13 research outputs found

    Contact Energy Based Hindsight Experience Prioritization

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    Multi-goal robot manipulation tasks with sparse rewards are difficult for reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms due to the inefficiency in collecting successful experiences. Recent algorithms such as Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) expedite learning by taking advantage of failed trajectories and replacing the desired goal with one of the achieved states so that any failed trajectory can be utilized as a contribution to learning. However, HER uniformly chooses failed trajectories, without taking into account which ones might be the most valuable for learning. In this paper, we address this problem and propose a novel approach Contact Energy Based Prioritization~(CEBP) to select the samples from the replay buffer based on rich information due to contact, leveraging the touch sensors in the gripper of the robot and object displacement. Our prioritization scheme favors sampling of contact-rich experiences, which are arguably the ones providing the largest amount of information. We evaluate our proposed approach on various sparse reward robotic tasks and compare them with the state-of-the-art methods. We show that our method surpasses or performs on par with those methods on robot manipulation tasks. Finally, we deploy the trained policy from our method to a real Franka robot for a pick-and-place task. We observe that the robot can solve the task successfully. The videos and code are publicly available at: https://erdiphd.github.io/HER_forc

    Deep reinforcement learning in robotics and dialog systems

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    Reinforcement Learning of Action and Query Policies with LTL Instructions under Uncertain Event Detector

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) with linear temporal logic (LTL) objectives can allow robots to carry out symbolic event plans in unknown environments. Most existing methods assume that the event detector can accurately map environmental states to symbolic events; however, uncertainty is inevitable for real-world event detectors. Such uncertainty in an event detector generates multiple branching possibilities on LTL instructions, confusing action decisions. Moreover, the queries to the uncertain event detector, necessary for the task's progress, may increase the uncertainty further. To cope with those issues, we propose an RL framework, Learning Action and Query over Belief LTL (LAQBL), to learn an agent that can consider the diversity of LTL instructions due to uncertain event detection while avoiding task failure due to the unnecessary event-detection query. Our framework simultaneously learns 1) an embedding of belief LTL, which is multiple branching possibilities on LTL instructions using a graph neural network, 2) an action policy, and 3) a query policy which decides whether or not to query for the event detector. Simulations in a 2D grid world and image-input robotic inspection environments show that our method successfully learns actions to follow LTL instructions even with uncertain event detectors.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted by Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Evolution Guided Generative Flow Networks

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    Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) are a family of probabilistic generative models that learn to sample compositional objects proportional to their rewards. One big challenge of GFlowNets is training them effectively when dealing with long time horizons and sparse rewards. To address this, we propose Evolution guided generative flow networks (EGFN), a simple but powerful augmentation to the GFlowNets training using Evolutionary algorithms (EA). Our method can work on top of any GFlowNets training objective, by training a set of agent parameters using EA, storing the resulting trajectories in the prioritized replay buffer, and training the GFlowNets agent using the stored trajectories. We present a thorough investigation over a wide range of toy and real-world benchmark tasks showing the effectiveness of our method in handling long trajectories and sparse rewards.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figue

    Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Imagined Subgoals

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    Goal-conditioned reinforcement learning endows an agent with a large variety of skills, but it often struggles to solve tasks that require more temporally extended reasoning. In this work, we propose to incorporate imagined subgoals into policy learning to facilitate learning of complex tasks. Imagined subgoals are predicted by a separate high-level policy, which is trained simultaneously with the policy and its critic. This high-level policy predicts intermediate states halfway to the goal using the value function as a reachability metric. We don't require the policy to reach these subgoals explicitly. Instead, we use them to define a prior policy, and incorporate this prior into a KL-constrained policy iteration scheme to speed up and regularize learning. Imagined subgoals are used during policy learning, but not during test time, where we only apply the learned policy. We evaluate our approach on complex robotic navigation and manipulation tasks and show that it outperforms existing methods by a large margin.Comment: ICML 2021. See the project webpage at https://www.di.ens.fr/willow/research/ris

    Reward-weighted DHER Mechanism For Multi-goal Reinforcement Learning With Application To Robotic Manipulation Control

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    In multi-goal reinforcement learning, an agent learns to achieve multiple goals using a goal-oriented policy, obtaining rewards from positions that have been achieved. Dynamic hindsight experience replay method improves the learning efficiency of the algorithm by matching the trajectories of past failed episodes and creating successful experiences. But these experiences are sampled and replayed by a random strategy, without considering the importance of the episode samples for learning. Therefore, not only bias is introduced as the training process, but also suboptimal improvements in terms of sample efficiency are obtained. To address these issues, this paper introduces a reward-weighted mechanism based on the dynamic hindsight experience replay (RDHER). We extend dynamic hindsight experience replay with a trade-off to make rewards calculated for hindsight experience numerically greater than actual rewards. Specifically, the hindsight rewards are multiplied by a weighting factor to increase the Q-value of the hindsight state–action pair, which drives the update of the policy to select the maximum action for the given hindsight transitions. Our experiments show that the hindsight bias can be reduced in training using the proposed method. Further, we demonstrate RDHER is effective in challenging robot manipulation tasks, and outperforms several other multi-goal baseline methods in terms of success rate