692 research outputs found

    Duality Preserving Gray Maps for Codes over Rings

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    Given a finite ring AA which is a free left module over a subring RR of AA, two types of RR-bases, pseudo-self-dual bases (similar to trace orthogonal bases) and symmetric bases, are defined which in turn are used to define duality preserving maps from codes over AA to codes over RR. Both types of bases are generalizations of similar concepts for fields. Many illustrative examples are given to shed light on the advantages to such mappings as well as their abundance

    Fourier-Reflexive Partitions and MacWilliams Identities for Additive Codes

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    A partition of a finite abelian group gives rise to a dual partition on the character group via the Fourier transform. Properties of the dual partitions are investigated and a convenient test is given for the case that the bidual partition coincides the primal partition. Such partitions permit MacWilliams identities for the partition enumerators of additive codes. It is shown that dualization commutes with taking products and symmetrized products of partitions on cartesian powers of the given group. After translating the results to Frobenius rings, which are identified with their character module, the approach is applied to partitions that arise from poset structures

    MacWilliams' Extension Theorem for Bi-Invariant Weights over Finite Principal Ideal Rings

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    A finite ring R and a weight w on R satisfy the Extension Property if every R-linear w-isometry between two R-linear codes in R^n extends to a monomial transformation of R^n that preserves w. MacWilliams proved that finite fields with the Hamming weight satisfy the Extension Property. It is known that finite Frobenius rings with either the Hamming weight or the homogeneous weight satisfy the Extension Property. Conversely, if a finite ring with the Hamming or homogeneous weight satisfies the Extension Property, then the ring is Frobenius. This paper addresses the question of a characterization of all bi-invariant weights on a finite ring that satisfy the Extension Property. Having solved this question in previous papers for all direct products of finite chain rings and for matrix rings, we have now arrived at a characterization of these weights for finite principal ideal rings, which form a large subclass of the finite Frobenius rings. We do not assume commutativity of the rings in question.Comment: 12 page
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