201 research outputs found

    Multicommodity flows and polyhedra

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    Min-max results in combinatorial optimization

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    Unified greedy approximability beyond submodular maximization

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    We consider classes of objective functions of cardinality constrained maximization problems for which the greedy algorithm guarantees a constant approximation. We propose the new class of γ\gamma-α\alpha-augmentable functions and prove that it encompasses several important subclasses, such as functions of bounded submodularity ratio, α\alpha-augmentable functions, and weighted rank functions of an independence system of bounded rank quotient - as well as additional objective functions for which the greedy algorithm yields an approximation. For this general class of functions, we show a tight bound of αγ⋅eαeα−1\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}\cdot\frac{\mathrm{e}^\alpha}{\mathrm{e}^\alpha-1} on the approximation ratio of the greedy algorithm that tightly interpolates between bounds from the literature for functions of bounded submodularity ratio and for α\alpha-augmentable functions. In paritcular, as a by-product, we close a gap left in [Math.Prog., 2020] by obtaining a tight lower bound for α\alpha-augmentable functions for all α≥1\alpha\geq1. For weighted rank functions of independence systems, our tight bound becomes αγ\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}, which recovers the known bound of 1/q1/q for independence systems of rank quotient at least qq

    Vertex Sparsification for Edge Connectivity in Polynomial Time

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    Wide partitions, Latin tableaux, and Rota's basis conjecture

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    Say that mu is a ``subpartition'' of an integer partition lambda if the multiset of parts of mu is a submultiset of the parts of lambda, and define an integer partition lambda to be ``wide'' if for every subpartition mu of lambda, mu >= mu' in dominance order (where mu' denotes the conjugate or transpose of mu). Then Brian Taylor and the first author have conjectured that an integer partition lambda is wide if and only if there exists a tableau of shape lambda such that (1) for all i, the entries in the ith row of the tableau are precisely the integers from 1 to lambda_i inclusive, and (2) for all j, the entries in the jth column of the tableau are pairwise distinct. This conjecture was originally motivated by Rota's basis conjecture and, if true, yields a new class of integer multiflow problems that satisfy max-flow min-cut and integrality. Wide partitions also yield a class of graphs that satisfy ``delta-conjugacy'' (in the sense of Greene and Kleitman), and the above conjecture implies that these graphs furthermore have a completely saturated stable set partition. We present several partial results, but the conjecture remains very much open.Comment: Joined forces with Goemans and Vondrak---several new partial results; 28 pages, submitted to Adv. Appl. Mat
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