3,922 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Bag-Of-Hyperlinks Model for Entity Linking

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    Many fundamental problems in natural language processing rely on determining what entities appear in a given text. Commonly referenced as entity linking, this step is a fundamental component of many NLP tasks such as text understanding, automatic summarization, semantic search or machine translation. Name ambiguity, word polysemy, context dependencies and a heavy-tailed distribution of entities contribute to the complexity of this problem. We here propose a probabilistic approach that makes use of an effective graphical model to perform collective entity disambiguation. Input mentions (i.e.,~linkable token spans) are disambiguated jointly across an entire document by combining a document-level prior of entity co-occurrences with local information captured from mentions and their surrounding context. The model is based on simple sufficient statistics extracted from data, thus relying on few parameters to be learned. Our method does not require extensive feature engineering, nor an expensive training procedure. We use loopy belief propagation to perform approximate inference. The low complexity of our model makes this step sufficiently fast for real-time usage. We demonstrate the accuracy of our approach on a wide range of benchmark datasets, showing that it matches, and in many cases outperforms, existing state-of-the-art methods

    Dependency relations as source context in phrase-based SMT

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    The Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) model has recently begun to include source context modeling, under the assumption that the proper lexical choice of an ambiguous word can be determined from the context in which it appears. Various types of lexical and syntactic features such as words, parts-of-speech, and supertags have been explored as effective source context in SMT. In this paper, we show that position-independent syntactic dependency relations of the head of a source phrase can be modeled as useful source context to improve target phrase selection and thereby improve overall performance of PB-SMT. On a Dutch—English translation task, by combining dependency relations and syntactic contextual features (part-of-speech), we achieved a 1.0 BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) point improvement (3.1% relative) over the baseline

    The Measure of a Model

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    This paper describes measures for evaluating the three determinants of how well a probabilistic classifier performs on a given test set. These determinants are the appropriateness, for the test set, of the results of (1) feature selection, (2) formulation of the parametric form of the model, and (3) parameter estimation. These are part of any model formulation procedure, even if not broken out as separate steps, so the tradeoffs explored in this paper are relevant to a wide variety of methods. The measures are demonstrated in a large experiment, in which they are used to analyze the results of roughly 300 classifiers that perform word-sense disambiguation.Comment: 12 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript fil

    Using supertags as source language context in SMT

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    Recent research has shown that Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) systems can benefit from two enhancements: (i) using words and POS tags as context-informed features on the source side; and (ii) incorporating lexical syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags on the target side. In this work we present a novel PB-SMT model that combines these two aspects by using supertags as source language contextinformed features. These features enable us to exploit source similarity in addition to target similarity, as modelled by the language model. In our experiments two kinds of supertags are employed: those from Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar and Combinatory Categorial Grammar. We use a memory-based classification framework that enables the estimation of these features while avoiding problems of sparseness. Despite the differences between these two approaches, the supertaggers give similar improvements. We evaluate the performance of our approach on an English-to-Chinese translation task using a state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT system, and report an improvement of 7.88% BLEU score in translation quality when adding supertags as context-informed features

    Learning morphology with Morfette

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    Morfette is a modular, data-driven, probabilistic system which learns to perform joint morphological tagging and lemmatization from morphologically annotated corpora. The system is composed of two learning modules which are trained to predict morphological tags and lemmas using the Maximum Entropy classifier. The third module dynamically combines the predictions of the Maximum-Entropy models and outputs a probability distribution over tag-lemma pair sequences. The lemmatization module exploits the idea of recasting lemmatization as a classification task by using class labels which encode mappings from wordforms to lemmas. Experimental evaluation results and error analysis on three morphologically rich languages show that the system achieves high accuracy with no language-specific feature engineering or additional resources

    The interaction of knowledge sources in word sense disambiguation

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    Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a computational linguistics task likely to benefit from the tradition of combining different knowledge sources in artificial in telligence research. An important step in the exploration of this hypothesis is to determine which linguistic knowledge sources are most useful and whether their combination leads to improved results. We present a sense tagger which uses several knowledge sources. Tested accuracy exceeds 94% on our evaluation corpus.Our system attempts to disambiguate all content words in running text rather than limiting itself to treating a restricted vocabulary of words. It is argued that this approach is more likely to assist the creation of practical systems