7 research outputs found

    Optimum Design of Linear Phase Paraunitary Filter Bank & its Applications in Signal Processing

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    Filter Banks plays crucial role in signal processing and image processing as subband processing gives dominant results in time critical applications. In formal years, various Para unitary Linear Phase Filter Banks are proposed by following conventional and computational complex factorization and lattice approaches consisting of complex nonlinear optimization problems. One of the recent methods to design Filter Bank having properties of Linear Phase and Paraunitary is via Singular value decomposition technique which leads to optimum results compared to existing methods as most of the time it deals with matrix operations. In this paper, design benchmark is evaluated as two dominant optimization queries and reasonable key of each optimization query is solved by performing Singular Value Decomposition. Proposed Paper discusses linear phase condition of filter banks satisfying mirror image symmetry at analysis side and perfect reconstruction property at synthesis side. Singular Value Decomposition approach leads to fast and efficient simulation results compared to existing filter banks designs. Proposed method of filter bank design deals with any arbitrary channels and every length of the filters

    Iterative greedy algorithm for solving the FIR paraunitary approximation problem

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    In this paper, a method for approximating a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transfer function by a causal finite-impulse response (FIR) paraunitary (PU) system in a weighted least-squares sense is presented. Using a complete parameterization of FIR PU systems in terms of Householder-like building blocks, an iterative algorithm is proposed that is greedy in the sense that the observed mean-squared error at each iteration is guaranteed to not increase. For certain design problems in which there is a phase-type ambiguity in the desired response, which is formally defined in the paper, a phase feedback modification is proposed in which the phase of the FIR approximant is fed back to the desired response. With this modification in effect, it is shown that the resulting iterative algorithm not only still remains greedy, but also offers a better magnitude-type fit to the desired response. Simulation results show the usefulness and versatility of the proposed algorithm with respect to the design of principal component filter bank (PCFB)-like filter banks and the FIR PU interpolation problem. Concerning the PCFB design problem, it is shown that as the McMillan degree of the FIR PU approximant increases, the resulting filter bank behaves more and more like the infinite-order PCFB, consistent with intuition. In particular, this PCFB-like behavior is shown in terms of filter response shape, multiresolution, coding gain, noise reduction with zeroth-order Wiener filtering in the subbands, and power minimization for discrete multitone (DMT)-type transmultiplexers

    Design of FIR paraunitary filter banks for subband coding using a polynomial eigenvalue decomposition

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    The problem of paraunitary filter bank design for subband coding has received considerable attention in recent years, not least because of the energy preserving property of this class of filter banks. In this paper, we consider the design of signal-adapted, finite impulse response (FIR), paraunitary filter banks using polynomial matrix EVD (PEVD) techniques. Modifications are proposed to an iterative, time-domain PEVD method, known as the sequential best rotation (SBR2) algorithm, which enables its effective application to the problem of FIR orthonormal filter bank design for efficient subband coding. By choosing an optimisation scheme that maximises the coding gain at each stage of the algorithm, it is shown that the resulting filter bank behaves more and more like the infiniteorder principle component filter bank (PCFB). The proposed method is compared to state-of-the-art techniques, namely the iterative greedy algorithm (IGA), the approximate EVD (AEVD), standard SBR2 and a fast algorithm for FIR compaction filter design, called the window method (WM). We demonstrate that for the calculation of the subband coder, the WM approach offers a low-cost alternative at lower coding gains, while at moderate to high complexity, the proposed approach outperforms the benchmarkers. In terms of run-time complexity, AEVD performs well at low orders, while the proposed algorithm offers a better coding gain than the benchmarkers at moderate to high filter order for a number of simulation scenarios

    Source separation and beamforming

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    As part of the last day of the UDRC 2021 summer school, this presentation provides an overview over polynomial matrix methods. The use of polynomial matrices is motivated through a number of broadband multichannel problems, involving space-time covariance matrices, filter banks, or wideband MIMO systems. We extend the utility of EVD from narrowband to broadband solutions via a number of factorisation algorithms belonging to the second order sequential rotation or sequential matrix diagonalisation families of algorithms. In a second part of this presentation, a number of application areas are explored, ranging from precoder and equaliser design for broadband MIMO communications systems, to broadband angle of arrival estimation, broadband beamforming, and the problem of identifying source-sensor transfer paths from the second order statistics of the sensor signals

    Broadband adaptive beamforming with low complexity and frequency invariant response

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    This thesis proposes different methods to reduce the computational complexity as well as increasing the adaptation rate of adaptive broadband beamformers. This is performed exemplarily for the generalised sidelobe canceller (GSC) structure. The GSC is an alternative implementation of the linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer, which can utilise well-known adaptive filtering algorithms, such as the least mean square (LMS) or the recursive least squares (RLS) to perform unconstrained adaptive optimisation.A direct DFT implementation, by which broadband signals are decomposed into frequency bins and processed by independent narrowband beamforming algorithms, is thought to be computationally optimum. However, this setup fail to converge to the time domain minimum mean square error (MMSE) if signal components are not aligned to frequency bins, resulting in a large worst case error. To mitigate this problem of the so-called independent frequency bin (IFB) processor, overlap-save based GSC beamforming structures have been explored. This system address the minimisation of the time domain MMSE, with a significant reduction in computational complexity when compared to time-domain implementations, and show a better convergence behaviour than the IFB beamformer. By studying the effects that the blocking matrix has on the adaptive process for the overlap-save beamformer, several modifications are carried out to enhance both the simplicity of the algorithm as well as its convergence speed. These modifications result in the GSC beamformer utilising a significantly lower computational complexity compare to the time domain approach while offering similar convergence characteristics.In certain applications, especially in the areas of acoustics, there is a need to maintain constant resolution across a wide operating spectrum that may extend across several octaves. To attain constant beamwidth is difficult, particularly if uniformly spaced linear sensor array are employed for beamforming, since spatial resolution is reciprocally proportional to both the array aperture and the frequency. A scaled aperture arrangement is introduced for the subband based GSC beamformer to achieve near uniform resolution across a wide spectrum, whereby an octave-invariant design is achieved. This structure can also be operated in conjunction with adaptive beamforming algorithms. Frequency dependent tapering of the sensor signals is proposed in combination with the overlap-save GSC structure in order to achieve an overall frequency-invariant characteristic. An adaptive version is proposed for frequency-invariant overlap-save GSC beamformer. Broadband adaptive beamforming algorithms based on the family of least mean squares (LMS) algorithms are known to exhibit slow convergence if the input signal is correlated. To improve the convergence of the GSC when based on LMS-type algorithms, we propose the use of a broadband eigenvalue decomposition (BEVD) to decorrelate the input of the adaptive algorithm in the spatial dimension, for which an increase in convergence speed can be demonstrated over other decorrelating measures, such as the Karhunen-Loeve transform. In order to address the remaining temporal correlation after BEVD processing, this approach is combined with subband decomposition through the use of oversampled filter banks. The resulting spatially and temporally decorrelated GSC beamformer provides further enhanced convergence speed over spatial or temporal decorrelation methods on their own

    Maximally Decimated Paraunitary Linear Phase FIR Filter Bank Design via Iterative SVD Approach

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    A necessary and sufficient condition for M-channel maximally decimated paraunitary FIRfilter banks is derived when the lengths of all the filters are the same and they are integer multiples of M. Based on the derived condition, a family of this kind of filter banks is defined. These results are also applied to the corresponding linear phase filter banks. Then, the design of this type of filter banks with the linear phase property is formulated as two orthogonal Procrustes optimization problems. The analytical solution of each optimization problem is derived based on a singular value decomposition approach. Since no numerical optimization computer aided design tool is required for finding the analytical solution of each optimization problem, the computational power required for our proposed method is much lower than that for existing methods. Computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed method can obtain a design instantaneously