, rank and probability-based fusion methods for video shot retrieval

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    It is now accepted that the most effective video shot retrieval is based on indexing and retrieving clips using multiple, parallel modalities such as text-matching, image-matching and feature matching and then combining or fusing these parallel retrieval streams in some way. In this paper we investigate a range of fusion methods for combining based on multiple visual features (colour, edge and texture), for combining based on multiple visual examples in the query and for combining multiple modalities (text and visual). Using three TRECVid collections and the TRECVid search task, we specifically compare fusion methods based on normalised score and rank that use either the average, weighted average or maximum of retrieval results from a discrete Jelinek-Mercer smoothed language model. We also compare these results with a simple probability-based combination of the language model results that assumes all features and visual examples are fully independent

    A unified posterior regularized topic model with maximum margin for learning-to-rank

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    While most methods for learning-to-rank documents only consider relevance scores as features, better results can often be obtained by taking into account the latent topic structure of the document collection. Existing approaches that consider latent topics follow a two-stage approach, in which topics are discovered in an unsupervised way, as usual, and then used as features for the learning-to-rank task. In contrast, we propose a learning-to-rank framework which integrates the supervised learning of a maximum margin classifier with the discovery of a suitable probabilistic topic model. In this way, the labelled data that is available for the learning-to-rank task can be exploited to identify the most appropriate topics. To this end, we use a unified constrained optimization framework, which can dynamically compute the latent topic similarity score between the query and the document. Our experimental results show a consistent improvement over the state-of-the-art learning-to-rank models

    Efficient & Effective Selective Query Rewriting with Efficiency Predictions

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    To enhance effectiveness, a user's query can be rewritten internally by the search engine in many ways, for example by applying proximity, or by expanding the query with related terms. However, approaches that benefit effectiveness often have a negative impact on efficiency, which has impacts upon the user satisfaction, if the query is excessively slow. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for using the predicted execution time of various query rewritings to select between alternatives on a per-query basis, in a manner that ensures both effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, we propose the prediction of the execution time of ephemeral (e.g., proximity) posting lists generated from uni-gram inverted index posting lists, which are used in establishing the permissible query rewriting alternatives that may execute in the allowed time. Experiments examining both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach demonstrate that a 49% decrease in mean response time (and 62% decrease in 95th-percentile response time) can be attained without significantly hindering the effectiveness of the search engine