1,929 research outputs found

    Differentially Private Decomposable Submodular Maximization

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    We study the problem of differentially private constrained maximization of decomposable submodular functions. A submodular function is decomposable if it takes the form of a sum of submodular functions. The special case of maximizing a monotone, decomposable submodular function under cardinality constraints is known as the Combinatorial Public Projects (CPP) problem [Papadimitriou et al., 2008]. Previous work by Gupta et al. [2010] gave a differentially private algorithm for the CPP problem. We extend this work by designing differentially private algorithms for both monotone and non-monotone decomposable submodular maximization under general matroid constraints, with competitive utility guarantees. We complement our theoretical bounds with experiments demonstrating empirical performance, which improves over the differentially private algorithms for the general case of submodular maximization and is close to the performance of non-private algorithms

    Constrained Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization: Offline and Secretary Algorithms

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    Constrained submodular maximization problems have long been studied, with near-optimal results known under a variety of constraints when the submodular function is monotone. The case of non-monotone submodular maximization is less understood: the first approximation algorithms even for the unconstrainted setting were given by Feige et al. (FOCS '07). More recently, Lee et al. (STOC '09, APPROX '09) show how to approximately maximize non-monotone submodular functions when the constraints are given by the intersection of p matroid constraints; their algorithm is based on local-search procedures that consider p-swaps, and hence the running time may be n^Omega(p), implying their algorithm is polynomial-time only for constantly many matroids. In this paper, we give algorithms that work for p-independence systems (which generalize constraints given by the intersection of p matroids), where the running time is poly(n,p). Our algorithm essentially reduces the non-monotone maximization problem to multiple runs of the greedy algorithm previously used in the monotone case. Our idea of using existing algorithms for monotone functions to solve the non-monotone case also works for maximizing a submodular function with respect to a knapsack constraint: we get a simple greedy-based constant-factor approximation for this problem. With these simpler algorithms, we are able to adapt our approach to constrained non-monotone submodular maximization to the (online) secretary setting, where elements arrive one at a time in random order, and the algorithm must make irrevocable decisions about whether or not to select each element as it arrives. We give constant approximations in this secretary setting when the algorithm is constrained subject to a uniform matroid or a partition matroid, and give an O(log k) approximation when it is constrained by a general matroid of rank k.Comment: In the Proceedings of WINE 201
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