3 research outputs found

    A Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for the Schrijver Problem

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    The Schrijver graph S(n,k)S(n,k) is defined for integers nn and kk with nβ‰₯2kn \geq 2k as the graph whose vertices are all the kk-subsets of {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} that do not include two consecutive elements modulo nn, where two such sets are adjacent if they are disjoint. A result of Schrijver asserts that the chromatic number of S(n,k)S(n,k) is nβˆ’2k+2n-2k+2 (Nieuw Arch. Wiskd., 1978). In the computational Schrijver problem, we are given an access to a coloring of the vertices of S(n,k)S(n,k) with nβˆ’2k+1n-2k+1 colors, and the goal is to find a monochromatic edge. The Schrijver problem is known to be complete in the complexity class PPA\mathsf{PPA}. We prove that it can be solved by a randomized algorithm with running time nO(1)β‹…kO(k)n^{O(1)} \cdot k^{O(k)}, hence it is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the parameter kk.Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2204.0676

    On the maximum degree of induced subgraphs of the Kneser graph

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    For integers nβ‰₯kβ‰₯1n \geq k \geq 1, the {\em Kneser graph} K(n,k)K(n, k) is the graph with vertex-set consisting of all the kk-element subsets of {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\}, where two kk-element sets are adjacent in K(n,k)K(n,k) if they are disjoint. We show that if (n,k,s)∈N3(n,k,s) \in \mathbb{N}^3 with n>10000ks5n > 10000 k s^5 and F\mathcal{F} is set of vertices of K(n,k)K(n,k) of size larger than {AβŠ‚{1,2,…,n}: ∣A∣=k,Β A∩{1,2,…,s}β‰ βˆ…}\{A \subset \{1,2,\ldots,n\}:\ |A|=k,\ A \cap \{1,2,\ldots,s\} \neq \varnothing\}, then the subgraph of K(n,k)K(n,k) induced by F\mathcal{F} has maximum degree at least (1βˆ’O(s3k/n))ss+1β‹…(nβˆ’kk)β‹…βˆ£F∣(nk). \left(1 - O\left(\sqrt{s^3 k/n}\right)\right)\frac{s}{s+1} \cdot {n-k \choose k} \cdot \frac{|\mathcal{F}|}{\binom{n}{k}}. This is sharp up to the behaviour of the error term O(s3k/n)O(\sqrt{s^3 k/n}). In particular, if the triple of integers (n,k,s)(n, k, s) satisfies the condition above, then the minimum maximum degree does not increase `continuously' with ∣F∣|\mathcal{F}|. Instead, it has ss jumps, one at each time when ∣F∣|\mathcal{F}| becomes just larger than the union of ii stars, for i=1,2,…,si = 1, 2, \ldots, s. An appealing special case of the above result is that if F\mathcal{F} is a family of kk-element subsets of {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} with ∣F∣=(nβˆ’1kβˆ’1)+1|\mathcal{F}| = {n-1 \choose k-1}+1, then there exists A∈FA \in \mathcal{F} such that F\mathcal{F} is disjoint from at least (1/2βˆ’O(k/n))(nβˆ’kβˆ’1kβˆ’1)\left(1/2-O\left(\sqrt{k/n}\right)\right){n-k-1 \choose k-1} of the other sets in F\mathcal{F}; this is asymptotically sharp if k=o(n)k=o(n). Frankl and Kupavskii, using different methods, have recently proven closely related results under the hypothesis that nn is at least quadratic in kk.Comment: 29 pages. Minor corrections; references added; added an explanation of how the main result essentially solves a problem of Gerbner, Lemons, Palmer, Patk\'os and Sz\'ecs