88,402 research outputs found

    An Embedding-based Approach to Inconsistency-tolerant Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies

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    Inconsistency handling is an important issue in knowledge management. Especially in ontology engineering, logical inconsistencies may occur during ontology construction. A natural way to reason with an inconsistent ontology is to utilize the maximal consistent subsets of the ontology. However, previous studies on selecting maximum consistent subsets have rarely considered the semantics of the axioms, which may result in irrational inference. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to reasoning with inconsistent ontologies in description logics based on the embeddings of axioms. We first give a method for turning axioms into distributed semantic vectors to compute the semantic connections between the axioms. We then define an embedding-based method for selecting the maximum consistent subsets and use it to define an inconsistency-tolerant inference relation. We show the rationality of our inference relation by considering some logical properties. Finally, we conduct experiments on several ontologies to evaluate the reasoning power of our inference relation. The experimental results show that our embedding-based method can outperform existing inconsistency-tolerant reasoning methods based on maximal consistent subsets.Comment: 9 pages,1 figur

    Consistent Rationalizability

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    Consistency of a binary relation requires any preference cycle to involve indifference only. As shown by Suzumura (1976b), consistency is necessary and sufficient for the existence of an ordering extension of a relation. Because of this important role of consistency, it is of interest to examine the rationalizability of choice functions by means of consistent relations. We describe the logical relationships between the different notions of rationalizability obtained if reflexivity or completeness are added to consistency, both for greatest-element rationalizability and for maximal-element rationalizability. All but one notion of consistent rationalizability are characterized for general domains, and all of them are characterized for domains that contain all two-element subsets of the universal set.Rational Choice, Consistency, Binary Domains

    A Dichotomy on the Complexity of Consistent Query Answering for Atoms with Simple Keys

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    We study the problem of consistent query answering under primary key violations. In this setting, the relations in a database violate the key constraints and we are interested in maximal subsets of the database that satisfy the constraints, which we call repairs. For a boolean query Q, the problem CERTAINTY(Q) asks whether every such repair satisfies the query or not; the problem is known to be always in coNP for conjunctive queries. However, there are queries for which it can be solved in polynomial time. It has been conjectured that there exists a dichotomy on the complexity of CERTAINTY(Q) for conjunctive queries: it is either in PTIME or coNP-complete. In this paper, we prove that the conjecture is indeed true for the case of conjunctive queries without self-joins, where each atom has as a key either a single attribute (simple key) or all attributes of the atom

    A modal proof theory for final polynomial coalgebras

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    AbstractAn infinitary proof theory is developed for modal logics whose models are coalgebras of polynomial functors on the category of sets. The canonical model method from modal logic is adapted to construct a final coalgebra for any polynomial functor. The states of this final coalgebra are certain “maximal” sets of formulas that have natural syntactic closure properties.The syntax of these logics extends that of previously developed modal languages for polynomial coalgebras by adding formulas that express the “termination” of certain functions induced by transition paths. A completeness theorem is proven for the logic of functors which have the Lindenbaum property that every consistent set of formulas has a maximal extension. This property is shown to hold if the deducibility relation is generated by countably many inference rules.A counter-example to completeness is also given. This is a polynomial functor that is not Lindenbaum: it has an uncountable set of formulas that is deductively consistent but has no maximal extension and is unsatisfiable, even though all of its countable subsets are satisfiable

    Towards the unification of inconsistency handling mechanisms

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    It is shown that the (flat) consequence relations defined from the Rescher-Manor Mechanism (that is: in terms of maximal consistent subsets of the premises) are all inconsistency-adaptive logics combined with a specific interpretation schema for the premises. Each of the adaptive logics is obtained by applying a suitable adaptive strategy to the paraconsistent logic CLuN.This result provides all those consequence relations with a (dynamic) proof theory and with a static (as well as a dynamic) semantics.

    Belief Integration and Source Reliability Assessment

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    Merging beliefs requires the plausibility of the sources of the information to be merged. They are typically assumed equally reliable when nothing suggests otherwise. A recent line of research has spun from the idea of deriving this information from the revision process itself. In particular, the history of previous revisions and previous merging examples provide information for performing subsequent merging operations. Yet, no examples or previous revisions may be available. In spite of the apparent lack of information, something can still be inferred by a try-and-check approach: a relative reliability ordering is assumed, the sources are integrated according to it and the result is compared with the original information. The final check may contradict the original ordering, like when the result of merging implies the negation of a formula coming from a source initially assumed reliable, or it implies a formula coming from a source assumed unreliable. In such cases, the reliability ordering assumed in the first place can be excluded from consideration. Such a scenario is proved real under the classifications of source reliability and definitions of belief integration considered in this article: sources divided in two, three or multiple reliability classes; integration is mostly by maximal consistent subsets but also weighted distance is considered. Other results mainly concern the integration by maximal consistent subsets and partitions of two and three reliability classes
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