80,516 research outputs found

    A quantum mechanical version of Price's theorem for Gaussian states

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    This paper is concerned with integro-differential identities which are known in statistical signal processing as Price's theorem for expectations of nonlinear functions of jointly Gaussian random variables. We revisit these relations for classical variables by using the Frechet differentiation with respect to covariance matrices, and then show that Price's theorem carries over to a quantum mechanical setting. The quantum counterpart of the theorem is established for Gaussian quantum states in the framework of the Weyl functional calculus for quantum variables satisfying the Heisenberg canonical commutation relations. The quantum mechanical version of Price's theorem relates the Frechet derivative of the generalized moment of such variables with respect to the real part of their quantum covariance matrix with other moments. As an illustrative example, we consider these relations for quadratic-exponential moments which are relevant to risk-sensitive quantum control.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the Australian Control Conference, 17-18 November 2014, Canberra, Australi

    Hessian and concavity of mutual information, differential entropy, and entropy power in linear vector Gaussian channels

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    Within the framework of linear vector Gaussian channels with arbitrary signaling, closed-form expressions for the Jacobian of the minimum mean square error and Fisher information matrices with respect to arbitrary parameters of the system are calculated in this paper. Capitalizing on prior research where the minimum mean square error and Fisher information matrices were linked to information-theoretic quantities through differentiation, closed-form expressions for the Hessian of the mutual information and the differential entropy are derived. These expressions are then used to assess the concavity properties of mutual information and differential entropy under different channel conditions and also to derive a multivariate version of the entropy power inequality due to Costa.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. A shorter version of this paper is to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A simple approach to counterterms in N=8 supergravity

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    We present a simple systematic method to study candidate counterterms in N=8 supergravity. Complicated details of the counterterm operators are avoided because we work with the on-shell matrix elements they produce. All n-point matrix elements of an independent SUSY invariant operator of the form D^{2k} R^n +... must be local and satisfy SUSY Ward identities. These are strong constraints, and we test directly whether or not matrix elements with these properties can be constructed. If not, then the operator does not have a supersymmetrization, and it is excluded as a potential counterterm. For n>4, we find that R^n, D^2 R^n, D^4 R^n, and D^6 R^n are excluded as counterterms of MHV amplitudes, while only R^n and D^2 R^n are excluded at the NMHV level. As a consequence, for loop order L<7, there are no independent D^{2k}R^n counterterms with n>4. If an operator is not ruled out, our method constructs an explicit superamplitude for its matrix elements. This is done for the 7-loop D^4 R^6 operator at the NMHV level and in other cases. We also initiate the study of counterterms without leading pure-graviton matrix elements, which can occur beyond the MHV level. The landscape of excluded/allowed candidate counterterms is summarized in a colorful chart.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Algebra of Observables for Identical Particles in One Dimension

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    The algebra of observables for identical particles on a line is formulated starting from postulated basic commutation relations. A realization of this algebra in the Calogero model was previously known. New realizations are presented here in terms of differentiation operators and in terms of SU(N)-invariant observables of the Hermitian matrix models. Some particular structure properties of the algebra are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, uses epsf, 1 eps figure include

    Discrete transformation for matrix 3-waves problem in three dimensional space

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    Discrete transformation for 3- waves problem is constructed in explicit form. Generalization of this system on the matrix case in three dimensional space together with corresponding discrete transformation is presented also.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page

    *-Structures on Braided Spaces

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    *-structures on quantum and braided spaces of the type defined via an R-matrix are studied. These include qq-Minkowski and qq-Euclidean spaces as additive braided groups. The duality between the *-braided groups of vectors and covectors is proved and some first applications to braided geometry are made.Comment: 20 page

    Geometrical foundations of fractional supersymmetry

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    A deformed qq-calculus is developed on the basis of an algebraic structure involving graded brackets. A number operator and left and right shift operators are constructed for this algebra, and the whole structure is related to the algebra of a qq-deformed boson. The limit of this algebra when qq is a nn-th root of unity is also studied in detail. By means of a chain rule expansion, the left and right derivatives are identified with the charge QQ and covariant derivative DD encountered in ordinary/fractional supersymmetry and this leads to new results for these operators. A generalized Berezin integral and fractional superspace measure arise as a natural part of our formalism. When qq is a root of unity the algebra is found to have a non-trivial Hopf structure, extending that associated with the anyonic line. One-dimensional ordinary/fractional superspace is identified with the braided line when qq is a root of unity, so that one-dimensional ordinary/fractional supersymmetry can be viewed as invariance under translation along this line. In our construction of fractional supersymmetry the qq-deformed bosons play a role exactly analogous to that of the fermions in the familiar supersymmetric case.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.