7 research outputs found

    Maximal Sharing in the Lambda Calculus with letrec

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    Increasing sharing in programs is desirable to compactify the code, and to avoid duplication of reduction work at run-time, thereby speeding up execution. We show how a maximal degree of sharing can be obtained for programs expressed as terms in the lambda calculus with letrec. We introduce a notion of `maximal compactness' for lambda-letrec-terms among all terms with the same infinite unfolding. Instead of defined purely syntactically, this notion is based on a graph semantics. lambda-letrec-terms are interpreted as first-order term graphs so that unfolding equivalence between terms is preserved and reflected through bisimilarity of the term graph interpretations. Compactness of the term graphs can then be compared via functional bisimulation. We describe practical and efficient methods for the following two problems: transforming a lambda-letrec-term into a maximally compact form; and deciding whether two lambda-letrec-terms are unfolding-equivalent. The transformation of a lambda-letrec-term LL into maximally compact form L0L_0 proceeds in three steps: (i) translate L into its term graph G=[[L]]G = [[ L ]]; (ii) compute the maximally shared form of GG as its bisimulation collapse G0G_0; (iii) read back a lambda-letrec-term L0L_0 from the term graph G0G_0 with the property [[L0]]=G0[[ L_0 ]] = G_0. This guarantees that L0L_0 and LL have the same unfolding, and that L0L_0 exhibits maximal sharing. The procedure for deciding whether two given lambda-letrec-terms L1L_1 and L2L_2 are unfolding-equivalent computes their term graph interpretations [[L1]][[ L_1 ]] and [[L2]][[ L_2 ]], and checks whether these term graphs are bisimilar. For illustration, we also provide a readily usable implementation.Comment: 18 pages, plus 19 pages appendi

    Nested Term Graphs (Work In Progress)

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    We report on work in progress on 'nested term graphs' for formalizing higher-order terms (e.g. finite or infinite lambda-terms), including those expressing recursion (e.g. terms in the lambda-calculus with letrec). The idea is to represent the nested scope structure of a higher-order term by a nested structure of term graphs. Based on a signature that is partitioned into atomic and nested function symbols, we define nested term graphs both in a functional representation, as tree-like recursive graph specifications that associate nested symbols with usual term graphs, and in a structural representation, as enriched term graph structures. These definitions induce corresponding notions of bisimulation between nested term graphs. Our main result states that nested term graphs can be implemented faithfully by first-order term graphs. keywords: higher-order term graphs, context-free grammars, cyclic lambda-terms, higher-order rewrite systemsComment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2014, arXiv:1505.0681

    (Leftmost-Outermost) Beta Reduction is Invariant, Indeed

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    Slot and van Emde Boas' weak invariance thesis states that reasonable machines can simulate each other within a polynomially overhead in time. Is lambda-calculus a reasonable machine? Is there a way to measure the computational complexity of a lambda-term? This paper presents the first complete positive answer to this long-standing problem. Moreover, our answer is completely machine-independent and based over a standard notion in the theory of lambda-calculus: the length of a leftmost-outermost derivation to normal form is an invariant cost model. Such a theorem cannot be proved by directly relating lambda-calculus with Turing machines or random access machines, because of the size explosion problem: there are terms that in a linear number of steps produce an exponentially long output. The first step towards the solution is to shift to a notion of evaluation for which the length and the size of the output are linearly related. This is done by adopting the linear substitution calculus (LSC), a calculus of explicit substitutions modeled after linear logic proof nets and admitting a decomposition of leftmost-outermost derivations with the desired property. Thus, the LSC is invariant with respect to, say, random access machines. The second step is to show that LSC is invariant with respect to the lambda-calculus. The size explosion problem seems to imply that this is not possible: having the same notions of normal form, evaluation in the LSC is exponentially longer than in the lambda-calculus. We solve such an impasse by introducing a new form of shared normal form and shared reduction, deemed useful. Useful evaluation avoids those steps that only unshare the output without contributing to beta-redexes, i.e. the steps that cause the blow-up in size. The main technical contribution of the paper is indeed the definition of useful reductions and the thorough analysis of their properties.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1405.331

    On the Relative Usefulness of Fireballs

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    In CSL-LICS 2014, Accattoli and Dal Lago showed that there is an implementation of the ordinary (i.e. strong, pure, call-by-name) λ\lambda-calculus into models like RAM machines which is polynomial in the number of β\beta-steps, answering a long-standing question. The key ingredient was the use of a calculus with useful sharing, a new notion whose complexity was shown to be polynomial, but whose implementation was not explored. This paper, meant to be complementary, studies useful sharing in a call-by-value scenario and from a practical point of view. We introduce the Fireball Calculus, a natural extension of call-by-value to open terms for which the problem is as hard as for the ordinary lambda-calculus. We present three results. First, we adapt the solution of Accattoli and Dal Lago, improving the meta-theory of useful sharing. Then, we refine the picture by introducing the GLAMoUr, a simple abstract machine implementing the Fireball Calculus extended with useful sharing. Its key feature is that usefulness of a step is tested---surprisingly---in constant time. Third, we provide a further optimization that leads to an implementation having only a linear overhead with respect to the number of β\beta-steps.Comment: Technical report for the LICS 2015 submission with the same titl

    A Complete Proof System for 1-Free Regular Expressions Modulo Bisimilarity

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    Robin Milner (1984) gave a sound proof system for bisimilarity of regular expressions interpreted as processes: Basic Process Algebra with unary Kleene star iteration, deadlock 0, successful termination 1, and a fixed-point rule. He asked whether this system is complete. Despite intensive research over the last 35 years, the problem is still open. This paper gives a partial positive answer to Milner's problem. We prove that the adaptation of Milner's system over the subclass of regular expressions that arises by dropping the constant 1, and by changing to binary Kleene star iteration is complete. The crucial tool we use is a graph structure property that guarantees expressibility of a process graph by a regular expression, and is preserved by going over from a process graph to its bisimulation collapse

    Maximal Sharing in the Lambda Calculus with Letrec

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    Increasing sharing in programs is desirable to compactify the code, and to avoid duplication of reduction work at run-time, thereby speeding up execution. We show how a maximal degree of sharing can be obtained for programs expressed as terms in the lambda calculus with letrec. We introduce a notion of 'maximal compactness' for