4 research outputs found

    Accelerating Parallel Verification via Complementary Property Partitioning and Strategy Exploration

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    Industrial hardware verification tasks often require checking a large number of properties within a testbench. Verification tools often utilize parallelism in their solving orchestration to improve scalability, either in portfolio mode where different solver strategies run concurrently, or in partitioning mode where disjoint property subsets are verified independently. While most tools focus solely upon reducing end-to-end walltime, reducing overall CPU-time is a comparably-important goal influencing power consumption, competition for available machines, and IT costs. Portfolio approaches often degrade into highly-redundant work across processes, where similar strategies address properties in nearly-identical order. Partitioning should take property affinity into account, atomically verifying high-affinity properties to minimize redundant work of applying identical strategies on individual properties with nearly-identical logic cones. In this paper, we improve multi-property parallel verification with respect to both wall- and CPU-time. We extend affinity-based partitioning to guarantee complete utilization of available processes, with provable partition quality. We propose methods to minimize redundant computation, and dynamically optimize work distribution. We deploy our techniques in a sequential redundancy removal framework, using localization to solve non-inductive properties. Our techniques offer a median 2.4Ă— speedup yielding 18.1% more property solves, as demonstrated by extensive experiments

    IC3-Guided Abstraction

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    Abstract-Localization is a powerful automated abstraction-refinement technique to reduce the complexity of property checking. This process is often guided by SATbased bounded model checking, using counterexamples obtained on the abstract model, proofs obtained on the original model, or a combination of both to select irrelevant logic. In this paper, we propose the use of bounded invariants obtained during an incomplete IC3 run to derive higher-quality abstractions for complex problems. Experiments confirm that this approach yields significantly smaller abstractions in many cases, and that the resulting abstract models are often easier to verify

    Model checking large design spaces: Theory, tools, and experiments

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    In the early stages of design, there are frequently many different models of the system under development constituting a design space. The different models arise out of a need to weigh different design choices, to check core capabilities of system versions with varying features, or to analyze a future version against previous ones in the product line. Every unique combinations of choices yields competing system models that differ in terms of assumptions, implementations, and configurations. Formal verification techniques, like model checking, can aid system development by systematically comparing the different models in terms of functional correctness, however, applying model checking off-the-shelf may not scale due to the large size of the design spaces for today’s complex systems. We present scalable algorithms for design-space exploration using model checking that enable exhaustive comparison of all competing models in large design spaces. Model checking a design space entails checking multiple models and properties. Given a formal representation of the design space and properties expressing system specifications, we present algorithms that automatically prune the design space by finding inter-model relationships and property dependencies. Our design-space reduction technique is compatible with off-the-shelf model checkers, and only requires checking a small subset of models and properties to provide verification results for every model-property pair in the original design space. We evaluate our methodology on case-studies from NASA and Boeing; our techniques offer up to 9.4× speedup compared to traditional approaches. We observe that sequential enumeration of the design space generates models with small incremental differences. Typical model-checking algorithms do not take advantage of this information; they end up re-verifying “already-explored” state spaces across models. We present algorithms that learn and reuse information from solving related models against a property in sequential model-checking runs. We formalize heuristics to maximize reuse between runs by efficient “hashing” of models. Extensive experiments show that information reuse boosts runtime performance of sequential model-checking by up to 5.48×. Model checking design spaces often mandates checking several properties on individual models. State-of-the-art tools do not optimally exploit subproblem sharing between properties, leaving an opportunity to save verification resource via concurrent verification of “nearly-identical” properties. We present a near-linear runtime algorithm for partitioning properties into provably high-affinity groups for individual model-checking tasks. The verification effort expended for one property in a group can be directly reused to accelerate the verification of the others. The high-affinity groups may be refined based on semantic feedback, to provide an optimal multi-property localization solution. Our techniques significantly improve multi-property model-checking performance, and often yield \u3e4.0× speedup. Building upon these ideas, we optimize parallel verification to maximize the benefits of our proposed techniques. Model checking tools utilize parallelism, either in portfolio mode where different algorithm strategies run concurrently, or in partitioning mode where disjoint property subsets are verified independently. However, both approaches often degrade into highly-redundant work across processes, or under-utilize available processes. We propose methods to minimize redundant computation, and dynamically optimize work distribution when checking multiple properties for individual models. Our techniques offer a median 2.4× speedup for complex parallel verification tasks with thousands of properties

    Maximal input reduction of sequential netlists via synergistic reparameterization and localization strategies

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    Abstract. Automatic formal verification techniques generally require exponential resources with respect to the number of primary inputs of a netlist. In this paper, we present several fully-automated techniques to enable maximal input reductions of sequential netlists. First, we present a novel min-cut based localization refinement scheme for yielding a safely overapproximated netlist with minimal input count. Second, we present a novel form of reparameterization: as a trace-equivalence preserving structural abstraction, which provably renders a netlist with input count at most a constant factor of register count. In contrast to prior research in reparameterization to offset input growth during symbolic simulation, we are the first to explore this technique as a structural transformation for sequential netlists, enabling its benefits to general verification flows. In particular, we detail the synergy between these input-reducing abstractions, and with other transformations such as retiming which – as with traditional localization approaches – risks substantially increasing input count as a byproduct of its register reductions. Experiments confirm that the complementary reduction strategy enabled by our techniques is necessary for iteratively reducing large problems while keeping both proof-fatal design size metrics – register count and input count – within reasonable limits, ultimately enabling an efficient automated solution.