9 research outputs found

    From Causes for Database Queries to Repairs and Model-Based Diagnosis and Back

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    In this work we establish and investigate connections between causes for query answers in databases, database repairs wrt. denial constraints, and consistency-based diagnosis. The first two are relatively new research areas in databases, and the third one is an established subject in knowledge representation. We show how to obtain database repairs from causes, and the other way around. Causality problems are formulated as diagnosis problems, and the diagnoses provide causes and their responsibilities. The vast body of research on database repairs can be applied to the newer problems of computing actual causes for query answers and their responsibilities. These connections, which are interesting per se, allow us, after a transition -inspired by consistency-based diagnosis- to computational problems on hitting sets and vertex covers in hypergraphs, to obtain several new algorithmic and complexity results for database causality.Comment: To appear in Theory of Computing Systems. By invitation to special issue with extended papers from ICDT 2015 (paper arXiv:1412.4311

    Computational Complexity And Algorithms For Dirty Data Evaluation And Repairing

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    In this dissertation, we study the dirty data evaluation and repairing problem in relational database. Dirty data is usually inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete and stale. Existing methods and theories of consistency describe using integrity constraints, such as data dependencies. However, integrity constraints are good at detection but not at evaluating the degree of data inconsistency and cannot guide the data repairing. This dissertation first studies the computational complexity of and algorithms for the database inconsistency evaluation. We define and use the minimum tuple deletion to evaluate the database inconsistency. For such minimum tuple deletion problem, we study the relationship between the size of rule set and its computational complexity. We show that the minimum tuple deletion problem is NP-hard to approximate the minimum tuple deletion within 17/16 if given three functional dependencies and four attributes involved. A near optimal approximated algorithm for computing the minimum tuple deletion is proposed with a ratio of 2 − 1/2r , where r is the number of given functional dependencies. To guide the data repairing, this dissertation also investigates the data repairing method by using query feedbacks, formally studies two decision problems, functional dependency restricted deletion and insertion propagation problem, corresponding to the feedbacks of deletion and insertion. A comprehensive analysis on both combined and data complexity of the cases is provided by considering different relational operators and feedback types. We have identified the intractable and tractable cases to picture the complexity hierarchy of these problems, and provided the efficient algorithm on these tractable cases. Two improvements are proposed, one focuses on figuring out the minimum vertex cover in conflict graph to improve the upper bound of tuple deletion problem, and the other one is a better dichotomy for deletion and insertion propagation problems at the absence of functional dependencies from the point of respectively considering data, combined and parameterized complexities

    Maximizing conjunctive views in deletion propagation

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    In deletion propagation, tuples from the database are deleted in order to reflect the deletion of a tuple from the view. Such an operation may result in the (often necessary) deletion of additional tuples from the view, besides the intentionally deleted one. The complexity of deletion propagation is studied, where the view is defined by a conjunctive query (CQ), and the goal is to maximize the number of tuples that remain in the view. Buneman et al. showed that for some simple CQs, this problem can be solved by a trivial algorithm. This paper identifies additional cases of CQs where the trivial algorithm succeeds, and in contrast, it proves that for some other CQs the problem is NP-hard to approximate better than some constant ratio. In fact, this paper shows that among the CQs without self joins, the hard CQs are exactly the ones that the trivial algorithm fails on. In other words, for every CQ without self joins, deletion propagation is either APX-hard or solvable by the trivial algorithm. The paper then presents approximation algorithms for certain CQs where deletion propagation is APX-hard. Specifically, two constant-ratio (and polynomial-time) approximation algorithms are given for the class of star CQs without self joins. The first algorithm is a greedy algorithm, and the second is based on randomized rounding of a linear program. While the first algorithm is more efficient, the second one has a better approximation ratio. Furthermore, the second algorithm can be extended to a significant generalization of star CQs. Finally, the paper shows that self joins can have a major negative effect on the approximability of the problem

    Maximizing Conjunctive Views in Deletion Propagation

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